Package org.deegree.cs.transformations.coordinate

Coordinate Transformations allow the chaining of operations to map coordinates of one coordinate systems onto a coordinate valid in another coordinate system.


Class Summary
ConcatenatedTransform The ConcatenatedTransform class allows the connection of two transformations.
DirectTransform The DirectTransform class wraps the access to a polynomial transformation, by calling it's applyPolynomial method.
GeocentricTransform The GeocentricTransform class is used to create a transformation between a geocentric CRS (having lat-lon coordinates) and it's geodetic CRS (having x-y-z) coordinates and vice versa.
IdentityTransform Denote an identity transform, which does nothing.
MatrixTransform The MatrixTransform class allows transformations using matrices.
NotSupportedTransformation The NotSupportedTransformation class simply wraps the source and target crs.
ProjectionTransform The ProjectionTransform class wraps the access to a projection, by calling it's doProjection.

Package org.deegree.cs.transformations.coordinate Description

Coordinate Transformations allow the chaining of operations to map coordinates of one coordinate systems onto a coordinate valid in another coordinate system. They can thus be viewed as a glue which binds all operations necessary to define a 'global' transformation.

The base class of all of these transformations is the Transformation, which supplies abstract methods for the actual transformation of coordinates between two different crs. The most important one is the abstract doTransformation method. A concrete implementation of the CRSTransformation will handle the incoming coordinates as is appropriate for the transformation it defines.

$Revision: 23211 $, $Date: 2007-03-20 10:15:15 +0100 (Di, 20 Mrz 2007)$
Rutger Bezema, last edited by: $Author: rbezema $

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