
Interface Summary
CredentialsProvider Provides the methods used for the authorization procedure.

Class Summary
AbstractOWS Each concrete extension of this class is responsible for handling requests to a specific OGC web service (WPS, WMS, WFS, CSW,...).
Credentials Basic component for the credentials.
CredentialsProviderManager Entry point for creating CredentialsProvider instances from XML elements (JAXB objects).
FrontControllerStats Keeps track of request and runtime statistics for the OGCFrontController.
GZipHttpServletResponse HttpServletResponse that copes with gzipping the output.
GZipServletOutputStream ServletOutputStream used by GZipHttpServletResponse.
ImplementationMetadata<T extends Enum<T>> This class contains metadata information on the details of an implementation of an OWS.
OGCFrontController Servlet that acts as single HTTP communication end point and dispatcher to the OWS instances configured in the DeegreeWorkspace.
RequestContext Encapsulates security and other information that are associated with the currently processed request.
WebServicesConfiguration ExtendedResourceManager for OWS (and web service configuration).

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