Uses of Interface

Packages that use Envelope
org.deegree.coverage.raster Provides for simple and complex raster (grid coverages). 

Uses of Envelope in org.deegree.coverage

Methods in org.deegree.coverage that return Envelope
 Envelope Coverage.getEnvelope()
          Returns the (spatial) domain of this coverage.
 Envelope AbstractCoverage.getEnvelope()

Methods in org.deegree.coverage with parameters of type Envelope
protected  void AbstractCoverage.extendEnvelope(Envelope envelope)
          Extend the envelope of the coverage.
 AbstractRaster Coverage.getAsRaster(Envelope spatialExtent, SampleResolution resolution, InterpolationType interpolation)
          Get a rasterized extent of this coverage by applying the given sample resolution to the given spatial extent of the coverage and applying the given interpolation if needed.
protected  void AbstractCoverage.setEnvelope(Envelope envelope)

Constructors in org.deegree.coverage with parameters of type Envelope
AbstractCoverage(Envelope envelope)
          Instantiate an AbstractCoverage with given envelope.
AbstractCoverage(Envelope envelope, SupplementProperties supplementProperties)
          Instantiate an AbstractCoverage with given envelope, rangeset and SupplementProperties.

Uses of Envelope in org.deegree.coverage.raster

Methods in org.deegree.coverage.raster that return Envelope
 Envelope MultiResolutionRaster.getEnvelope()
 Envelope TiledRaster.getEnvelope()

Methods in org.deegree.coverage.raster with parameters of type Envelope
protected  void AbstractRaster.checkBounds(Envelope envelope)
          Checks if the coverage contains the envelope.
 SimpleRaster SimpleRaster.createCompatibleSimpleRaster(RasterGeoReference rEnv, Envelope env)
          Creates a new empty SimpleRaster with same DataType and InterleaveType.
 RasterGeoReference SampleResolution.createGeoReference(RasterGeoReference.OriginLocation location, Envelope envelope)
          Create a raster reference for the given envelope from this resolution.
 AbstractRaster MultiResolutionRaster.getAsRaster(Envelope spatialExtent, SampleResolution resolution, InterpolationType interpolation)
 AbstractRaster AbstractRaster.getAsRaster(Envelope spatialExtent, SampleResolution resolution, InterpolationType interpolation)
abstract  AbstractRaster AbstractRaster.getSubRaster(Envelope subsetEnv)
          Returns a subset of the raster, note this is a view on the given raster.
 TiledRaster TiledRaster.getSubRaster(Envelope env)
 MultiRangedRaster MultiRangedRaster.getSubRaster(Envelope env)
 SimpleRaster SimpleRaster.getSubRaster(Envelope envelope)
abstract  AbstractRaster AbstractRaster.getSubRaster(Envelope subsetEnv, BandType[] bands)
          Returns a subset of the raster, note this is a view on the given raster.
 TiledRaster TiledRaster.getSubRaster(Envelope env, BandType[] bands)
 MultiRangedRaster MultiRangedRaster.getSubRaster(Envelope env, BandType[] bands)
 SimpleRaster SimpleRaster.getSubRaster(Envelope envelope, BandType[] bands)
abstract  AbstractRaster AbstractRaster.getSubRaster(Envelope subsetEnv, BandType[] bands, RasterGeoReference.OriginLocation targetOrigin)
          Returns a subset of the raster, note this is a view on the given raster.
 TiledRaster TiledRaster.getSubRaster(Envelope env, BandType[] bands, RasterGeoReference.OriginLocation targetLocation)
          Get a subraster which has it's origin location at the given location.
 MultiRangedRaster MultiRangedRaster.getSubRaster(Envelope env, BandType[] bands, RasterGeoReference.OriginLocation targetLocation)
 SimpleRaster SimpleRaster.getSubRaster(Envelope envelope, BandType[] bands, RasterGeoReference.OriginLocation targetLocation)
 AbstractRaster MultiResolutionRaster.getSubset(Envelope envelope, double resolution)
          Returns a subset of the raster for a given resolution.
abstract  void AbstractRaster.setSubRaster(Envelope env, AbstractRaster source)
          Sets the raster with data from source.
 void TiledRaster.setSubRaster(Envelope envelope, AbstractRaster source)
 void MultiRangedRaster.setSubRaster(Envelope env, AbstractRaster source)
 void SimpleRaster.setSubRaster(Envelope env, AbstractRaster source)
abstract  void AbstractRaster.setSubRaster(Envelope env, int dstBand, AbstractRaster source)
          Sets a single band with data from source.
 void TiledRaster.setSubRaster(Envelope env, int dstBand, AbstractRaster source)
 void MultiRangedRaster.setSubRaster(Envelope env, int dstBand, AbstractRaster source)
 void SimpleRaster.setSubRaster(Envelope env, int dstBand, AbstractRaster source)
 AbstractRaster RasterTransformer.transform(AbstractRaster sourceRaster, Envelope dstEnvelope, int dstWidth, int dstHeight, InterpolationType interpolationType)
          Creates a transformed raster from a given source raster.

Constructors in org.deegree.coverage.raster with parameters of type Envelope
AbstractRaster(Envelope envelope)
          Instantiate an AbstractRaster with given envelope.
AbstractRaster(Envelope envelope, RasterGeoReference rasterReference)
          Instantiate an AbstractRaster with given envelope and raster envelope.
SimpleRaster(Envelope envelope, RasterGeoReference rasterReference)
          Create a SimpleRaster with no raster data but with an envelope and raster envelope.
SimpleRaster(RasterData raster, Envelope envelope, RasterGeoReference rasterReference)
          Creates a new SimpleRaster with given RasterData and Envelope

Uses of Envelope in org.deegree.coverage.raster.container

Methods in org.deegree.coverage.raster.container that return Envelope
 Envelope GriddedTileContainer.getEnvelope()
 Envelope DiskBasedTileContainer.getEnvelope()
 Envelope IndexedMemoryTileContainer.getEnvelope()
 Envelope TileContainer.getEnvelope()
          Returns the envelope of all tiles in this container.
 Envelope MemoryTileContainer.getEnvelope()
protected  Envelope GriddedTileContainer.getTileEnvelope(int rowId, int columnId)
          Calculates the envelope for a tile at a given position in the grid.

Methods in org.deegree.coverage.raster.container with parameters of type Envelope
 List<AbstractRaster> GriddedTileContainer.getTiles(Envelope env)
 List<AbstractRaster> DiskBasedTileContainer.getTiles(Envelope env)
 List<AbstractRaster> IndexedMemoryTileContainer.getTiles(Envelope env)
 List<AbstractRaster> TileContainer.getTiles(Envelope env)
          Returns all tiles that intersects the envelope.
 List<AbstractRaster> MemoryTileContainer.getTiles(Envelope env)

Constructors in org.deegree.coverage.raster.container with parameters of type Envelope
GriddedMemoryTileContainer(RasterGeoReference.OriginLocation location, Envelope envelope, int rows, int columns, int tileSamplesX, int tileSamplesY, AbstractRaster[] cells)
          The memory based gridded tile container.
GriddedTileContainer(RasterGeoReference.OriginLocation location, Envelope envelope, int rows, int columns, int tileSamplesX, int tileSamplesY)
          Creates a new GriddedTileContainer instances.
IndexedMemoryTileContainer(Envelope domain, RasterGeoReference rasterReference, int objectsInLeaf)
          Uses a QTree as a spatial index.
MemoryTileContainer(RasterGeoReference geoRasterRef, Envelope envelope)
          Creates a MemoryTileContainer with no tiles.
MemoryTileContainer(RasterGeoReference geoRasterRef, Envelope envelope, RasterDataInfo rasterDataInfo)

Uses of Envelope in org.deegree.coverage.raster.geom

Methods in org.deegree.coverage.raster.geom that return Envelope
 Envelope Grid.getEnvelope()
 Envelope RasterGeoReference.getEnvelope(int width, int height, ICRS crs)
          Returns an Envelope for a raster with given size.
 Envelope RasterGeoReference.getEnvelope(RasterGeoReference.OriginLocation targetLocation, int width, int height, ICRS crs)
          Returns an Envelope for a raster with given size.
 Envelope RasterGeoReference.getEnvelope(RasterGeoReference.OriginLocation targetLocation, RasterRect rasterRect, ICRS crs)
          Returns an Envelope for a raster with given size and given x,y raster location.
 Envelope RasterGeoReference.getEnvelope(RasterRect rasterRect, ICRS crs)
          Returns an Envelope for a raster with given size and given x,y raster location.
 Envelope RasterGeoReference.relocateEnvelope(RasterGeoReference.OriginLocation targetLocation, Envelope envelope)
          Relocates the given minimum and maximum points of the given envelope to the target origin location definition.

Methods in org.deegree.coverage.raster.geom with parameters of type Envelope
 RasterRect RasterGeoReference.convertEnvelopeToRasterCRS(Envelope envelope)
          Converts an envelope in world coordinates to raster coordinates, note the envelope in world coordinates is defined over min/max (lower left/upper right), whereas a RasterRect is defined as min(upperleft) with a width and height.
static RasterGeoReference RasterGeoReference.create(RasterGeoReference.OriginLocation location, Envelope envelope, double resolution0, double resolution1)
          Create a raster reference which has it's origin at the min[0] and max[1] of the given Envelope.
static RasterGeoReference RasterGeoReference.create(RasterGeoReference.OriginLocation location, Envelope envelope, int width, int height)
          Create a raster reference which has it's origin at the min[0] and max[1] of the given Envelope.
 RasterGeoReference RasterGeoReference.createRelocatedReference(Envelope envelope)
          Returns new RasterGeoReference with the origin set to the min[0],max[1] of the envelope but other values are taken from this instance.
 RasterGeoReference RasterGeoReference.createRelocatedReference(RasterGeoReference.OriginLocation targetLocation, Envelope envelope)
          Returns new RasterGeoReference with the origin set to the min[0],max[1] of the envelope and the OriginLocation to the given one.
static Grid Grid.fromRes(double resx, double resy, double resz, Envelope targetEnvelope)
          Create a Gird for the given pixel resolution and output envelope
static Grid Grid.fromSize(int width, int height, int depth, Envelope targetEnvelope)
          Create a Gird for the given grid size and output envelope
 int[] RasterGeoReference.getSize(Envelope env)
          Returns the size in pixel of a raster that extends within given Envelope.
 Envelope RasterGeoReference.relocateEnvelope(RasterGeoReference.OriginLocation targetLocation, Envelope envelope)
          Relocates the given minimum and maximum points of the given envelope to the target origin location definition.

Uses of Envelope in

Fields in declared as Envelope
protected  Envelope GridMetaInfoFile.envelope

Methods in that return Envelope
 Envelope GridReader.getEnvelope()
 Envelope GridMetaInfoFile.getEnvelope(RasterGeoReference.OriginLocation location)
protected  Envelope GridWriter.getTileEnvelope(int column, int row)
          Calculates the envelope for a tile at a given position in the grid.
protected  Envelope GridReader.getTileEnvelope(int column, int row)
          Calculates the envelope for a tile at a given position in the grid.

Methods in with parameters of type Envelope
 void GridMetaInfoFile.setEnvelope(Envelope envelope)
          Set the envelope

Constructors in with parameters of type Envelope
GridWriter(int targetColumns, int targetRows, Envelope rasterEnvelope, RasterGeoReference geoRef, File gridFile, RasterDataInfo dataInfo)
          Create a gridfile writer with the given parameters.

Uses of Envelope in org.deegree.coverage.raster.utils

Fields in org.deegree.coverage.raster.utils declared as Envelope
 Envelope RasterBuilder.QTreeInfo.envelope

Methods in org.deegree.coverage.raster.utils with parameters of type Envelope
static SimpleRaster RasterFactory.createEmptyRaster(RasterDataInfo rdi, Envelope worldEnvelope, RasterGeoReference rasterGeoReference)
          Creates a new Raster data object from the given world envelope, a raster reference and the data info object (holding information about type, size etc...).
static SimpleRaster RasterFactory.createEmptyRaster(RasterDataInfo rdi, Envelope worldEnvelope, RasterGeoReference rasterGeoReference, RasterReader reader, boolean addToCache, RasterIOOptions options)
          Creates a new Raster data object from the given world envelope, a raster reference and the data info object (holding information about type, size etc...).
static AbstractRaster RasterFactory.createRasterFromImage(RenderedImage image, Envelope envelope, RasterGeoReference.OriginLocation originLocation)
          Creates a simple raster from a given BufferedImage and sets the geo reference to the given envelope.
static AbstractRaster RasterFactory.createRasterFromImage(RenderedImage image, Envelope envelope, RasterGeoReference.OriginLocation originLocation, RasterIOOptions options)
          Creates a simple raster from a given BufferedImage and sets the geo reference to the given envelope.
static AbstractRaster CoverageTransform.transform(AbstractRaster raster, Envelope env, Grid grid, String interpolation)
          Returns a subset of the raster, transformed into to SRS of the target envelope.

Constructors in org.deegree.coverage.raster.utils with parameters of type Envelope
RasterBuilder.QTreeInfo(Envelope envelope, RasterGeoReference rasterGeoReference, int numberOfObjects)

Uses of Envelope in

Methods in that return Envelope
static Envelope RasterCommandUtils.parseBBOX(String bbox)
          Retruns an envelope for given bbox string.

Uses of Envelope in org.deegree.feature

Methods in org.deegree.feature that return Envelope
protected  Envelope AbstractFeature.calcEnvelope()
          Helper method for calculating the envelope of a feature.
protected  Envelope AbstractFeatureCollection.calcEnvelope()
 Envelope AbstractFeature.getEnvelope()
 Envelope Feature.getEnvelope()
          Returns the envelope of the feature.
 Envelope AbstractFeatureCollection.getEnvelope()

Uses of Envelope in org.deegree.feature.persistence

Methods in org.deegree.feature.persistence that return Envelope
 Envelope FeatureStore.calcEnvelope(QName ftName)
          Recalculates the envelope for all stored features of the given type.
static Envelope FeatureStores.getCombinedEnvelope(FeatureStore fs)
          Ignores all errors, tries to aggregate all envelopes of all feature types.
 Envelope FeatureStore.getEnvelope(QName ftName)
          Returns the envelope for all stored features of the given type.

Uses of Envelope in org.deegree.feature.persistence.cache

Methods in org.deegree.feature.persistence.cache that return Envelope
 Envelope BBoxCache.get(QName ftName)
          Returns the cached envelope for features of the specified type.
 Envelope BBoxPropertiesCache.get(QName ftName)

Methods in org.deegree.feature.persistence.cache with parameters of type Envelope
 void BBoxCache.set(QName ftName, Envelope bbox)
          Updates the envelope for the specified type.
 void BBoxPropertiesCache.set(QName ftName, Envelope bbox)

Uses of Envelope in org.deegree.feature.persistence.geocouch

Methods in org.deegree.feature.persistence.geocouch that return Envelope
 Envelope GeoCouchFeatureStore.calcEnvelope(QName ftName)
 Envelope GeoCouchFeatureStore.getEnvelope(QName ftName)

Uses of Envelope in org.deegree.feature.persistence.memory

Methods in org.deegree.feature.persistence.memory that return Envelope
 Envelope MemoryFeatureStore.calcEnvelope(QName ftName)
 Envelope MemoryFeatureStore.getEnvelope(QName ftName)

Uses of Envelope in org.deegree.feature.persistence.query

Methods in org.deegree.feature.persistence.query that return Envelope
 Envelope Query.getPrefilterBBox()
          Returns an Envelope suitable for performing a spatial pre-filtering step on the set of feature candidates.

Uses of Envelope in org.deegree.feature.persistence.remotewfs

Methods in org.deegree.feature.persistence.remotewfs that return Envelope
 Envelope RemoteWFSFeatureStore.calcEnvelope(QName ftName)
 Envelope RemoteWFSFeatureStore.getEnvelope(QName ftName)

Uses of Envelope in org.deegree.feature.persistence.shape

Methods in org.deegree.feature.persistence.shape that return Envelope
 Envelope ShapeFeatureStore.calcEnvelope(QName ftName)
 Envelope SHPReader.getEnvelope()
 Envelope ShapeFeatureStore.getEnvelope(QName ftName)

Methods in org.deegree.feature.persistence.shape with parameters of type Envelope
 LinkedList<Pair<Integer,Geometry>> SHPReader.query(Envelope bbox, boolean withGeometry, boolean exact)
 List<Pair<Integer,Long>> SHPReader.query(Envelope bbox, HashSet<Integer> ids)

Uses of Envelope in org.deegree.feature.persistence.simplesql

Methods in org.deegree.feature.persistence.simplesql that return Envelope
 Envelope SimpleSQLFeatureStore.calcEnvelope(QName ftName)
 Envelope SimpleSQLFeatureStore.getEnvelope(QName ftName)

Uses of Envelope in org.deegree.feature.persistence.sql

Methods in org.deegree.feature.persistence.sql that return Envelope
 Envelope SQLFeatureStore.calcEnvelope(QName ftName)
 Envelope SQLFeatureStore.getEnvelope(QName ftName)

Uses of Envelope in org.deegree.filter

Methods in org.deegree.filter that return types with arguments of type Envelope
static Pair<Filter,Envelope> Filters.splitOffBBoxConstraint(Filter filter)

Methods in org.deegree.filter with parameters of type Envelope
static Filter Filters.addBBoxConstraint(Envelope bbox, Filter filter, ValueReference propName)
          Adds a bounding box constraint to the given Filter.

Uses of Envelope in org.deegree.filter.spatial

Methods in org.deegree.filter.spatial that return Envelope
 Envelope BBOX.getBoundingBox()
          Returns the envelope which is tested for intersection.

Constructors in org.deegree.filter.spatial with parameters of type Envelope
BBOX(Envelope param2)
          Creates a new BBOX instance which uses the default geometry property and the specified bounding box.
BBOX(Expression param1, Envelope param2)
          Creates a new BBOX instance which uses the specified geometry property and bounding box.

Uses of Envelope in org.deegree.geometry

Methods in org.deegree.geometry that return Envelope
 Envelope SimpleGeometryFactory.createEnvelope(double[] min, double[] max, ICRS crs)
          Creates an Envelope.
 Envelope SimpleGeometryFactory.createEnvelope(double minx, double miny, double maxx, double maxy, ICRS crs)
          Creates an Envelope in 2D space.
 Envelope SimpleGeometryFactory.createEnvelope(List<Double> lowerCorner, List<Double> upperCorner, ICRS crs)
          Create an Envelope from a list of Doubles.
static Envelope GeometryTransformer.createValidDomain(ICRS sourceCRS)
          Creates an envelope in the given CRS of the Area of Use (defined in WGS84) of the given Coordinate System.
 Envelope Geometry.getEnvelope()
          Returns the minimal bounding box of the geometry.
 Envelope Envelope.merge(Envelope other)
          Merges this envelope with another envelope into a new one.

Methods in org.deegree.geometry with parameters of type Envelope
static GeometricPrimitive Geometries.getAsGeometry(Envelope env)
          Returns a corresponding GeometricPrimitive object for the given Envelope.
 Envelope Envelope.merge(Envelope other)
          Merges this envelope with another envelope into a new one.

Uses of Envelope in

Methods in with parameters of type Envelope
 void WKTWriter.writeEnvelope(Envelope envelope, Writer writer)
          TODO also for 3D

Uses of Envelope in org.deegree.geometry.metadata

Methods in org.deegree.geometry.metadata that return Envelope
static Envelope SpatialMetadataConverter.fromJaxb(EnvelopeType env)
 Envelope SpatialMetadata.getEnvelope()

Methods in org.deegree.geometry.metadata with parameters of type Envelope
 void SpatialMetadata.setEnvelope(Envelope envelope)

Constructors in org.deegree.geometry.metadata with parameters of type Envelope
SpatialMetadata(Envelope envelope, List<ICRS> coordinateSystems)

Uses of Envelope in org.deegree.geometry.refs

Methods in org.deegree.geometry.refs that return Envelope
 Envelope GeometryReference.getEnvelope()

Uses of Envelope in org.deegree.geometry.standard

Classes in org.deegree.geometry.standard that implement Envelope
 class DefaultEnvelope
          Default implementation of Envelope.

Fields in org.deegree.geometry.standard declared as Envelope
protected  Envelope AbstractDefaultGeometry.env

Methods in org.deegree.geometry.standard that return Envelope
 Envelope AbstractDefaultGeometry.getEnvelope()
 Envelope DefaultEnvelope.getEnvelope()
 Envelope DefaultEnvelope.merge(Envelope other)

Methods in org.deegree.geometry.standard with parameters of type Envelope
 Envelope DefaultEnvelope.merge(Envelope other)

Uses of Envelope in org.deegree.geometry.standard.multi

Methods in org.deegree.geometry.standard.multi that return Envelope
 Envelope DefaultMultiGeometry.getEnvelope()

Uses of Envelope in org.deegree.geometry.standard.primitive

Methods in org.deegree.geometry.standard.primitive that return Envelope
 Envelope DefaultOrientableCurve.getEnvelope()
 Envelope DefaultOrientableSurface.getEnvelope()
 Envelope DefaultSolid.getEnvelope()
 Envelope DefaultPoint.getEnvelope()

Uses of Envelope in org.deegree.geometry.utils

Methods in org.deegree.geometry.utils that return Envelope
static Envelope GeometryUtils.createConvertedEnvelope(Envelope sourceEnvelope, ICRS targetCRS)
          Converts the given Envelope into an envelope with the given coordinate system.
static Envelope GeometryUtils.createEnvelope(float[] env, CRS crs)

Methods in org.deegree.geometry.utils with parameters of type Envelope
static Envelope GeometryUtils.createConvertedEnvelope(Envelope sourceEnvelope, ICRS targetCRS)
          Converts the given Envelope into an envelope with the given coordinate system.
static float[] GeometryUtils.createEnvelope(Envelope validDomain)
          Creates float array out of an envelope (Geometry).
static Polygon GeometryUtils.envelopeToPolygon(Envelope env)

Uses of Envelope in org.deegree.gml.feature

Methods in org.deegree.gml.feature that return Envelope
 Envelope StandardGMLFeatureProps.getBoundedBy()
          Returns the boundedBy property value.
 Envelope FeatureReference.getEnvelope()

Methods in org.deegree.gml.feature with parameters of type Envelope
 void StandardGMLFeatureProps.setBoundedBy(Envelope boundedBy)
          Sets the value for the boundedBy property.

Constructors in org.deegree.gml.feature with parameters of type Envelope
StandardGMLFeatureProps(TypedObjectNode[] metadata, StringOrRef description, CodeType identifier, CodeType[] names, Envelope boundedBy)
          Creates a new StandardGMLFeatureProps instance.

Uses of Envelope in org.deegree.gml.geometry

Methods in org.deegree.gml.geometry that return Envelope
 Envelope GML2GeometryReader.parseEnvelope(XMLStreamReaderWrapper xmlStream)
 Envelope GML3GeometryReader.parseEnvelope(XMLStreamReaderWrapper xmlStream)
          Returns the object representation of a gml:Envelope element.
 Envelope GML2GeometryReader.parseEnvelope(XMLStreamReaderWrapper xmlStream, ICRS defaultCRS)
 Envelope GMLGeometryReader.parseEnvelope(XMLStreamReaderWrapper xmlStream, ICRS defaultCRS)
 Envelope GML3GeometryReader.parseEnvelope(XMLStreamReaderWrapper xmlStream, ICRS defaultCRS)
          Returns the object representation of a gml:Envelope element.

Methods in org.deegree.gml.geometry with parameters of type Envelope
 void GML2GeometryWriter.exportEnvelope(Envelope envelope)
 void GMLGeometryWriter.exportEnvelope(Envelope envelope)
 void GML3GeometryWriter.exportEnvelope(Envelope envelope)
          Exporting an Envelope via the XMLStreamWriter given when the class was constructed

Uses of Envelope in org.deegree.metadata

Methods in org.deegree.metadata that return Envelope
 Envelope[] MetadataRecord.getBoundingBox()
 Envelope[] DCRecord.getBoundingBox()

Uses of Envelope in org.deegree.metadata.ebrim

Methods in org.deegree.metadata.ebrim that return Envelope
 Envelope[] RegistryObject.getBoundingBox()

Uses of Envelope in org.deegree.metadata.iso

Methods in org.deegree.metadata.iso that return Envelope
 Envelope[] ISORecord.getBoundingBox()

Uses of Envelope in org.deegree.observation.model

Methods in org.deegree.observation.model that return Envelope
 Envelope Offering.getBBOX()

Uses of Envelope in org.deegree.protocol.ows

Methods in org.deegree.protocol.ows that return Envelope
static Envelope OWSCommonKVPAdapter.parseBBox(String bboxStr, ICRS defaultCrs)
          Parses the given KVP parameter as an Envelope (according to OWS 1.1.0, 10.2.3).
 Envelope OWSCommonXMLAdapter.parseBoundingBoxType( boundingBoxDataElement, ICRS defaultCRS)
          Parses the given element of type ows:BoundingBoxType.

Methods in org.deegree.protocol.ows with parameters of type Envelope
static void OWSCommonXMLAdapter.exportBoundingBoxType(XMLStreamWriter writer, Envelope bbox)
          Exports an Envelope as a ows:BoundingBoxType.

Uses of Envelope in org.deegree.protocol.ows.capabilities

Methods in org.deegree.protocol.ows.capabilities that return Envelope
 Envelope OWSCommon100CapabilitiesAdapter.parseWGS84BoundingBox( bboxEl)

Uses of Envelope in org.deegree.protocol.sos.filter

Methods in org.deegree.protocol.sos.filter that return Envelope
 Envelope SpatialBBOXFilter.getBBOX()

Constructors in org.deegree.protocol.sos.filter with parameters of type Envelope
SpatialBBOXFilter(Envelope bbox)

Uses of Envelope in org.deegree.protocol.wfs.client

Methods in org.deegree.protocol.wfs.client that return Envelope
 Envelope WFSFeatureCollection.getBoundedBy()

Uses of Envelope in org.deegree.protocol.wfs.lockfeature

Methods in org.deegree.protocol.wfs.lockfeature that return Envelope
 Envelope BBoxLock.getBBox()

Constructors in org.deegree.protocol.wfs.lockfeature with parameters of type Envelope
BBoxLock(Envelope bbox, TypeName[] typeNames)

Uses of Envelope in org.deegree.protocol.wfs.metadata

Methods in org.deegree.protocol.wfs.metadata that return Envelope
 Envelope WFSFeatureType.getWGS84BoundingBox()

Methods in org.deegree.protocol.wfs.metadata that return types with arguments of type Envelope
 List<Envelope> WFSFeatureType.getWGS84BoundingBoxes()

Constructor parameters in org.deegree.protocol.wfs.metadata with type arguments of type Envelope
WFSFeatureType(QName name, List<LanguageString> titles, List<LanguageString> abstracts, List<String> outputFormats, List<Object> keywords, CRSRef defaultCrs, List<CRSRef> otherCrs, List<Envelope> wgs84BBoxes, List<Object> mdReferences, Object extendedDescription)

Uses of Envelope in org.deegree.protocol.wfs.query

Methods in org.deegree.protocol.wfs.query that return Envelope
protected static Envelope QueryKVPAdapter.createEnvelope(String bboxStr, ICRS srs)
 Envelope BBoxQuery.getBBox()
          Returns the bounding box constraint.
protected static Envelope QueryKVPAdapter.parseBBox200(String bboxStr)

Constructors in org.deegree.protocol.wfs.query with parameters of type Envelope
BBoxQuery(String handle, TypeName[] typeNames, String featureVersion, ICRS srsName, ProjectionClause[] projectionClauses, SortProperty[] sortBy, Envelope bbox)
          Creates a new BBoxQuery instance.

Uses of Envelope in org.deegree.protocol.wms

Methods in org.deegree.protocol.wms with parameters of type Envelope
static double Utils.calcResolution(Envelope env, int width, int height)
static double Utils.calcScaleWMS111(int mapWidth, int mapHeight, Envelope bbox, ICRS crs)
static double Utils.calcScaleWMS130(int mapWidth, int mapHeight, Envelope bbox, ICRS crs)

Uses of Envelope in org.deegree.protocol.wms.client

Methods in org.deegree.protocol.wms.client that return Envelope
 Envelope WMSClient111.getBoundingBox(String srs, List<String> layers)
 Envelope WMSClient111.getBoundingBox(String srs, String layer)
 Envelope WMSClient111.getLatLonBoundingBox(List<String> layers)
 Envelope WMSClient111.getLatLonBoundingBox(String layer)

Methods in org.deegree.protocol.wms.client with parameters of type Envelope
 FeatureCollection WMSClient111.getFeatureInfo(List<String> queryLayers, int width, int height, int x, int y, Envelope bbox, ICRS srs, int count, Map<String,String> hardParameters)
 Pair<BufferedImage,String> WMSClient111.getMap(List<String> layers, int width, int height, Envelope bbox, ICRS srs, String format, boolean transparent, boolean errorsInImage, int timeout, boolean validate, List<String> validationErrors)
 Pair<BufferedImage,String> WMSClient111.getMap(List<String> layers, int width, int height, Envelope bbox, ICRS srs, String format, boolean transparent, boolean errorsInImage, int timeout, boolean validate, List<String> validationErrors, Map<String,String> hardParameters)
 Pair<SimpleRaster,String> WMSClient111.getMapAsSimpleRaster(List<String> layers, int width, int height, Envelope bbox, ICRS srs, String format, boolean transparent, boolean errorsInImage, int timeout, boolean validate, List<String> validationErrors)

Uses of Envelope in org.deegree.protocol.wms.ops

Methods in org.deegree.protocol.wms.ops that return Envelope
 Envelope GetMap.getBoundingBox()
 Envelope GetFeatureInfo.getClickBox()
static Envelope GetMap.getCRSAndEnvelope130(String crs, double[] bbox)
 Envelope GetFeatureInfo.getEnvelope()

Constructors in org.deegree.protocol.wms.ops with parameters of type Envelope
GetFeatureInfo(List<String> layers, int width, int height, int x, int y, Envelope envelope, ICRS crs, int featureCount)
GetMap(Collection<String> layers, Collection<String> styles, int width, int height, Envelope boundingBox)
GetMap(List<Pair<String,String>> layers, int width, int height, Envelope boundingBox, String format, boolean transparent)
GetMap(List<String> layers, int width, int height, Envelope envelope, ICRS coordinateSystem, String format, boolean transparent)

Uses of Envelope in org.deegree.protocol.wms.raster

Methods in org.deegree.protocol.wms.raster with parameters of type Envelope
 SimpleRaster WMSRaster.createCompatibleSimpleRaster(RasterGeoReference rEnv, Envelope env)
          Creates a new empty SimpleRaster with same DataType and InterleaveType.

Constructors in org.deegree.protocol.wms.raster with parameters of type Envelope
WMSRaster(RasterData raster, Envelope envelope, RasterGeoReference rasterReference)

Uses of Envelope in org.deegree.remoteows.wms

Methods in org.deegree.remoteows.wms that return Envelope
 Envelope WMSClient111.getBoundingBox(String srs, List<String> layers)
 Envelope WMSClient.getBoundingBox(String srs, List<String> layers)
 Envelope WMSClient111.getBoundingBox(String srs, String layer)
 Envelope WMSClient.getBoundingBox(String srs, String layer)
 Envelope RemoteWMSStore.getEnvelope()
 Envelope WMSClient111.getLatLonBoundingBox(List<String> layers)
 Envelope WMSClient.getLatLonBoundingBox(List<String> layers)
 Envelope WMSClient111.getLatLonBoundingBox(String layer)
 Envelope WMSClient.getLatLonBoundingBox(String layer)

Methods in org.deegree.remoteows.wms with parameters of type Envelope
 FeatureCollection RemoteWMSStore.getFeatureInfo(Envelope envelope, int width, int height, int x, int y, int count, Map<String,String> originalParameters)
 List<BufferedImage> RemoteWMSStore.getMap(Envelope envelope, int width, int height, Map<String,String> originalParameters)

Uses of Envelope in org.deegree.rendering.r2d

Constructors in org.deegree.rendering.r2d with parameters of type Envelope
Java2DRasterRenderer(Graphics2D graphics, int width, int height, Envelope bbox)
Java2DRenderer(Graphics2D graphics, int width, int height, Envelope bbox)
Java2DRenderer(Graphics2D graphics, int width, int height, Envelope bbox, double pixelSize)

Uses of Envelope in org.deegree.rendering.r2d.context

Methods in org.deegree.rendering.r2d.context that return Envelope
 Envelope RenderingInfo.getEnvelope()

Constructors in org.deegree.rendering.r2d.context with parameters of type Envelope
RenderingInfo(String format, int width, int height, boolean transparent, Color bgcolor, Envelope envelope, double pixelSize, Map<String,String> parameters)

Uses of Envelope in org.deegree.rendering.r3d.model

Methods in org.deegree.rendering.r3d.model that return Envelope
 Envelope WorldObject.getBbox()

Methods in org.deegree.rendering.r3d.model with parameters of type Envelope
 void WorldObject.setBbox(Envelope bbox)

Constructors in org.deegree.rendering.r3d.model with parameters of type Envelope
WorldObject(String id, String time, Envelope bbox, QM[] qualityLevels)
WorldObject(String id, String time, Envelope bbox, QM[] qualityLevels, String name, String type, String externalReference)

Uses of Envelope in org.deegree.rendering.r3d.model.geometry

Constructors in org.deegree.rendering.r3d.model.geometry with parameters of type Envelope
WorldGeometryObject(String id, String time, Envelope bbox, GeometryQualityModel[] qualityLevels)
WorldGeometryObject(String id, String time, Envelope bbox, int levels)
          Creates a new WorldGeometryObject with given number of data quality levels (LOD)

Uses of Envelope in org.deegree.rendering.r3d.opengl.display

Methods in org.deegree.rendering.r3d.opengl.display that return Envelope
 Envelope OpenGLEventHandler.getBbox()

Uses of Envelope in org.deegree.rendering.r3d.opengl.rendering.dem.texturing

Methods in org.deegree.rendering.r3d.opengl.rendering.dem.texturing that return Envelope
 Envelope TextureTileProvider.getEnvelope()
 Envelope StyledGeometryTTProvider.getEnvelope()
 Envelope RasterAPITextureTileProvider.getEnvelope()
 Envelope WMSTextureTileProvider.getEnvelope()

Uses of Envelope in org.deegree.rendering.r3d.opengl.rendering.model.geometry

Constructors in org.deegree.rendering.r3d.opengl.rendering.model.geometry with parameters of type Envelope
WorldRenderableObject(String id, String time, Envelope bbox, int levels)
          Creates a new WorldRenderableObject with given number of data quality levels (LOD)
WorldRenderableObject(String id, String time, Envelope bbox, RenderableQualityModel[] qualityLevels)

Uses of Envelope in org.deegree.rendering.r3d.opengl.rendering.model.manager

Methods in org.deegree.rendering.r3d.opengl.rendering.model.manager that return Envelope
 Envelope RenderableManager.getValidDomain()

Methods in org.deegree.rendering.r3d.opengl.rendering.model.manager with parameters of type Envelope
 List<T> RenderableManager.getObjects(Envelope env)
 void RenderableManager.setValidDomain(Envelope newDomain)
          (Re) set the valid domain of this renderer.

Constructors in org.deegree.rendering.r3d.opengl.rendering.model.manager with parameters of type Envelope
BuildingRenderer(Envelope sceneDomain, int numberOfObjectsInLeaf, DirectGeometryBuffer geometryBuffer, double maxPixelError, LODSwitcher levels)
QTModelScene(Envelope validDomain, int numberOfObjects, double maxPixelError)
RenderableManager(Envelope validDomain)
RenderableManager(Envelope validDomain, int numberOfObjectsInLeaf, double maxPixelError)
TreeRenderer(Envelope validDomain, int numberOfObjectsInLeaf, double maxPixelError)

Uses of Envelope in org.deegree.rendering.r3d.opengl.rendering.model.prototype

Constructors in org.deegree.rendering.r3d.opengl.rendering.model.prototype with parameters of type Envelope
RenderablePrototype(String id, String time, Envelope bbox)
RenderablePrototype(String id, String time, Envelope bbox, RenderableQualityModel qualityLevel)

Uses of Envelope in

Methods in that return Envelope
static Envelope FrontControllerStats.getCombinedGetMapEnvelope()

Uses of Envelope in

Fields in with type parameters of type Envelope
 Set<Envelope> WCSCoverage.responseEnvelopes
          The output envelopes in different coordinate systems, is synchronized

Methods in that return Envelope
 Envelope SimpleCoverage.getEnvelope()
 Envelope WCSCoverage.getEnvelope()

Methods in with parameters of type Envelope
 CoverageResult SimpleCoverage.getCoverageResult(Envelope env, Grid grid, String format, String interpolation, RangeSet requestedRangeset)
 CoverageResult MultiResolutionCoverage.getCoverageResult(Envelope env, Grid grid, String format, String interpolation, RangeSet requestedRangeset)
abstract  CoverageResult WCSCoverage.getCoverageResult(Envelope env, Grid grid, String format, String interpolation, RangeSet rangeset)
          Query the Coverage for a subset.

Uses of Envelope in

Methods in that return Envelope
 Envelope GetCoverage.getRequestEnvelope()

Constructors in with parameters of type Envelope
GetCoverage(Version version, String coverage, Envelope requestEnvelope, String outputCRS, String outputFormat, Grid outputGrid, String interpolation, String exceptionFormat, boolean storeOutput, RangeSet rangeSet)

Uses of Envelope in

Methods in that return Envelope
static Envelope WMSController130.getCRSAndEnvelope(String crs, double[] bbox)

Uses of Envelope in

Methods in that return Envelope
 Envelope GetMap.getBoundingBox()
 Envelope GetFeatureInfo.getClickBox()
 Envelope GetFeatureInfo.getEnvelope()

Constructors in with parameters of type Envelope
GetFeatureInfo(Collection<Layer> layers, Collection<Style> styles, int radius, Envelope envelope, int x, int y, int width, int height, int maxFeatures)
GetMap(MapService service, Collection<Layer> layers, Collection<Style> styles, int width, int height, Envelope boundingBox)

Uses of Envelope in

Methods in that return Envelope
 Envelope StatisticsLayer.getBbox()
 Envelope FeatureLayer.getBbox()
 Envelope Layer.getBbox()
 Envelope DynamicSQLLayer.getBbox()
 Envelope RasterLayer.getBbox()

Methods in with parameters of type Envelope
 void Layer.setBbox(Envelope bbox)

Uses of Envelope in

Methods in that return Envelope
 Envelope MapController.getCurrentEnvelope()

Uses of Envelope in

Methods in that return Envelope
 Envelope BoundingBoxInputImpl.getValue()
 Envelope BoundingBoxInput.getValue()
          Returns the bounding box value, it is guaranteed that the SRS (spatial reference system) of the returned Envelope is supported for this parameter (according to the process description).

Constructors in with parameters of type Envelope
BoundingBoxInputImpl(BoundingBoxInputDefinition definition, LanguageString title, LanguageString summary, Envelope value)
          Creates a new BoundingBoxInputImpl instance.

Uses of Envelope in

Methods in that return Envelope
 Envelope BoundingBoxOutputImpl.getValue()

Methods in with parameters of type Envelope
 void BoundingBoxOutput.setValue(Envelope value)
          Sets the value for this output parameter of the Processlet execution.
 void BoundingBoxOutputImpl.setValue(Envelope value)

Uses of Envelope in

Constructors in with parameters of type Envelope
MapRenderable(List<<?>> datasources, Envelope bbox, int resolution)

Uses of Envelope in

Methods in that return Envelope
 Envelope RenderableDataset.fillFromDatasetDefinitions(Envelope sceneEnvelope, double[] toLocalCRS, XMLAdapter configAdapter, DatasetDefinitions dsd)
          Analyzes the ModelDataset from the DatasetDefinitions, fills the renderers with data from the defined RenderableStore and builds up a the constraint vectors for retrieval of the appropriate renderers.
 Envelope DEMDataset.fillFromDatasetDefinitions(Envelope sceneEnvelope, double[] toLocalCRS, XMLAdapter configAdapter, DatasetDefinitions dsd)
          Analyzes the ElevationDataset from the DatasetDefinitions, fills the renderers with data from the defined modelbackends and builds up a the constraint vectors for retrieval of the appropriate renderers.
 Envelope ColormapDataset.fillFromDatasetDefinitions(Envelope sceneEnvelope, double[] toLocalCRS, XMLAdapter configAdapter, DatasetDefinitions dsd)
abstract  Envelope Dataset.fillFromDatasetDefinitions(Envelope sceneEnvelope, double[] translationToLocalCRS, XMLAdapter configAdapter, DatasetDefinitions dsd)
          Fill the wrapper with the values from the given dataset definition.
 Envelope DEMTextureDataset.fillFromDatasetDefinitions(Envelope sceneEnvelope, double[] toLocalCRS, XMLAdapter configAdapter, DatasetDefinitions dsd)

Methods in with parameters of type Envelope
protected  boolean Dataset.addConstraint(String name, CO datasourceObject, Envelope bbt)
          Add a constrained to the given name of a dataset.
 Envelope RenderableDataset.fillFromDatasetDefinitions(Envelope sceneEnvelope, double[] toLocalCRS, XMLAdapter configAdapter, DatasetDefinitions dsd)
          Analyzes the ModelDataset from the DatasetDefinitions, fills the renderers with data from the defined RenderableStore and builds up a the constraint vectors for retrieval of the appropriate renderers.
 Envelope DEMDataset.fillFromDatasetDefinitions(Envelope sceneEnvelope, double[] toLocalCRS, XMLAdapter configAdapter, DatasetDefinitions dsd)
          Analyzes the ElevationDataset from the DatasetDefinitions, fills the renderers with data from the defined modelbackends and builds up a the constraint vectors for retrieval of the appropriate renderers.
 Envelope ColormapDataset.fillFromDatasetDefinitions(Envelope sceneEnvelope, double[] toLocalCRS, XMLAdapter configAdapter, DatasetDefinitions dsd)
abstract  Envelope Dataset.fillFromDatasetDefinitions(Envelope sceneEnvelope, double[] translationToLocalCRS, XMLAdapter configAdapter, DatasetDefinitions dsd)
          Fill the wrapper with the values from the given dataset definition.
 Envelope DEMTextureDataset.fillFromDatasetDefinitions(Envelope sceneEnvelope, double[] toLocalCRS, XMLAdapter configAdapter, DatasetDefinitions dsd)

Uses of Envelope in

Methods in that return Envelope
 Envelope GetView.getBoundingBox()

Constructors in with parameters of type Envelope
GetView(String id, String version, ICRS coordinateSystem, Envelope requestedBBox, ViewParams viewParameters, GetViewResponseParameters responseParameters, GetViewSceneParameters sceneParameters)

Uses of Envelope in

Methods in that return Envelope
abstract  Envelope ModelBackend.createEnvelope(G someGeometry)
          Create an envelope from the given Geometry type.
 Envelope ModelBackendInfo.getDatasetEnvelope()
 Envelope DataObjectInfo.getEnvelope()

Methods in with parameters of type Envelope
abstract  G ModelBackend.createBackendEnvelope(Envelope geometry, int dimension)
 void ModelBackendInfo.setDatasetEnvelope(Envelope datasetEnvelope)
 void DataObjectInfo.setEnvelope(Envelope envelope)

Constructors in with parameters of type Envelope
DataObjectInfo(String uuid, String type, String name, String externalRef, Envelope envelope, P data)
DataObjectInfo(String uuid, String type, String name, String externalRef, Envelope envelope, P data, long time)
ModelBackendInfo(int ordinateCount, int textureOrdinateCount, Envelope envelope)

Uses of Envelope in

Methods in that return Envelope
 Envelope PostgisBackend.createEnvelope(org.postgis.PGgeometry geometry)
protected  Envelope PostgisBackend.getDatasetEnvelope(Connection con, String tableName, String geomColumn)
protected abstract  Envelope DBBackend.getDatasetEnvelope(Connection con, String tableName, String geomColumn)
          Should return the envelope in WPVS scene coordinates, not in world coordinates.

Methods in with parameters of type Envelope
 org.postgis.PGgeometry PostgisBackend.createBackendEnvelope(Envelope geometry, int dimension)

Uses of Envelope in

Methods in that return Envelope
 Envelope FileBackend.createBackendEnvelope(Envelope geometry, int dimension)
 Envelope FileBackend.createEnvelope(Envelope someGeometry)

Methods in with parameters of type Envelope
 Envelope FileBackend.createBackendEnvelope(Envelope geometry, int dimension)
 Envelope FileBackend.createEnvelope(Envelope someGeometry)

Uses of Envelope in org.deegree.sqldialect

Methods in org.deegree.sqldialect that return Envelope
 Envelope SQLDialect.getBBoxAggregateValue(ResultSet rs, int colIdx, ICRS crs)
          Converts the value that has been SELECTed via SQLDialect.getBBoxAggregateSnippet(String) into an Envelope.

Uses of Envelope in

Methods in that return Envelope
 Envelope OracleDialect.getBBoxAggregateValue(ResultSet rs, int colIdx, ICRS crs)

Uses of Envelope in org.deegree.sqldialect.postgis

Methods in org.deegree.sqldialect.postgis that return Envelope
 Envelope PostGISDialect.getBBoxAggregateValue(ResultSet rs, int colIdx, ICRS crs)

Uses of Envelope in

Methods in that return Envelope
 Envelope TileFile.getGeoEnvelope()

Methods in with parameters of type Envelope
 Set<TileFile> MemoryRasterTileGridIndex.getTiles(Envelope bbox)
 Set<TileFile> PostGISRasterTileIndex.getTiles(Envelope env, double metersPerPixel)
 Set<TileFile> MultiLevelRasterTileIndex.getTiles(Envelope bbox, double metersPerPixel)
          Return the matching tilefiles for the given enveloep
 Set<TileFile> MultiLevelMemoryTileGridIndex.getTiles(Envelope bbox, double metersPerPixel)
 Set<TileFile> MultiResolutionTileGrid.getTiles(Envelope env, double metersPerPixel)

Uses of Envelope in

Fields in declared as Envelope
 Envelope TileGrid.Tile.envelope
          the envelope of the tile

Methods in with parameters of type Envelope
static double TileGrid.calculateBaseResolution(int srcWidth, int srcHeight, Envelope dstEnv, int tileSize)
          Calculate the resolution for the first raster level.
static int TileGrid.calculateOptimalTileSize(int srcWidth, int srcHeight, Envelope dstEnv, int maxTileSize)
          Calculate the optimal tile size, so that the last tile in a raster tree consist of exactly one tile (no borders).
 void RasterTreeBuilder.setBaseEnvelope(Envelope env)
          Set the envelope of the first level.

Constructors in with parameters of type Envelope
TileGrid.Tile(int x, int y, Envelope env)

Uses of Envelope in

Methods in that return Envelope
 Envelope Scene2DValues.createZoomedEnv(Envelope env, double newSize, AbstractGRPoint center)
          Creates the envelope for zoom in worldCoordinates.
 Envelope ParameterStore.getBbox()
 Envelope Scene2DValues.getEnvelopeFootprint()
 Envelope Scene2DValues.getEnvelopeGeoref()

Methods in with parameters of type Envelope
 Envelope Scene2DValues.createZoomedEnv(Envelope env, double newSize, AbstractGRPoint center)
          Creates the envelope for zoom in worldCoordinates.
 void Scene2DValues.setEnvelopeFootprint(Envelope createEnvelope)
 void Scene2DValues.setEnvelopeGeoref(Envelope envelopeGeoref)
 void Scene2DValues.transformAspectRatioGeorefPartial(Envelope envelope)
          Determines the ratio the boundingbox has to orient on.
 void Scene2DValues.transformProportionFullOrientationFoot(Envelope envelope)
 void Scene2DValues.transformProportionGeorefFullOrientation(Envelope envelope)
          The full orientation orients on the maximal span dimension.
 void Scene2DValues.transformProportionPartialOrientationFoot(Envelope envelope)
          Transforms the ratio of the dimensions of the footprintPanel.

Constructors in with parameters of type Envelope
ParameterStore(URL mapURL, ICRS CRS, String format, String layers, Envelope bbox, int qor)

Uses of Envelope in

Methods in that return Envelope
 Envelope WMSParameterChooser.getEnvelope(ICRS srs, List<String> layerList)

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