Uses of Class

Packages that use LoggingNotes
org.deegree.cs The org.deegree.cs package contains all necessities to transform and project coordinates form one coordinates system into another. 
org.deegree.cs.projections.cylindric Cylindrical projections use a cylinder (may it be oblique or not) to create projection of a region of the earth. 
org.deegree.cs.transformations A Transformation can be defined as an mathematical operation which transforms some values into other values using a specified function. 
org.deegree.cs.transformations.coordinate Coordinate Transformations allow the chaining of operations to map coordinates of one coordinate systems onto a coordinate valid in another coordinate system. 
org.deegree.cs.transformations.ntv2 A Transformation can be defined as an mathematical operation which transforms some values into other values using a specified function. 
org.deegree.cs.utilities Utilities used for the Coordinate system package internals. 

Uses of LoggingNotes in org.deegree.client.core.utils

Classes in org.deegree.client.core.utils with annotations of type LoggingNotes
 class SQLExecution

Uses of LoggingNotes in org.deegree.commons.utils

Classes in org.deegree.commons.utils with annotations of type LoggingNotes
 class EncodingGuesser

Uses of LoggingNotes in org.deegree.coverage.raster.container

Classes in org.deegree.coverage.raster.container with annotations of type LoggingNotes
 class DiskBasedTileContainer

Uses of LoggingNotes in org.deegree.cs

Classes in org.deegree.cs with annotations of type LoggingNotes
 class CoordinateTransformer
          Base class for transforming coordinates to new a coordinate reference systems.
 class CRSIdentifiable
          The CRSIdentifiable class can be used to identify Coordinate system components.
 class Transformer
          Abstract base class for all transformers.

Uses of LoggingNotes in org.deegree.cs.configuration.resources

Classes in org.deegree.cs.configuration.resources with annotations of type LoggingNotes
 class XMLFileResource
          The XMLFileResource is an OMElement based adapter for an xml file.

Uses of LoggingNotes in

Classes in with annotations of type LoggingNotes
 class CRSExporter
          Exports a list of coordinate systems into the deegree CRS format.
 class CRSExporterBase
          The CRSExporter exports to the old version format (no version attribute).

Uses of LoggingNotes in org.deegree.cs.persistence

Classes in org.deegree.cs.persistence with annotations of type LoggingNotes
 class AbstractCRSStore
          The base class for a CRSStore which has a caching mechanism for CRSIdentifiables and instantiates a given resolver used for inverse lookup.

Uses of LoggingNotes in org.deegree.cs.persistence.deegree.d3

Classes in org.deegree.cs.persistence.deegree.d3 with annotations of type LoggingNotes
 class DeegreeCRSStore
          The DeegreeCRSStore reads the deegree crs-config (based on it's own xml-schema) and creates the CRS's (and their datums, conversion info's, ellipsoids and projections) if requested.

Uses of LoggingNotes in org.deegree.cs.persistence.deegree.d3.parsers

Classes in org.deegree.cs.persistence.deegree.d3.parsers with annotations of type LoggingNotes
 class CoordinateSystemParser
          Stax-based parser for Coordinate system objects.
 class DatumParser
          Stax-based configuration parser for datum objects.
 class DefinitionParser
          The parent class of all parsers defines convenience methods common to all StAX based crs parsers as well as reading in the locations of the crs components defintions.
 class EllipsoidParser
          Stax-based configuration parser for ellipsoid objects.
 class PrimemeridianParser
          Stax-based configuration parser for prime meridian objects.
 class ProjectionParser
          Stax-based configuration parser for projection objects.
 class TransformationParser
          Stax-based configuration parser for transformation objects.

Uses of LoggingNotes in org.deegree.cs.persistence.gml

Classes in org.deegree.cs.persistence.gml with annotations of type LoggingNotes
 class GMLCRSStore
          The GMLCRSProvider is a provider for a GML 3.2 backend, this may be a dictionary or a database.
 class GMLFileResource
          The GMLFileResource provides easy access to a gml3.2. dictionary file, which can be used together with the GMLCRSStore.

Uses of LoggingNotes in org.deegree.cs.persistence.proj4

Classes in org.deegree.cs.persistence.proj4 with annotations of type LoggingNotes
 class PROJ4CRSStore
          The PROJ4CRSProvider class is capable of parsing the nad/epsg file and use it as a backend for crs's.
 class ProjFileResource
          The ProjFileResource reads a list of proj4 definitions from a file.

Uses of LoggingNotes in org.deegree.cs.projections.cylindric

Classes in org.deegree.cs.projections.cylindric with annotations of type LoggingNotes
 class Mercator
          The Mercator projection has following properties: Cylindircal Conformal Meridians are equally spaced straight lines Parallels are unequally spaced straight lines closest near the equator, cutting meridians at right angles.
 class TransverseMercator
          The TransverseMercator projection has following properties: Cylindrical (transverse) Conformal The central meridian, each meridian 90° from central meridian and the equator are straight lines All other meridians and parallels are complex curves Scale is true along central meridian or along two straight lines equidistant from and parallel to central merdian.

Uses of LoggingNotes in org.deegree.cs.transformations

Classes in org.deegree.cs.transformations with annotations of type LoggingNotes
 class TransformationFactory
          The TransformationFactory class is the central access point for all transformations between different crs's.

Uses of LoggingNotes in org.deegree.cs.transformations.coordinate

Classes in org.deegree.cs.transformations.coordinate with annotations of type LoggingNotes
 class ConcatenatedTransform
          The ConcatenatedTransform class allows the connection of two transformations.
 class DirectTransform
          The DirectTransform class wraps the access to a polynomial transformation, by calling it's applyPolynomial method.
 class GeocentricTransform
          The GeocentricTransform class is used to create a transformation between a geocentric CRS (having lat-lon coordinates) and it's geodetic CRS (having x-y-z) coordinates and vice versa.
 class ProjectionTransform
          The ProjectionTransform class wraps the access to a projection, by calling it's doProjection.

Uses of LoggingNotes in org.deegree.cs.transformations.ntv2

Classes in org.deegree.cs.transformations.ntv2 with annotations of type LoggingNotes
 class NTv2Transformation
          An NTv2 Transformation uses a GridShift file to transform ordinates defined in a source CRS based on a given ellipsoid to ordinates in a target CRS based on another ellipsoid.

Uses of LoggingNotes in org.deegree.cs.utilities

Classes in org.deegree.cs.utilities with annotations of type LoggingNotes
 class MappingUtils
          The MappingUtils maps some information onto another.
 class Matrix
          Defines a matrix based on GMatrix.

Uses of LoggingNotes in org.deegree.feature.persistence.shape

Classes in org.deegree.feature.persistence.shape with annotations of type LoggingNotes
 class ShapeFeatureStore
          FeatureStore implementation that uses shape files as backend.

Uses of LoggingNotes in org.deegree.feature.persistence.simplesql

Classes in org.deegree.feature.persistence.simplesql with annotations of type LoggingNotes
 class SimpleSQLFeatureStore
          FeatureStore implementation that is backed by an SQL database and configured by providing an SQL statement / an SQL connection.

Uses of LoggingNotes in org.deegree.feature.utils

Classes in org.deegree.feature.utils with annotations of type LoggingNotes
 class DBUtils

Uses of LoggingNotes in

Classes in with annotations of type LoggingNotes
 class Interpolate

Uses of LoggingNotes in org.deegree.layer

Classes in org.deegree.layer with annotations of type LoggingNotes
 class AbstractLayer

Uses of LoggingNotes in org.deegree.protocol.wms.ops

Classes in org.deegree.protocol.wms.ops with annotations of type LoggingNotes
 class GetMap
          Not all of the protocol checking is done here, as the available dimensions, layers and styles are not known.

Uses of LoggingNotes in org.deegree.rendering.r2d

Classes in org.deegree.rendering.r2d with annotations of type LoggingNotes
 class Java2DRasterRenderer
 class Java2DRenderer
 class Java2DTextRenderer

Uses of LoggingNotes in org.deegree.rendering.r2d.strokes

Classes in org.deegree.rendering.r2d.strokes with annotations of type LoggingNotes
 class TextStroke

Uses of LoggingNotes in org.deegree.rendering.r3d.opengl.rendering.dem.manager

Classes in org.deegree.rendering.r3d.opengl.rendering.dem.manager with annotations of type LoggingNotes
 class TextureTileManager
          Manages the fetching (and caching) of TextureTile instances from TextureTileProviders.

Uses of LoggingNotes in

Classes in with annotations of type LoggingNotes
 class OGCFrontController
          Servlet that acts as single HTTP communication end point and dispatcher to the OWS instances configured in the DeegreeWorkspace.

Uses of LoggingNotes in

Classes in with annotations of type LoggingNotes
 class ResourcesServlet
          Provides access to service-related stored resources, e.g.

Uses of LoggingNotes in

Classes in with annotations of type LoggingNotes
 class MapService
 class StyleRegistry

Uses of LoggingNotes in

Classes in with annotations of type LoggingNotes
 class WMSController
          WMSController handles the protocol and map service globally.

Uses of LoggingNotes in

Classes in with annotations of type LoggingNotes
 class Capabilities111XMLAdapter
 class Capabilities130XMLAdapter

Uses of LoggingNotes in

Classes in with annotations of type LoggingNotes
 class GetMap
          Constructors must make sure there is an equal number of layers and styles, the VSP maps are filled, and the scale/resolution are calculated properly.

Uses of LoggingNotes in

Classes in with annotations of type LoggingNotes
 class DummyWMSSecurityManager
          Dummy implementation of WMSSecurityManager to handle incoming requests with a security barrier.

Uses of LoggingNotes in

Classes in with annotations of type LoggingNotes
 class SLDParser

Uses of LoggingNotes in

Classes in with annotations of type LoggingNotes
 class LayerUpdater
 class PostGISUpdater
 class ShapeUpdater

Uses of LoggingNotes in

Classes in with annotations of type LoggingNotes
 class DynamicSQLLayer
 class FeatureLayer
 class Layer
 class RasterLayer
 class RemoteWMSLayer

Uses of LoggingNotes in

Classes in with annotations of type LoggingNotes
 class SLDParser

Uses of LoggingNotes in

Classes in with annotations of type LoggingNotes
 class PostgreSQLReader
 class PostgreSQLWriter

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