
Defines the io operations for reading and writing rasters (not the data).


Interface Summary
RasterDataReader Interface for RasterData readers.
RasterIOProvider This interface is for all classes that provide raster IO.
RasterReader This interface is for abstraction of the raster loading handling.
RasterWriter This interface is for abstraction of the raster writing handling.

Class Summary
RasterIOOptions This class is a container for various RasterIO options.
WorldFileAccess Class representation of a ESRI world file.

Package Description

Defines the io operations for reading and writing rasters (not the data).

An implementation of data RasterIOProvider provides some Implementations of the RasterReader RasterWriter interface. The loading of such a provider is loaded using the ServiceLoading mechanism, default default deegree 3 io providers are provided.

Related Documentation

A RasterIOProvider provide a RasterReader, which provides methods about the possible file types it can handle, but the loading of the actual data (the raster/coverage images) is done by supplying an implementation of a RasterDataReader, which provides methods to retrieve a datacontainer.

Both above mentioned implementations supply implementations of these RasterDataReaders. For example:

the provide the (an implementation of the which adds the possible file types of imageIO. It then uses (an implementation of to access the images/raster files.

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