Uses of Interface

Packages that use ICRS
org.deegree.coverage.raster Provides for simple and complex raster (grid coverages). 
org.deegree.coverage.raster.geom Defines the io operations for reading and writing rasters (not the data). This package contains ImageIO based raster reader and writer. 
org.deegree.cs The org.deegree.cs package contains all necessities to transform and project coordinates form one coordinates system into another. 
org.deegree.cs.coordinatesystems The ICoordinateSystems package holds the different ICoordinateSystems used by the org.deegree.cs packages. 
org.deegree.cs.exceptions The exception package holds the exceptions which can be used for all crs-transforms and projections.   
org.deegree.cs.transformations A Transformation can be defined as an mathematical operation which transforms some values into other values using a specified function. 
org.deegree.cs.transformations.coordinate Coordinate Transformations allow the chaining of operations to map coordinates of one coordinate systems onto a coordinate valid in another coordinate system. 
org.deegree.cs.transformations.helmert A Transformation can be defined as an mathematical operation which transforms some values into other values using a specified function. 
org.deegree.cs.transformations.ntv2 A Transformation can be defined as an mathematical operation which transforms some values into other values using a specified function. 
org.deegree.cs.transformations.polynomial A Transformation can be defined as an mathematical operation which transforms some values into other values using a specified function. 
org.deegree.cs.utilities Utilities used for the Coordinate system package internals. 

Uses of ICRS in org.deegree.coverage

Methods in org.deegree.coverage that return ICRS
 ICRS Coverage.getCoordinateSystem()
          Returns the native coordinate system this coverage is defined in.
 ICRS AbstractCoverage.getCoordinateSystem()

Methods in org.deegree.coverage with parameters of type ICRS
 void AbstractCoverage.setCoordinateSystem(ICRS crs)

Uses of ICRS in org.deegree.coverage.raster

Methods in org.deegree.coverage.raster that return ICRS
 ICRS TiledRaster.getCoordinateSystem()

Methods in org.deegree.coverage.raster with parameters of type ICRS
 void TiledRaster.setCoordinateSystem(ICRS crs)

Constructors in org.deegree.coverage.raster with parameters of type ICRS
RasterTransformer(ICRS targetCRS)
          Creates a new RasterTransformer with the given target CRS.

Uses of ICRS in org.deegree.coverage.raster.geom

Methods in org.deegree.coverage.raster.geom that return ICRS
 ICRS RasterGeoReference.getCrs()

Methods in org.deegree.coverage.raster.geom with parameters of type ICRS
 Envelope RasterGeoReference.getEnvelope(int width, int height, ICRS crs)
          Returns an Envelope for a raster with given size.
 Envelope RasterGeoReference.getEnvelope(RasterGeoReference.OriginLocation targetLocation, int width, int height, ICRS crs)
          Returns an Envelope for a raster with given size.
 Envelope RasterGeoReference.getEnvelope(RasterGeoReference.OriginLocation targetLocation, RasterRect rasterRect, ICRS crs)
          Returns an Envelope for a raster with given size and given x,y raster location.
 Envelope RasterGeoReference.getEnvelope(RasterRect rasterRect, ICRS crs)
          Returns an Envelope for a raster with given size and given x,y raster location.

Constructors in org.deegree.coverage.raster.geom with parameters of type ICRS
RasterGeoReference(RasterGeoReference.OriginLocation location, double resolutionX, double resolutionY, double rotationX, double rotationY, double origin0, double origin1, ICRS crs)
          Constructs a raster reference with given resolutions, origin and rotations.
RasterGeoReference(RasterGeoReference.OriginLocation location, double resolutionX, double resolutionY, double origin0, double origin1, ICRS crs)
          Constructs a raster reference with given resolutions and origin.

Uses of ICRS in

Methods in that return ICRS
 ICRS RasterIOOptions.getCRS()

Uses of ICRS in

Methods in that return ICRS
 ICRS MetaDataReader.getCRS()

Uses of ICRS in org.deegree.cs

Methods in org.deegree.cs that return ICRS
 ICRS Transformer.getTargetCRS()

Methods in org.deegree.cs with parameters of type ICRS
protected  Transformation Transformer.createCRSTransformation(ICRS sourceCRS)
          Creates a transformation chain, which can be used to transform incoming coordinates (in the given source CRS) into this Transformer's targetCRS.
protected  Transformation Transformer.createCRSTransformation(ICRS sourceCRS, List<Transformation> toBeUsedTransformations)
          Creates a transformation chain, which can be used to transform incoming coordinates (in the given source CRS) into this Transformer's targetCRS.
 double[] CoordinateTransformer.transform(ICRS sourceCRS, double[] input, double[] out)
          Transforms a given coordinate into the CoordinateTransformer's coordinate system.
 List<javax.vecmath.Point3d> CoordinateTransformer.transform(ICRS sourceCRS, List<javax.vecmath.Point3d> points)
          Transforms all points to the CoordinateTransformer's coordinate system.

Constructors in org.deegree.cs with parameters of type ICRS
CoordinateTransformer(ICRS targetCRS)
          Creates a new CoordinateTransformer object.
Transformer(ICRS targetCRS)
          Creates a new Transformer object, with the given target CRS.

Uses of ICRS in org.deegree.cs.configuration.resources

Methods in org.deegree.cs.configuration.resources with parameters of type ICRS
 Transformation CRSResource.getTransformation(ICRS sourceCRS, ICRS targetCRS)
          Implementations should find a given transformation (chain) which transforms coordinates of the given coordinate system into coordinates of the target crs.

Uses of ICRS in org.deegree.cs.coordinatesystems

Subinterfaces of ICRS in org.deegree.cs.coordinatesystems
 interface ICompoundCRS
          Interface describing a CompundCRS
 interface IGeocentricCRS
          Interface describing a GeocentricCRS
 interface IGeographicCRS
          Interface describing a GeographicCRS
 interface IProjectedCRS
          Interface describing a ProjectedCRS
 interface IVerticalCRS
          Interface describing a VerticalCRS

Classes in org.deegree.cs.coordinatesystems that implement ICRS
 class CompoundCRS
          A CompoundCRS is a GeographicCRS with a third axis (the height axis) attached.
 class CRS
          Three kinds of CoordinateSystems (in this class abbreviated with CRS) are supported in this lib.
 class GeocentricCRS
          A GeocentricCRS is a ICoordinateSystem having three axis and a mass point defined to be equivalent to earths center.
 class GeographicCRS
          The GeographicCoordinateSystem (in epsg aka Geodetic CRS) is a two dimensional crs with axis of lat-lon.
 class ProjectedCRS
          A ProjectedCRS is a coordinatesystem defined with a projection and a geographic crs.
 class VerticalCRS
          The VerticalCRS represents a crs based on one axis only, typically this crs is used as an extension on an already present crs, and adds a 'heightaxis' to the original crs.

Methods in org.deegree.cs.coordinatesystems that return ICRS
 ICRS ICompoundCRS.getUnderlyingCRS()
 ICRS CompoundCRS.getUnderlyingCRS()

Methods in org.deegree.cs.coordinatesystems with parameters of type ICRS
 Transformation CRS.getDirectTransformation(ICRS targetCRS)
 Transformation ICRS.getDirectTransformation(ICRS targetCRS)
 boolean CRS.hasDirectTransformation(ICRS targetCRS)
 boolean ICRS.hasDirectTransformation(ICRS targetCRS)

Constructors in org.deegree.cs.coordinatesystems with parameters of type ICRS
CompoundCRS(IAxis heightAxis, ICRS underlyingCRS, double defaultHeight, CRSResource identity)

Uses of ICRS in org.deegree.cs.exceptions

Constructors in org.deegree.cs.exceptions with parameters of type ICRS
TransformationException(ICRS sourceCS, ICRS targetCS, String cause)

Uses of ICRS in

Methods in with parameters of type ICRS
protected  void CRSExporterBase.exportAbstractCRS(ICRS crs, XMLStreamWriter xmlWriter)
          Export toplevel crs features.
protected  void CRSExporter.exportAbstractCRS(ICRS crs, XMLStreamWriter xmlWriter)
          Export toplevel crs features.

Method parameters in with type arguments of type ICRS
 void CRSExporterBase.export(List<ICRS> crsToExport, XMLStreamWriter xmlWriter)
          Export the given list of ICoordinateSystems into the crs-definition format.
 void CRSExporter.export(List<ICRS> crsToExport, XMLStreamWriter xmlWriter)
          Export the given list of ICoordinateSystems into the crs-definition format.
 void CRSExporterBase.export(StringBuilder sb, List<ICRS> crsToExport)

Uses of ICRS in org.deegree.cs.persistence

Methods in org.deegree.cs.persistence that return ICRS
abstract  ICRS AbstractCRSStore.getCoordinateSystem(String id)
 ICRS CRSStore.getCRSByCode(CRSCodeType id)
 ICRS AbstractCRSStore.getCRSByCode(CRSCodeType id)
          Retrieves the ICRS from the set provider that is identified by the given CRSCodeType id.
 ICRS CRSStore.getCRSByCode(CRSCodeType id, boolean forceXY)
 ICRS AbstractCRSStore.getCRSByCode(CRSCodeType id, boolean forceXY)
static ICRS CRSManager.lookup(CRSCodeType codeType)
          Creates a direct ICRS instance from the given CRSCodeType not just a CRSRef, if no ICRS was found an UnknownCRSException will be thrown.
static ICRS CRSManager.lookup(String name)
          Creates a direct ICRS instance from the given name not just a CRSRef, if no ICRS was found an UnknownCRSException will be thrown.
static ICRS CRSManager.lookup(String name, boolean forceXY)
          Creates a direct ICRS instance from the given name not just a CRSRef, if no ICRS was found an UnknownCRSException will be thrown.
static ICRS CRSManager.lookup(String storeId, CRSCodeType crsCodeType)
          Creates a direct ICRS instance from the given CRSCodeType notjustjust a CRSRef using the given storeId, if no ICRS was found an UnknownCRSException will be thrown.
static ICRS CRSManager.lookup(String storeId, String name)
          Creates a direct ICRS instance from the given name using not just a CRSRef the given storeID, if no ICRS was found in the given store an UnknownCRSException will be thrown.
static ICRS CRSManager.lookup(String storeIdName, String name, boolean forceXY)
          Creates a direct ICRS instance with the given name not just a CRSRef using the given storeId, if no ICRS was found an UnknownCRSException will be thrown.
protected  ICRS AbstractCRSStore.resolve(ICRS crs)

Methods in org.deegree.cs.persistence that return types with arguments of type ICRS
 List<ICRS> CRSStore.getAvailableCRSs()
          This method should be called to see if the provider is able to create all defined crs's, thus verifying the correctness of the configuration.
 List<ICRS> CRSManager.getAvailableCRSs()
          This method allows to get all ICRS from all stores.

Methods in org.deegree.cs.persistence with parameters of type ICRS
static CRSRef CRSManager.getCRSRef(ICRS crs)
          Returns a CRSRef wrapping the given CRS.
 Transformation CRSStore.getDirectTransformation(ICRS sourceCRS, ICRS targetCRS)
          This method is should retrieve a transformation which transforms coordinates from the given source into the given target crs.
static Transformation CRSManager.getTransformation(String storeId, ICRS sourceCRS, ICRS targetCRS)
          Retrieve a Transformation (chain) which transforms coordinates from the given source into the given target crs.
static Transformation CRSManager.getTransformation(String storeId, ICRS sourceCRS, ICRS targetCRS, List<Transformation> transformationsToBeUsed)
          Retrieve a Transformation (chain) which transforms coordinates from the given source into the given target crs.
protected  ICRS AbstractCRSStore.resolve(ICRS crs)

Uses of ICRS in org.deegree.cs.persistence.deegree.d3

Methods in org.deegree.cs.persistence.deegree.d3 that return ICRS
 ICRS DeegreeCRSStore.getCoordinateSystem(String id)
 ICRS CRSParser.parseCoordinateSystem(T crsDefintion)

Methods in org.deegree.cs.persistence.deegree.d3 that return types with arguments of type ICRS
 List<ICRS> DeegreeCRSStore.getAvailableCRSs()

Methods in org.deegree.cs.persistence.deegree.d3 with parameters of type ICRS
 Transformation DeegreeCRSStore.getDirectTransformation(ICRS sourceCRS, ICRS targetCRS)

Uses of ICRS in org.deegree.cs.persistence.deegree.d3.parsers

Methods in org.deegree.cs.persistence.deegree.d3.parsers that return ICRS
 ICRS CoordinateSystemParser.getCRSForId(String crsId)

Methods in org.deegree.cs.persistence.deegree.d3.parsers with parameters of type ICRS
 Transformation TransformationParser.getTransformation(ICRS sourceCRS, ICRS targetCRS)

Uses of ICRS in org.deegree.cs.persistence.deegree.db

Methods in org.deegree.cs.persistence.deegree.db that return ICRS
 ICRS DBCRSStore.getCoordinateSystem(String id)

Methods in org.deegree.cs.persistence.deegree.db that return types with arguments of type ICRS
 List<ICRS> DBCRSStore.getAvailableCRSs()

Methods in org.deegree.cs.persistence.deegree.db with parameters of type ICRS
 Transformation DBCRSStore.getDirectTransformation(ICRS sourceCRS, ICRS targetCRS)

Uses of ICRS in org.deegree.cs.persistence.gml

Methods in org.deegree.cs.persistence.gml that return ICRS
 ICRS GMLCRSStore.getCoordinateSystem(String id)
protected  ICRS GMLCRSStore.parseCoordinateSystem( rootElement)
protected  ICRS GMLCRSStore.parseGeodeticCRS( rootElement)
protected  ICRS GMLCRSStore.parseProjectedCRS( rootElement)

Methods in org.deegree.cs.persistence.gml that return types with arguments of type ICRS
 List<ICRS> GMLResource.getAvailableCRSs()
 List<ICRS> GMLCRSStore.getAvailableCRSs()
 List<ICRS> GMLFileResource.getAvailableCRSs()

Methods in org.deegree.cs.persistence.gml with parameters of type ICRS
protected  Helmert GMLCRSStore.createHelmert(CRSResource id, List<Pair<CRSIdentifiable,Object>> parameterValues, ICRS source, ICRS target)
          Creates a Helmert transformation from the given parameter list.
protected  NTv2Transformation GMLCRSStore.createNTv2(CRSResource id, List<Pair<CRSIdentifiable,Object>> parameterValues, ICRS source, ICRS target)
          Create an NTv2Transformation from the given parameter list.
 Transformation GMLCRSStore.getDirectTransformation(ICRS sourceCRS, ICRS targetCRS)
 Transformation GMLFileResource.getTransformation(ICRS sourceCRS, ICRS targetCRS)
 Transformation GMLCRSStore.parseGMLTransformation( rootElement, ICRS sourceCRS, ICRS targetCRS)
          Parses some of the gml 3.2 transformation constructs.

Uses of ICRS in org.deegree.cs.persistence.proj4

Methods in org.deegree.cs.persistence.proj4 that return ICRS
 ICRS PROJ4CRSStore.getCoordinateSystem(String id)

Methods in org.deegree.cs.persistence.proj4 that return types with arguments of type ICRS
 List<ICRS> PROJ4CRSStore.getAvailableCRSs()

Methods in org.deegree.cs.persistence.proj4 with parameters of type ICRS
 Transformation PROJ4CRSStore.getDirectTransformation(ICRS sourceCRS, ICRS targetCRS)
 Transformation ProjFileResource.getTransformation(ICRS sourceCRS, ICRS targetCRS)

Uses of ICRS in org.deegree.cs.refs.coordinatesystem

Classes in org.deegree.cs.refs.coordinatesystem that implement ICRS
 class CompoundCRSRef
          CRSRef to a CompoundCRS
 class CRSRef
          Represents a CRSRef that is not necessarily resolved or resolvable.
 class GeocentricCRSRef
          CRSRef to a GeocentricCRS
 class GeographicCRSRef
          CRSRef to a GeographicCRS
 class ProjectedCRSRef
          CRSRef to a ProjectedCRS
 class VerticalCRSRef
          CRSRef to a VerticalCRS

Methods in org.deegree.cs.refs.coordinatesystem that return ICRS
 ICRS CRSRef.getReferencedObject()
 ICRS CompoundCRSRef.getUnderlyingCRS()

Methods in org.deegree.cs.refs.coordinatesystem with parameters of type ICRS
 Transformation CRSRef.getDirectTransformation(ICRS targetCRS)
 boolean CRSRef.hasDirectTransformation(ICRS targetCRS)

Uses of ICRS in org.deegree.cs.transformations

Methods in org.deegree.cs.transformations that return ICRS
 ICRS Transformation.getSourceCRS()
 ICRS Transformation.getTargetCRS()

Methods in org.deegree.cs.transformations with parameters of type ICRS
 boolean Transformation.canTransform(ICRS sourceCRS, ICRS targetCRS)
 boolean Transformation.contains(ICRS crs)
          Returns true if this Transformation transforms over the given crs.
 Transformation TransformationFactory.createFromCoordinateSystems(ICRS sourceCRS, ICRS targetCRS)
          Creates a transformation between two coordinate systems.
 Transformation TransformationFactory.createFromCoordinateSystems(ICRS sourceCRS, ICRS targetCRS, List<Transformation> transformationsToBeUsed)
          Creates a transformation between two coordinate systems.
 void Transformation.setSourceCRS(ICRS newSource)

Constructors in org.deegree.cs.transformations with parameters of type ICRS
AxisFlipTransformation(ICRS sourceCRS, ICRS targetCRS, CRSResource id)
Transformation(ICRS sourceCRS, ICRS targetCRS, CRSResource id)

Uses of ICRS in org.deegree.cs.transformations.coordinate

Methods in org.deegree.cs.transformations.coordinate with parameters of type ICRS
 boolean ConcatenatedTransform.contains(ICRS crs)
static Transformation MatrixTransform.createAllignMatrixTransform(ICRS sourceCRS, ICRS targetCRS)
          Create a swap matrix to align the axis of the given coordinate systems and create a tranformation for the result.
static MatrixTransform MatrixTransform.createMatrixTransform(ICRS sourceCRS, ICRS targetCRS, Matrix matrix)
          Creates a Matrix transform from a matrix.

Constructors in org.deegree.cs.transformations.coordinate with parameters of type ICRS
GeocentricTransform(ICRS source, IGeocentricCRS target)
GeocentricTransform(ICRS source, IGeocentricCRS target, CRSResource id)
IdentityTransform(ICRS sourceCRS, ICRS targetCRS)
MatrixTransform(ICRS source, ICRS target, javax.vecmath.GMatrix matrix)
          Construct a transform.
MatrixTransform(ICRS source, ICRS target, javax.vecmath.GMatrix matrix, CRSResource id)
          Construct a transform.
MatrixTransform(ICRS source, ICRS target, javax.vecmath.Matrix3d matrix)
          Construct a 3d transform.
MatrixTransform(ICRS source, ICRS target, javax.vecmath.Matrix3d matrix, CRSResource id)
          Construct a 3d transform.
MatrixTransform(ICRS source, ICRS target, javax.vecmath.Matrix4d matrix)
          Construct a 4d transform.
MatrixTransform(ICRS source, ICRS target, javax.vecmath.Matrix4d matrix, CRSResource id)
          Construct a 4d transform.
MatrixTransform(ICRS source, ICRS target, javax.vecmath.Matrix4d matrix, String transformationName)
          Construct a 4d transform.
MatrixTransform(ICRS source, ICRS target, javax.vecmath.Matrix4d matrix, String transformationName, CRSResource id)
          Construct a 4d transform.
NotSupportedTransformation(ICRS sourceCRS, ICRS targetCRS)
NotSupportedTransformation(ICRS sourceCRS, ICRS targetCRS, CRSResource id)

Uses of ICRS in org.deegree.cs.transformations.helmert

Constructors in org.deegree.cs.transformations.helmert with parameters of type ICRS
Helmert(double dx, double dy, double dz, double ex, double ey, double ez, double ppm, ICRS sourceCRS, ICRS targetCRS, CRSCodeType code)
Helmert(double dx, double dy, double dz, double ex, double ey, double ez, double ppm, ICRS sourceCRS, ICRS targetCRS, CRSCodeType[] codes)
Helmert(double dx, double dy, double dz, double ex, double ey, double ez, double ppm, ICRS sourceCRS, ICRS targetCRS, CRSCodeType[] codes, String[] names, String[] versions, String[] descriptions, String[] areaOfUses)
Helmert(double dx, double dy, double dz, double ex, double ey, double ez, double ppm, ICRS sourceCRS, ICRS targetCRS, CRSCodeType code, String name, String version, String description, String areaOfUse)
Helmert(double dx, double dy, double dz, double ex, double ey, double ez, double ppm, ICRS sourceCRS, ICRS targetCRS, CRSResource identifiable)
Helmert(double dx, double dy, double dz, double ex, double ey, double ez, double ppm, ICRS sourceCRS, ICRS targetCRS, CRSResource identifiable, boolean inRadians)
Helmert(ICRS sourceCRS, CRSCodeType[] codes)
          Construct a conversion info with all parameters set to 0, the target crs is GeographicCRS.WGS84
Helmert(ICRS sourceCRS, ICRS targetCRS, CRSCodeType code)
          Construct a conversion info with all parameters set to 0;
Helmert(ICRS sourceCRS, ICRS targetCRS, CRSCodeType[] codes)
          Construct a conversion info with all parameters set to 0;
Helmert(ICRS sourceCRS, ICRS targetCRS, CRSCodeType[] codes, String[] names, String[] versions, String[] descriptions, String[] areasOfUse)
          Construct a conversion info with all parameters set to 0;

Uses of ICRS in org.deegree.cs.transformations.ntv2

Constructors in org.deegree.cs.transformations.ntv2 with parameters of type ICRS
NTv2Transformation(ICRS sourceCRS, ICRS targetCRS, CRSResource id, gsf)
NTv2Transformation(ICRS sourceCRS, ICRS targetCRS, CRSResource id, URL gridURL)

Uses of ICRS in org.deegree.cs.transformations.polynomial

Constructors in org.deegree.cs.transformations.polynomial with parameters of type ICRS
LeastSquareApproximation(List<Double> firstParameters, List<Double> secondParameters, ICRS sourceCRS, ICRS targetCRS, float scaleX, float scaleY)
          Sets the id to EPSG::9645 ( General polynomial of degree 2 ).
LeastSquareApproximation(List<Double> firstParameters, List<Double> secondParameters, ICRS sourceCRS, ICRS targetCRS, float scaleX, float scaleY, CRSResource id)
PolynomialTransformation(List<Double> firstParameters, List<Double> secondParameters, ICRS sourceCRS, ICRS targetCRS, CRSResource id)

Uses of ICRS in org.deegree.cs.utilities

Methods in org.deegree.cs.utilities with parameters of type ICRS
static Matrix Matrix.swapAxis(ICRS sourceCRS, ICRS targetCRS)
static Matrix Matrix.toStdValues(ICRS sourceCRS, boolean invert)
          Creates a matrix, with which incoming values will be transformed to a standardized form.

Uses of ICRS in org.deegree.feature.persistence.geocouch

Constructors in org.deegree.feature.persistence.geocouch with parameters of type ICRS
GeoCouchFeatureStore(ICRS crs, AppSchema schema, String couchUrl)
GeoCouchFeatureStoreTransaction(GeoCouchFeatureStore store, ICRS crs, String couchUrl)

Uses of ICRS in org.deegree.feature.persistence.memory

Methods in org.deegree.feature.persistence.memory that return ICRS
 ICRS MemoryFeatureStore.getStorageCRS()
          Returns the CRS used for storing the geometries.

Uses of ICRS in org.deegree.feature.persistence.query

Constructors in org.deegree.feature.persistence.query with parameters of type ICRS
Query(IdFilter filter, String featureVersion, ICRS srsName, SortProperty[] sortBy)
          Creates a new Query instance that selects features based on an IdFilter.
Query(TypeName[] typeNames, Filter filter, String featureVersion, ICRS srsName, SortProperty[] sortBy)
          Creates a new Query instance.

Uses of ICRS in org.deegree.feature.persistence.shape

Methods in org.deegree.feature.persistence.shape that return ICRS
 ICRS ShapeFeatureStore.getStorageCRS()
          Returns the CRS used by the shape file.

Constructors in org.deegree.feature.persistence.shape with parameters of type ICRS
ShapeFeatureStore(String shpName, ICRS crs, Charset encoding, String ftNamespace, String localFtName, String ftPrefix, boolean generateAlphanumericIndexes, FeatureStoreCache cache, List<org.deegree.feature.persistence.shape.ShapeFeatureStoreProvider.Mapping> mappings)
          Creates a new ShapeFeatureStore instance from the given parameters.
SHPReader(RandomAccessFile inFile, ICRS crs, SpatialIndex<Long> rtree, boolean startsWithZero)

Uses of ICRS in org.deegree.feature.persistence.simplesql

Methods in org.deegree.feature.persistence.simplesql that return ICRS
 ICRS SimpleSQLFeatureStore.getStorageCRS()
          Returns the CRS of the geometry column.

Uses of ICRS in org.deegree.feature.persistence.sql

Methods in org.deegree.feature.persistence.sql that return ICRS
 ICRS GeometryStorageParams.getCrs()
          Returns the coordinate reference system for stored geometries.
 ICRS BBoxTableMapping.getCRS()

Methods in org.deegree.feature.persistence.sql with parameters of type ICRS
static Geometry SQLFeatureStore.getCompatibleGeometry(Geometry literal, ICRS crs)
          Returns a transformed version of the given Geometry in the specified CRS.

Constructors in org.deegree.feature.persistence.sql with parameters of type ICRS
BBoxTableMapping(String ftTable, ICRS crs)
GeometryStorageParams(ICRS crs, String srid, GeometryPropertyType.CoordinateDimension dim)
          Creates a new GeometryStorageParams instance.

Uses of ICRS in org.deegree.feature.persistence.sql.blob

Methods in org.deegree.feature.persistence.sql.blob that return ICRS
 ICRS BlobMapping.getCRS()
          Returns the CRS used for storing the geometries / envelopes.

Methods in org.deegree.feature.persistence.sql.blob with parameters of type ICRS
 GMLObject BlobCodec.decode(InputStream is, Map<String,String> nsContext, AppSchema schema, ICRS crs, GMLReferenceResolver idResolver)
          Decodes the given GMLObject from the specified input stream.
 void BlobCodec.encode(GMLObject object, Map<String,String> nsContext, OutputStream os, ICRS crs)
          Encodes the given GMLObject to the specified output stream.

Constructors in org.deegree.feature.persistence.sql.blob with parameters of type ICRS
BlobMapping(String table, ICRS storageCRS, BlobCodec codec)
          Creates a new BlobMapping instance.

Uses of ICRS in org.deegree.feature.persistence.sql.rules

Methods in org.deegree.feature.persistence.sql.rules that return ICRS
 ICRS GeometryMapping.getCRS()

Uses of ICRS in org.deegree.filter

Methods in org.deegree.filter with parameters of type ICRS
static void Filters.setDefaultCRS(Filter filter, ICRS crs)
          Sets the CRS for all geometries contained in the given Filter that do not have crs information.

Uses of ICRS in org.deegree.geometry

Methods in org.deegree.geometry that return ICRS
 ICRS Geometry.getCoordinateSystem()
          Returns the associated spatial reference system.

Methods in org.deegree.geometry with parameters of type ICRS
 CompositeCurve GeometryFactory.createCompositeCurve(String id, ICRS crs, List<Curve> members)
          Creates a CompositeCurve from a list of passed Curves.
 CompositeGeometry<GeometricPrimitive> GeometryFactory.createCompositeGeometry(String id, ICRS crs, List<GeometricPrimitive> memberPrimitives)
          Creates a general CompositeGeometry from a list of primitive geometries.
 CompositeSolid GeometryFactory.createCompositeSolid(String id, ICRS crs, List<Solid> memberSolids)
          Creates a CompositeSolid from a list of passed Solids.
 CompositeSurface GeometryFactory.createCompositeSurface(String id, ICRS crs, List<Surface> memberSurfaces)
          Creates a CompositeSurface from a list of passed Surfaces.
 Curve GeometryFactory.createCurve(String id, ICRS crs, CurveSegment... segments)
          Creates a segmented Curve from one or more CurveSegments.
 Envelope SimpleGeometryFactory.createEnvelope(double[] min, double[] max, ICRS crs)
          Creates an Envelope.
 Envelope SimpleGeometryFactory.createEnvelope(double minx, double miny, double maxx, double maxy, ICRS crs)
          Creates an Envelope in 2D space.
 Envelope SimpleGeometryFactory.createEnvelope(List<Double> lowerCorner, List<Double> upperCorner, ICRS crs)
          Create an Envelope from a list of Doubles.
 LinearRing GeometryFactory.createLinearRing(String id, ICRS crs, Points points)
          Creates a simple LinearRing from a list of passed Points.
 LineString SimpleGeometryFactory.createLineString(String id, ICRS crs, Points points)
          Creates a LineString geometry.
 MultiCurve GeometryFactory.createMultiCurve(String id, ICRS crs, List<Curve> members)
          Creates a MultiCurve from a list of passed Curves.
 MultiGeometry<Geometry> SimpleGeometryFactory.createMultiGeometry(String id, ICRS crs, List<Geometry> members)
          Creates an untyped multi geometry from a list of Geometrys.
 MultiLineString SimpleGeometryFactory.createMultiLineString(String id, ICRS crs, List<LineString> members)
          Creates a MultiCurve from a list of passed LineStrings.
 MultiPoint SimpleGeometryFactory.createMultiPoint(String id, ICRS crs, List<Point> members)
          Creates a MultiPoint from a list of passed Points.
 MultiPolygon SimpleGeometryFactory.createMultiPolygon(String id, ICRS crs, List<Polygon> members)
          Creates a MultiPolygon from a list of passed Polygons.
 MultiSolid GeometryFactory.createMultiSolid(String id, ICRS crs, List<Solid> members)
          Creates a MultiSolid from a list of passed Solids.
 MultiSurface GeometryFactory.createMultiSurface(String id, ICRS crs, List<Surface> members)
          Creates a MultiSurface from a list of passed Surfaces.
 OrientableCurve GeometryFactory.createOrientableCurve(String id, ICRS crs, Curve baseCurve, boolean isReversed)
          Creates an OrientableCurve.
 OrientableSurface GeometryFactory.createOrientableSurface(String id, ICRS crs, Surface baseSurface, boolean isReversed)
          Creates an OrientableSurface.
 Point SimpleGeometryFactory.createPoint(String id, double[] coordinates, ICRS crs)
          Creates a Point with an arbitrary number of coordinates.
 Point SimpleGeometryFactory.createPoint(String id, double x, double y, double z, ICRS crs)
          Creates a Point in 3D space.
 Point SimpleGeometryFactory.createPoint(String id, double x, double y, ICRS crs)
          Creates a Point in 2D space.
 Polygon SimpleGeometryFactory.createPolygon(String id, ICRS crs, Ring exteriorRing, List<Ring> interiorRings)
          Creates a Polygon surface.
 PolyhedralSurface GeometryFactory.createPolyhedralSurface(String id, ICRS crs, List<PolygonPatch> memberPatches)
          Creates a PolyhedralSurface.
 Ring GeometryFactory.createRing(String id, ICRS crs, List<Curve> members)
          Creates a Ring from a list of passed Curves.
 Solid GeometryFactory.createSolid(String id, ICRS crs, Surface exteriorSurface, List<Surface> interiorSurfaces)
          Creates a Solid.
 Surface GeometryFactory.createSurface(String id, List<SurfacePatch> patches, ICRS crs)
          Creates a Surface that consists of a number of SurfacePatch instances.
 Tin GeometryFactory.createTin(String id, ICRS crs, List<List<LineStringSegment>> stopLines, List<List<LineStringSegment>> breakLines, Length maxLength, Points controlPoints, List<Triangle> patches)
          Creates a Tin.
 TriangulatedSurface GeometryFactory.createTriangulatedSurface(String id, ICRS crs, List<Triangle> memberPatches)
          Creates a TriangulatedSurface.
static Envelope GeometryTransformer.createValidDomain(ICRS sourceCRS)
          Creates an envelope in the given CRS of the Area of Use (defined in WGS84) of the given Coordinate System.
 void Geometry.setCoordinateSystem(ICRS crs)
          Sets the associated spatial reference system.
<T extends Geometry>
GeometryTransformer.transform(T geo, ICRS sourceCRS)
          transforms the coordinates of a deegree geometry to the target coordinate reference system.
<T extends Geometry>
GeometryTransformer.transform(T geom, ICRS sourceCRS, boolean testValidArea, List<Transformation> toBeUsedTransformations)
          transforms the coordinates of a deegree geometry to the target coordinate reference system.

Constructors in org.deegree.geometry with parameters of type ICRS
GeometryTransformer(ICRS targetCRS)
          Creates a new GeometryTransformer object.

Uses of ICRS in

Methods in with parameters of type ICRS
static Geometry[] wkb, ICRS crs)
static Geometry is, ICRS crs)

Constructors in with parameters of type ICRS
WKTReader(ICRS crs)

Uses of ICRS in org.deegree.geometry.metadata

Methods in org.deegree.geometry.metadata that return types with arguments of type ICRS
static List<ICRS> SpatialMetadataConverter.fromJaxb(String crs)
 List<ICRS> SpatialMetadata.getCoordinateSystems()

Method parameters in org.deegree.geometry.metadata with type arguments of type ICRS
 void SpatialMetadata.setCoordinateSystems(List<ICRS> coordinateSystems)

Constructor parameters in org.deegree.geometry.metadata with type arguments of type ICRS
SpatialMetadata(Envelope envelope, List<ICRS> coordinateSystems)

Uses of ICRS in org.deegree.geometry.refs

Methods in org.deegree.geometry.refs that return ICRS
 ICRS GeometryReference.getCoordinateSystem()

Methods in org.deegree.geometry.refs with parameters of type ICRS
 void GeometryReference.setCoordinateSystem(ICRS crs)

Uses of ICRS in org.deegree.geometry.standard

Fields in org.deegree.geometry.standard declared as ICRS
protected  ICRS
          Reference to a coordinate system.

Methods in org.deegree.geometry.standard that return ICRS
 ICRS AbstractDefaultGeometry.getCoordinateSystem()

Methods in org.deegree.geometry.standard with parameters of type ICRS
 AbstractDefaultGeometry AbstractDefaultGeometry.createFromJTS(com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Geometry jtsGeom, ICRS crs)
          Helper methods for creating AbstractDefaultGeometry from JTS geometries that have been derived from this geometry by JTS spatial analysis methods.
 void AbstractDefaultGeometry.setCoordinateSystem(ICRS crs)

Constructors in org.deegree.geometry.standard with parameters of type ICRS
AbstractDefaultGeometry(String id, ICRS crs, PrecisionModel pm)
DefaultEnvelope(String id, ICRS crs, PrecisionModel pm, Point min, Point max)
          Creates a new DefaultEnvelope instance from the given parameters.

Uses of ICRS in org.deegree.geometry.standard.composite

Constructors in org.deegree.geometry.standard.composite with parameters of type ICRS
DefaultCompositeCurve(String id, ICRS crs, PrecisionModel pm, List<Curve> memberCurves)
          Creates a new DefaultCompositeCurve from the given parameters.
DefaultCompositeGeometry(String id, ICRS crs, PrecisionModel pm, List<GeometricPrimitive> memberPrimitives)
          Creates a new DefaultCompositeGeometry from the given parameters.
DefaultCompositeSolid(String id, ICRS crs, PrecisionModel pm, List<Solid> memberSolids)
          Creates a new DefaultCompositeSolid from the given parameters.
DefaultCompositeSurface(String id, ICRS crs, PrecisionModel pm, List<Surface> memberSurfaces)
          Creates a new DefaultCompositeSurface from the given parameters.

Uses of ICRS in org.deegree.geometry.standard.multi

Constructors in org.deegree.geometry.standard.multi with parameters of type ICRS
DefaultMultiCurve(String id, ICRS crs, PrecisionModel pm, List<Curve> members)
          Creates a new DefaultMultiCurve from the given parameters.
DefaultMultiGeometry(String id, ICRS crs, PrecisionModel pm, List<T> members)
          Creates a new DefaultMultiGeometry from the given parameters.
DefaultMultiLineString(String id, ICRS crs, PrecisionModel pm, List<LineString> members)
          Creates a new DefaultMultiLineString from the given parameters.
DefaultMultiPoint(String id, ICRS crs, PrecisionModel pm, List<Point> members)
          Creates a new DefaultMultiPoint from the given parameters.
DefaultMultiPolygon(String id, ICRS crs, PrecisionModel pm, List<Polygon> members)
          Creates a new DefaultMultiPolygon from the given parameters.
DefaultMultiSolid(String id, ICRS crs, PrecisionModel pm, List<Solid> members)
          Creates a new DefaultMultiSolid from the given parameters.
DefaultMultiSurface(String id, ICRS crs, PrecisionModel pm, List<Surface> members)
          Creates a new DefaultMultiSurface from the given parameters.

Uses of ICRS in org.deegree.geometry.standard.points

Constructors in org.deegree.geometry.standard.points with parameters of type ICRS
JTSPoints(ICRS crs, com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.CoordinateSequence seq)
PackedPoints(ICRS crs, double[] coordinates, int coordinatesDimension)

Uses of ICRS in org.deegree.geometry.standard.primitive

Methods in org.deegree.geometry.standard.primitive that return ICRS
 ICRS DefaultOrientableCurve.getCoordinateSystem()
 ICRS DefaultOrientableSurface.getCoordinateSystem()

Constructors in org.deegree.geometry.standard.primitive with parameters of type ICRS
DefaultCurve(String id, ICRS crs, PrecisionModel pm, List<CurveSegment> segments)
          Creates a new DefaultCurve instance from the given parameters.
DefaultLinearRing(String id, ICRS crs, PrecisionModel pm, Points controlPoints)
          Creates a new DefaultLinearRing instance from the given parameters.
DefaultLineString(String id, ICRS crs, PrecisionModel pm, Points controlPoints)
DefaultOrientableCurve(String id, ICRS crs, Curve baseCurve, boolean isReversed)
          Creates a new DefaultOrientableCurve instance from the given parameters.
DefaultOrientableSurface(String id, ICRS crs, Surface baseSurface, boolean isReversed)
          Creates a new DefaultOrientableSurface instance from the given parameters.
DefaultPoint(String id, ICRS crs, PrecisionModel pm, double[] coordinates)
          Creates a new DefaultPoint instance from the given parameters.
DefaultPolygon(String id, ICRS crs, PrecisionModel pm, Ring exteriorRing, List<Ring> interiorRings)
          Creates a new DefaultPolygon instance from the given parameters.
DefaultPolyhedralSurface(String id, ICRS crs, PrecisionModel pm, List<PolygonPatch> patches)
          Creates a new DefaultPolyhedralSurface instance from the given parameters.
DefaultRing(String id, ICRS crs, PrecisionModel pm, LineStringSegment segment)
          Creates a new DefaultRing instance from the given parameters.
DefaultRing(String id, ICRS crs, PrecisionModel pm, List<Curve> members)
          Creates a new DefaultRing instance from the given parameters.
DefaultSolid(String id, ICRS crs, PrecisionModel pm, Surface exteriorSurface, List<Surface> interiorSurfaces)
          Creates a new DefaultSolid instance from the given parameters.
DefaultSurface(String id, ICRS crs, PrecisionModel pm, List<? extends SurfacePatch> patches)
          Creates a new DefaultSurface instance from the given parameters.
DefaultTin(String id, ICRS crs, PrecisionModel pm, List<List<LineStringSegment>> stopLines, List<List<LineStringSegment>> breakLines, Length maxLength, Points controlPoints, List<Triangle> patches)
          Creates a new DefaultTin instance from the given parameters.
DefaultTin(String id, ICRS crs, PrecisionModel pm, List<Triangle> patches)
          Creates a new DefaultTin instance from the given parameters.
DefaultTriangulatedSurface(String id, ICRS crs, PrecisionModel pm, List<Triangle> patches)
          Creates a new DefaultTriangulatedSurface instance from the given parameters.

Uses of ICRS in org.deegree.geometry.utils

Methods in org.deegree.geometry.utils that return ICRS
 ICRS GeometryParticleConverter.getCrs()

Methods in org.deegree.geometry.utils with parameters of type ICRS
static Envelope GeometryUtils.createConvertedEnvelope(Envelope sourceEnvelope, ICRS targetCRS)
          Converts the given Envelope into an envelope with the given coordinate system.

Uses of ICRS in org.deegree.gml

Methods in org.deegree.gml with parameters of type ICRS
 void GMLStreamReader.setDefaultCRS(ICRS defaultCRS)
          Controls the default CRS that is assumed when GML objects (especially geometries) without SRS information are parsed.
 void GMLStreamWriter.setOutputCRS(ICRS crs)
          Controls the output CRS for written geometries.
 void XMLTransformer.transform(XMLStreamReader reader, XMLStreamWriter writer, ICRS sourceCRS, GMLVersion gmlVersion, boolean testValidArea, List<Transformation> requestedTransformation)
          Transforms the given input stream, and streams the input into the output directly.

Constructors in org.deegree.gml with parameters of type ICRS
XMLTransformer(ICRS targetCRS)

Uses of ICRS in org.deegree.gml.feature

Methods in org.deegree.gml.feature with parameters of type ICRS
 StreamFeatureCollection GMLFeatureReader.getFeatureStream(XMLStreamReaderWrapper xmlStream, ICRS crs)
          Returns a StreamFeatureCollection that allows stream-based access to the members of the feature collection that the cursor of the given XMLStreamReader points at.
 Feature GMLFeatureReader.parseFeature(XMLStreamReaderWrapper xmlStream, ICRS crs)
          Returns the object representation for the feature (or feature collection) element event that the cursor of the given XMLStreamReader points at.
 Property GMLFeatureReader.parseProperty(XMLStreamReaderWrapper xmlStream, PropertyType propDecl, ICRS crs, int occurence)
          Returns the object representation for the given property element.

Constructors in org.deegree.gml.feature with parameters of type ICRS
GMLFeatureWriter(GMLVersion version, XMLStreamWriter writer, ICRS outputCRS, CoordinateFormatter formatter, String remoteXlinkTemplate, ProjectionClause[] projections, int traverseXlinkDepth, int traverseXlinkExpiry, boolean exportSfGeometries, boolean outputGeometries, Map<String,String> prefixToNs, GMLForwardReferenceHandler additionalObjectHandler, boolean exportExtraProps)
          Creates a new GMLFeatureWriter instance.

Uses of ICRS in org.deegree.gml.geometry

Methods in org.deegree.gml.geometry with parameters of type ICRS
 Geometry GML2GeometryReader.parse(XMLStreamReaderWrapper xmlStream, ICRS defaultCRS)
 Geometry GMLGeometryReader.parse(XMLStreamReaderWrapper xmlStream, ICRS defaultCRS)
 Geometry GML3GeometryReader.parse(XMLStreamReaderWrapper xmlStream, ICRS defaultCRS)
          Returns the object representation for the given gml:_Geometry element event that the cursor of the associated XMLStreamReader points at.
 Curve GML3GeometryReader.parseAbstractCurve(XMLStreamReaderWrapper xmlStream, ICRS defaultCRS)
          Returns the object representation for the given gml:_Curve element event that the cursor of the associated XMLStreamReader points at.
 Ring GML3GeometryReader.parseAbstractRing(XMLStreamReaderWrapper xmlStream, ICRS defaultCRS)
          Returns the object representation of a (<gml:_Ring>) element.
 Solid GML3GeometryReader.parseAbstractSolid(XMLStreamReaderWrapper xmlStream, ICRS defaultCRS)
          Returns the object representation of a gml:_Solid element.
 Surface GML3GeometryReader.parseAbstractSurface(XMLStreamReaderWrapper xmlStream, ICRS defaultCRS)
          Returns the object representation of a (<gml:_Surface>) element.
 CompositeCurve GML3GeometryReader.parseCompositeCurve(XMLStreamReaderWrapper xmlStream, ICRS defaultCRS)
          Returns the object representation of a gml:CompositeCurve element.
 CompositeSolid GML3GeometryReader.parseCompositeSolid(XMLStreamReaderWrapper xmlStream, ICRS defaultCRS)
          Returns the object representation of a gml:CompositeSolid element.
 CompositeSurface GML3GeometryReader.parseCompositeSurface(XMLStreamReaderWrapper xmlStream, ICRS defaultCRS)
          Returns the object representation of a gml:CompositeSurface element.
 Curve GML3GeometryReader.parseCurve(XMLStreamReaderWrapper xmlStream, ICRS defaultCRS)
          Returns the object representation of a gml:Curve element.
 Curve GML3GeometryReader.parseCurveProperty(XMLStreamReaderWrapper xmlStream, ICRS defaultCRS)
          Returns the object representation of an element with type gml:CurvePropertyType (such as gml:curveProperty).
 Envelope GML2GeometryReader.parseEnvelope(XMLStreamReaderWrapper xmlStream, ICRS defaultCRS)
 Envelope GMLGeometryReader.parseEnvelope(XMLStreamReaderWrapper xmlStream, ICRS defaultCRS)
 Envelope GML3GeometryReader.parseEnvelope(XMLStreamReaderWrapper xmlStream, ICRS defaultCRS)
          Returns the object representation of a gml:Envelope element.
 MultiGeometry<? extends Geometry> GML3GeometryReader.parseGeometricAggregate(XMLStreamReaderWrapper xmlStream, ICRS defaultCRS)
          Returns the object representation for the given gml:_GeometricAggregate element event that the cursor of the given XMLStreamReader points at.
 CompositeGeometry<GeometricPrimitive> GML3GeometryReader.parseGeometricComplex(XMLStreamReaderWrapper xmlStream, ICRS defaultCRS)
          Returns the object representation of a gml:GeometricComplex element.
 GeometricPrimitive GML3GeometryReader.parseGeometricPrimitive(XMLStreamReaderWrapper xmlStream, ICRS defaultCRS)
          Returns the object representation for the given gml:_GeometricPrimitive element event that the cursor of the associated XMLStreamReader points at.
 GeometricPrimitive GML3GeometryReader.parseGeometricPrimitiveProperty(XMLStreamReaderWrapper xmlStream, ICRS defaultCRS)
          Returns the object representation of an element with type gml:GeometricPrimitivePropertyType (such as gml:element).
 Geometry GML2GeometryReader.parseGeometryOrEnvelope(XMLStreamReaderWrapper xmlStream, ICRS defaultCRS)
 Geometry GMLGeometryReader.parseGeometryOrEnvelope(XMLStreamReaderWrapper xmlStream, ICRS defaultCRS)
          Parse the current geometry or envelope the given stream is pointing to.
 Geometry GML3GeometryReader.parseGeometryOrEnvelope(XMLStreamReaderWrapper xmlStream, ICRS defaultCRS)
          Returns the object representation for the given gml:_Geometry/gml:Envelope element event that the cursor of the associated XMLStreamReader points at.
 Geometry GML3GeometryReader.parseGeometryProperty(XMLStreamReaderWrapper xmlStream, ICRS defaultCRS)
          Returns the object representation of an element with type gml:GeometryPropertyType (such as gml:geometryMember).
 Geometry GML3GeometryReader.parseImplicitGeometry(XMLStreamReaderWrapper xmlStream, ICRS defaultCRS)
          Returns the object representation for the given gml:_ImplicitGeometry element event that the cursor of the associated XMLStreamReader points at.
 Ring GML2GeometryReader.parseLinearRing(XMLStreamReaderWrapper xmlStream, ICRS defaultCRS)
 LinearRing GML3GeometryReader.parseLinearRing(XMLStreamReaderWrapper xmlStream, ICRS defaultCRS)
          Returns the object representation of a gml:LinearRing element.
 LineString GML2GeometryReader.parseLineString(XMLStreamReaderWrapper xmlStream, ICRS defaultCRS)
 LineString GML3GeometryReader.parseLineString(XMLStreamReaderWrapper xmlStream, ICRS defaultCRS)
          Returns the object representation of a gml:LineString element.
 LineString GML3GeometryReader.parseLineStringProperty(XMLStreamReaderWrapper xmlStream, ICRS defaultCRS)
          Returns the object representation of an element with type gml:LineStringPropertyType (such as gml:lineStringProperty).
 MultiCurve GML3GeometryReader.parseMultiCurve(XMLStreamReaderWrapper xmlStream, ICRS defaultCRS)
          Returns the object representation of a gml:MultiCurve element.
 MultiGeometry<Geometry> GML2GeometryReader.parseMultiGeometry(XMLStreamReaderWrapper xmlStream, ICRS defaultCRS)
 MultiGeometry<Geometry> GML3GeometryReader.parseMultiGeometry(XMLStreamReaderWrapper xmlStream, ICRS defaultCRS)
          Returns the object representation of a gml:MultiGeometry element.
 MultiLineString GML2GeometryReader.parseMultiLineString(XMLStreamReaderWrapper xmlStream, ICRS defaultCRS)
 MultiLineString GML3GeometryReader.parseMultiLineString(XMLStreamReaderWrapper xmlStream, ICRS defaultCRS)
          Returns the object representation of a gml:MultiLineString element.
 MultiPoint GML2GeometryReader.parseMultiPoint(XMLStreamReaderWrapper xmlStream, ICRS defaultCRS)
 MultiPoint GML3GeometryReader.parseMultiPoint(XMLStreamReaderWrapper xmlStream, ICRS defaultCRS)
          Returns the object representation of a gml:MultiPoint element.
 MultiPolygon GML2GeometryReader.parseMultiPolygon(XMLStreamReaderWrapper xmlStream, ICRS defaultCRS)
 MultiPolygon GML3GeometryReader.parseMultiPolygon(XMLStreamReaderWrapper xmlStream, ICRS defaultCRS)
          Returns the object representation of a gml:MultiPolygon element.
 MultiSolid GML3GeometryReader.parseMultiSolid(XMLStreamReaderWrapper xmlStream, ICRS defaultCRS)
          Returns the object representation of a gml:MultiSolid element.
 MultiSurface GML3GeometryReader.parseMultiSurface(XMLStreamReaderWrapper xmlStream, ICRS defaultCRS)
          Returns the object representation of a gml:MultiSurface element.
 OrientableCurve GML3GeometryReader.parseOrientableCurve(XMLStreamReaderWrapper xmlStream, ICRS defaultCRS)
          Returns the object representation of a gml:OrientableCurve element.
 OrientableSurface GML3GeometryReader.parseOrientableSurface(XMLStreamReaderWrapper xmlStream, ICRS defaultCRS)
          Returns the object representation of a gml:OrientableSurface element.
 Point GML2GeometryReader.parsePoint(XMLStreamReaderWrapper xmlStream, ICRS defaultCRS)
 Point GML3GeometryReader.parsePoint(XMLStreamReaderWrapper xmlStream, ICRS defaultCRS)
          Returns the object representation of a (<gml:Point>) element.
 Point GML3GeometryReader.parsePointProperty(XMLStreamReaderWrapper xmlStream, ICRS defaultCRS)
          Returns the object representation of an element with type gml:PointPropertyType (such as gml:pointProperty).
 Polygon GML2GeometryReader.parsePolygon(XMLStreamReaderWrapper xmlStream, ICRS defaultCRS)
 Polygon GML3GeometryReader.parsePolygon(XMLStreamReaderWrapper xmlStream, ICRS defaultCRS)
          Returns the object representation of a (<gml:Polygon>) element.
 Polygon GML3GeometryReader.parsePolygonProperty(XMLStreamReaderWrapper xmlStream, ICRS defaultCRS)
          Returns the object representation of an element with type gml:PolygonPropertyType (such as gml:polygonProperty).
 PolyhedralSurface GML3GeometryReader.parsePolyhedralSurface(XMLStreamReaderWrapper xmlStream, ICRS defaultCRS)
          Returns the object representation of a (<gml:PolyhedralSurface>) element.
 Ring GML3GeometryReader.parseRing(XMLStreamReaderWrapper xmlStream, ICRS defaultCRS)
          Returns the object representation of a gml:Ring element.
 Solid GML3GeometryReader.parseSolid(XMLStreamReaderWrapper xmlStream, ICRS defaultCRS)
          Returns the object representation of a (<gml:Solid>) element.
 Solid GML3GeometryReader.parseSolidProperty(XMLStreamReaderWrapper xmlStream, ICRS defaultCRS)
          Returns the object representation of an element with type gml:SolidPropertyType (such as gml:solidProperty).
 Surface GML3GeometryReader.parseSurface(XMLStreamReaderWrapper xmlStream, ICRS defaultCRS)
          Returns the object representation of a (<gml:Surface>) element.
 Surface GML3GeometryReader.parseSurfaceProperty(XMLStreamReaderWrapper xmlStream, ICRS defaultCRS)
          Returns the object representation of an element with type gml:SurfacePropertyType (such as gml:surfaceProperty).
 Tin GML3GeometryReader.parseTin(XMLStreamReaderWrapper xmlStream, ICRS defaultCRS)
          Returns the object representation of a (<gml:Tin>) element.
 TriangulatedSurface GML3GeometryReader.parseTriangulatedSurface(XMLStreamReaderWrapper xmlStream, ICRS defaultCRS)
          Returns the object representation of a (<gml:TriangulatedSurface>) element.

Constructors in org.deegree.gml.geometry with parameters of type ICRS
GML2GeometryWriter(XMLStreamWriter writer, ICRS outputCrs, CoordinateFormatter formatter, Set<String> exportedIds)
          Creates a new GML2GeometryWriter instance.
GML3GeometryWriter(GMLVersion version, XMLStreamWriter writer, ICRS outputCrs, CoordinateFormatter formatter, boolean exportSf, Set<String> exportedIds)
          Creates a new GML3GeometryWriter instance.

Uses of ICRS in org.deegree.protocol.ows

Methods in org.deegree.protocol.ows with parameters of type ICRS
static Envelope OWSCommonKVPAdapter.parseBBox(String bboxStr, ICRS defaultCrs)
          Parses the given KVP parameter as an Envelope (according to OWS 1.1.0, 10.2.3).
 Envelope OWSCommonXMLAdapter.parseBoundingBoxType( boundingBoxDataElement, ICRS defaultCRS)
          Parses the given element of type ows:BoundingBoxType.

Uses of ICRS in org.deegree.protocol.wfs.query

Methods in org.deegree.protocol.wfs.query that return ICRS
 ICRS AdHocQuery.getSrsName()
          Returns the SRS that should be used for returned feature geometries.

Methods in org.deegree.protocol.wfs.query with parameters of type ICRS
protected static Envelope QueryKVPAdapter.createEnvelope(String bboxStr, ICRS srs)

Constructors in org.deegree.protocol.wfs.query with parameters of type ICRS
AdHocQuery(String handle, TypeName[] typeNames, String featureVersion, ICRS srsName, ProjectionClause[] projectionClauses, SortProperty[] sortBy)
          Creates a new AdHocQuery instance.
BBoxQuery(String handle, TypeName[] typeNames, String featureVersion, ICRS srsName, ProjectionClause[] projectionClauses, SortProperty[] sortBy, Envelope bbox)
          Creates a new BBoxQuery instance.
FeatureIdQuery(String handle, TypeName[] typeNames, String featureVersion, ICRS srsName, ProjectionClause[] projectionClauses, SortProperty[] sortBy, String[] featureIds)
          Creates a new FeatureIdQuery instance.
FilterQuery(QName typeName, ICRS srsName, SortProperty[] sortBy, Filter filter)
          Creates a new FilterQuery instance from the most commonly used parameters.
FilterQuery(String handle, TypeName[] typeNames, String featureVersion, ICRS srsName, ProjectionClause[] projectionClauses, SortProperty[] sortBy, Filter filter)
          Creates a new FilterQuery instance.

Uses of ICRS in org.deegree.protocol.wms

Methods in org.deegree.protocol.wms that return ICRS
static ICRS Utils.getAutoCRS(int id, double lon0, double lat0)

Methods in org.deegree.protocol.wms with parameters of type ICRS
static double Utils.calcScaleWMS111(int mapWidth, int mapHeight, Envelope bbox, ICRS crs)
static double Utils.calcScaleWMS130(int mapWidth, int mapHeight, Envelope bbox, ICRS crs)

Uses of ICRS in org.deegree.protocol.wms.client

Methods in org.deegree.protocol.wms.client with parameters of type ICRS
 FeatureCollection WMSClient111.getFeatureInfo(List<String> queryLayers, int width, int height, int x, int y, Envelope bbox, ICRS srs, int count, Map<String,String> hardParameters)
 Pair<BufferedImage,String> WMSClient111.getMap(List<String> layers, int width, int height, Envelope bbox, ICRS srs, String format, boolean transparent, boolean errorsInImage, int timeout, boolean validate, List<String> validationErrors)
 Pair<BufferedImage,String> WMSClient111.getMap(List<String> layers, int width, int height, Envelope bbox, ICRS srs, String format, boolean transparent, boolean errorsInImage, int timeout, boolean validate, List<String> validationErrors, Map<String,String> hardParameters)
 Pair<SimpleRaster,String> WMSClient111.getMapAsSimpleRaster(List<String> layers, int width, int height, Envelope bbox, ICRS srs, String format, boolean transparent, boolean errorsInImage, int timeout, boolean validate, List<String> validationErrors)

Uses of ICRS in org.deegree.protocol.wms.ops

Methods in org.deegree.protocol.wms.ops that return ICRS
 ICRS GetFeatureInfo.getCoordinateSystem()
 ICRS GetMap.getCoordinateSystem()
static ICRS GetMap.getCRS111(String crs)
static ICRS GetMap.getCRS130(String crs)

Methods in org.deegree.protocol.wms.ops with parameters of type ICRS
 void GetFeatureInfo.setCoordinateSystem(ICRS crs)
 void GetMap.setCoordinateSystem(ICRS crs)

Constructors in org.deegree.protocol.wms.ops with parameters of type ICRS
GetFeatureInfo(List<String> layers, int width, int height, int x, int y, Envelope envelope, ICRS crs, int featureCount)
GetMap(List<String> layers, int width, int height, Envelope envelope, ICRS coordinateSystem, String format, boolean transparent)

Uses of ICRS in org.deegree.protocol.wms.raster

Methods in org.deegree.protocol.wms.raster that return ICRS
 ICRS WMSReader.getCRS()

Uses of ICRS in org.deegree.rendering.r3d.opengl.rendering.dem.texturing

Methods in org.deegree.rendering.r3d.opengl.rendering.dem.texturing that return ICRS
 ICRS TextureTileProvider.getCRS()
 ICRS StyledGeometryTTProvider.getCRS()
 ICRS RasterAPITextureTileProvider.getCRS()
 ICRS WMSTextureTileProvider.getCRS()

Constructors in org.deegree.rendering.r3d.opengl.rendering.dem.texturing with parameters of type ICRS
StyledGeometryTTProvider(double[] offsetVector, ICRS wpvsCRS, FeatureStore featureStore, Style style, double maxUnitsPerPixel, File cacheDir, long cacheSize)
          Use the given feature store to create a 'dataset' from a style.
WMSTextureTileProvider(URL capabilitiesURL, String[] requestedLayers, ICRS requestCRS, String requestFormat, boolean transparent, double res, int maxWidth, int maxHeight, int requestTimeout)
          Creates a new WMSTextureTileProvider instance.

Uses of ICRS in org.deegree.rendering.r3d.persistence

Methods in org.deegree.rendering.r3d.persistence with parameters of type ICRS
 void RenderableStore.loadEntities(RenderableManager<?> renderer, ICRS baseCRS)
 List<RenderablePrototype> RenderableStore.loadProtoTypes(DirectGeometryBuffer geometryBuffer, ICRS baseCRS)

Uses of ICRS in

Methods in that return ICRS
 ICRS WebFeatureService.getDefaultQueryCrs()
 ICRS QueryAnalyzer.getRequestedCRS()
          Returns the crs that the returned geometries should have.

Uses of ICRS in

Method parameters in with type arguments of type ICRS
static void MapService.fillInheritedInformation(Layer layer, List<ICRS> srs)

Uses of ICRS in

Methods in that return ICRS
static ICRS WMSController111.getCRS(String crs)
static ICRS WMSController130.getCRS(String crs)

Uses of ICRS in

Methods in that return ICRS
 ICRS GetFeatureInfo.getCoordinateSystem()
 ICRS GetMap.getCoordinateSystem()

Methods in with parameters of type ICRS
 void GetFeatureInfo.setCoordinateSystem(ICRS crs)
 void GetMap.setCoordinateSystem(ICRS crs)

Uses of ICRS in

Methods in that return types with arguments of type ICRS
 LinkedList<ICRS> Layer.getSrs()

Method parameters in with type arguments of type ICRS
 void Layer.setSrs(Collection<ICRS> srs)

Uses of ICRS in

Methods in that return ICRS
 ICRS MapController.getCRS()

Constructors in with parameters of type ICRS
MapController(MapService service, ICRS crs, int width, int height)

Uses of ICRS in

Methods in that return ICRS
 ICRS GetView.getCoordinateSystem()

Constructors in with parameters of type ICRS
GetView(String id, String version, ICRS coordinateSystem, Envelope requestedBBox, ViewParams viewParameters, GetViewResponseParameters responseParameters, GetViewSceneParameters sceneParameters)

Uses of ICRS in

Methods in that return ICRS
 ICRS ModelBackend.getBaseCRS()

Methods in with parameters of type ICRS
abstract  void ModelBackend.loadBuildings(BuildingRenderer bm, ICRS baseCRS)
          Retrieves the WorldRenderable objects from the backend.
abstract  List<RenderablePrototype> ModelBackend.loadProtoTypes(DirectGeometryBuffer geometryBuffer, ICRS baseCRS)
          Retrieves the WorldRenderable objects from the prototypes table in the database.
abstract  void ModelBackend.loadTrees(TreeRenderer tm, ICRS baseCRS)
          Retrieves the Billboard objects from the backend.
 void ModelBackend.setWPVSBaseCRS(ICRS baseCRS)

Uses of ICRS in

Methods in with parameters of type ICRS
 void DBBackend.loadBuildings(BuildingRenderer bm, ICRS baseCRS)
 void DBBackend.loadEntities(RenderableManager<?> renderer, ICRS baseCRS)
 List<RenderablePrototype> DBBackend.loadProtoTypes(DirectGeometryBuffer geometryBuffer, ICRS baseCRS)
 void DBBackend.loadTrees(TreeRenderer tm, ICRS baseCRS)

Uses of ICRS in

Methods in with parameters of type ICRS
 void FileBackend.loadBuildings(BuildingRenderer bm, ICRS baseCRS)
 void FileBackend.loadEntities(RenderableManager<?> renderer, ICRS baseCRS)
 List<RenderablePrototype> FileBackend.loadProtoTypes(DirectGeometryBuffer geometryBuffer, ICRS baseCRS)
 void FileBackend.loadTrees(TreeRenderer tm, ICRS baseCRS)

Uses of ICRS in org.deegree.sqldialect

Methods in org.deegree.sqldialect with parameters of type ICRS
 Envelope SQLDialect.getBBoxAggregateValue(ResultSet rs, int colIdx, ICRS crs)
          Converts the value that has been SELECTed via SQLDialect.getBBoxAggregateSnippet(String) into an Envelope.
 GeometryParticleConverter SQLDialect.getGeometryConverter(String column, ICRS crs, String srid, boolean is2d)

Uses of ICRS in org.deegree.sqldialect.filter.expression

Methods in org.deegree.sqldialect.filter.expression that return ICRS
 ICRS SQLExpression.getCRS()
          Returns the CRS of the expression (only for spatial ones).
 ICRS SQLArgument.getCRS()
 ICRS SQLColumn.getCRS()

Uses of ICRS in org.deegree.sqldialect.filter.mssql

Methods in org.deegree.sqldialect.filter.mssql that return ICRS
 ICRS MSSQLGeometryConverter.getCrs()

Constructors in org.deegree.sqldialect.filter.mssql with parameters of type ICRS
MSSQLGeometryConverter(String column, ICRS crs, String srid, boolean is2D)
          Creates a new MSSQLGeometryConverter instance.

Uses of ICRS in

Methods in that return ICRS
 ICRS OracleGeometryConverter.getCrs()

Methods in with parameters of type ICRS
 Envelope OracleDialect.getBBoxAggregateValue(ResultSet rs, int colIdx, ICRS crs)
 GeometryParticleConverter OracleDialect.getGeometryConverter(String column, ICRS crs, String srid, boolean is2D)

Constructors in with parameters of type ICRS
JGeometryAdapter(ICRS deegreeCRS, int oracleSRID)
OracleGeometryConverter(String column, ICRS crs, String srid)
          Creates a new OracleGeometryConverter instance.

Uses of ICRS in

Methods in with parameters of type ICRS
 Geometry SDOGeometryConverter.toGeometry(oracle.sql.STRUCT sdoStruct, ICRS crs)
          Convert SDO_GEOMETRY (from Oracle STRUCT) to deegree Geometry NOTE 1 (polygon) Polygons (simple, multiple or compound) will be treated to have at least one exterior or unknown ring.

Uses of ICRS in org.deegree.sqldialect.postgis

Methods in org.deegree.sqldialect.postgis that return ICRS
 ICRS PostGISGeometryConverter.getCrs()

Methods in org.deegree.sqldialect.postgis with parameters of type ICRS
 Envelope PostGISDialect.getBBoxAggregateValue(ResultSet rs, int colIdx, ICRS crs)
 GeometryParticleConverter PostGISDialect.getGeometryConverter(String column, ICRS crs, String srid, boolean is2D)

Constructors in org.deegree.sqldialect.postgis with parameters of type ICRS
PostGISGeometryConverter(String column, ICRS crs, String srid, boolean useLegacyPredicates)
          Creates a new PostGISGeometryConverter instance.

Uses of ICRS in

Constructors in with parameters of type ICRS
RasterTreeBuilder(RasterIOOptions options, ICRS dstSRS, File dstDir, int maxTileSize, InterpolationType interpolation)
          Creates a new RasterTreeBuilder.

Uses of ICRS in

Constructors in with parameters of type ICRS
CoordinateTransform(ICRS sourceCRS, ICRS targetCRS)
          Construct a demo crs with following coordinate systems.
PolynomialParameterCreator(File sourceFile, File targetFile, String seperator, ICRS source, ICRS target, String transformationClass, int order)
          Simple constructor which reads coordinate pairs from a different files (using the separator) and stores them in a list.

Uses of ICRS in

Fields in declared as ICRS
 ICRS ApplicationState.sourceCRS
 ICRS ApplicationState.targetCRS

Methods in that return ICRS
 ICRS Scene2DValues.getCrs()
 ICRS ParameterStore.getCRS()

Methods in with parameters of type ICRS
 void Scene2DValues.setEnvelopeGeoref(double[] c, ICRS crs)

Constructors in with parameters of type ICRS
ParameterStore(URL mapURL, ICRS CRS, String format, String layers, Envelope bbox, int qor)

Uses of ICRS in

Fields in declared as ICRS
protected  ICRS AbstractTransformation.sourceCRS
protected  ICRS AbstractTransformation.targetCRS

Constructors in with parameters of type ICRS
AbstractTransformation(List<Triple<Point4Values,Point4Values,PointResidual>> mappedPoints, Footprint footPrint, Scene2DValues sceneValues, ICRS sourceCRS, ICRS targetCRS, int order)
AffineTransformation(List<Triple<Point4Values,Point4Values,PointResidual>> mappedPoints, Footprint footPrint, Scene2DValues sceneValues, ICRS sourceCRS, ICRS targetCRS, int order)
Helmert4Transform(List<Triple<Point4Values,Point4Values,PointResidual>> mappedPoints, Footprint footPrint, Scene2DValues sceneValues, ICRS targetCRS, int order)
Polynomial(List<Triple<Point4Values,Point4Values,PointResidual>> mappedPoints, Footprint footPrint, Scene2DValues sceneValues, ICRS sourceCRS, ICRS targetCRS, int order)

Uses of ICRS in

Methods in that return ICRS
 ICRS WMSParameterChooser.getCheckBoxSRS()

Methods in with parameters of type ICRS
 Envelope WMSParameterChooser.getEnvelope(ICRS srs, List<String> layerList)

Uses of ICRS in

Methods in that return types with arguments of type ICRS
 Pair<String,ICRS> Table.getGeometryColumn(String field)

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