Package org.deegree.rendering.r3d.opengl.rendering.dem.texturing

Interface Summary
TextureTileProvider Implementations provide texture data for texturing of a 2D-domain made up of RenderMeshFragment instances.

Class Summary
FragmentTexture A TextureTile applied to a RenderMeshFragment, also wraps OpenGL resources (texture coordinates).
RasterAPITextureTileProvider The class TODO add class documentation here.
StyledGeometryTTProvider Provides a texture created from geometries supplied by a Featurstore and filled with a color or fillpattern, which columns are the geometries and which columns define the color/texture is defined by SE-Style file.
TextureRequest Represents the request for a FragmentTexture for a RenderMeshFragment.
TextureTile The TextureTile define the parameters necessary to create, request and render a texture to the DEM.
TextureTileRequest Represents the request for a TextureTile.
WMSTextureTileProvider TextureTileProvider that delegates tile requests to a WMS.

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