Uses of Interface

Packages that use Feature

Uses of Feature in org.deegree.feature

Subinterfaces of Feature in org.deegree.feature
 interface FeatureCollection
          A feature collection is a collection of Feature instances.

Classes in org.deegree.feature that implement Feature
 class AbstractFeature
          Abstract base class for common Feature implementations.
 class AbstractFeatureCollection
          Abstract base class for common FeatureCollection implementations.
 class GenericFeature
          Allows the representation of arbitrary Features.
 class GenericFeatureCollection
          Allows the representation of arbitrary FeatureCollections, including those that use FeatureCollectionTypes with additional properties.

Methods in org.deegree.feature that return types with arguments of type Feature
 Iterator<Feature> GenericFeatureCollection.iterator()

Methods in org.deegree.feature with parameters of type Feature
 boolean GenericFeatureCollection.add(Feature e)

Method parameters in org.deegree.feature with type arguments of type Feature
 boolean GenericFeatureCollection.addAll(Collection<? extends Feature> c)
static void Features.findFeaturesAndGeometries(TypedObjectNode node, Set<Geometry> geometries, Set<Feature> features, Set<String> fids, Set<String> gids)
          Determines all Feature and Geometry objects contained in the given TypedObjectNode and their ids.
 FeatureCollection FeatureCollection.getMembers(Filter filter, XPathEvaluator<Feature> evaluator)
          Returns the member features that match the given Filter.
 FeatureCollection AbstractFeatureCollection.getMembers(Filter filter, XPathEvaluator<Feature> evaluator)

Constructor parameters in org.deegree.feature with type arguments of type Feature
GenericFeatureCollection(String fid, Collection<Feature> memberFeatures)
          Creates a new GenericFeatureCollection instance without type information that contains the given features.

Uses of Feature in org.deegree.feature.persistence

Methods in org.deegree.feature.persistence that return Feature
 Feature FeatureInspector.inspect(Feature f)
          Invokes the inspection of the given Feature.

Methods in org.deegree.feature.persistence with parameters of type Feature
 Feature FeatureInspector.inspect(Feature f)
          Invokes the inspection of the given Feature.

Uses of Feature in org.deegree.feature.persistence.sql

Methods in org.deegree.feature.persistence.sql that return Feature
 Feature FeatureBuilder.buildFeature(ResultSet rs)
          Builds a Feature instance from the current row of the given ResultSet.

Uses of Feature in org.deegree.feature.persistence.sql.blob

Methods in org.deegree.feature.persistence.sql.blob that return Feature
 Feature FeatureBuilderBlob.buildFeature(ResultSet rs)

Uses of Feature in org.deegree.feature.persistence.sql.converter

Methods in org.deegree.feature.persistence.sql.converter that return Feature
 Feature FeatureParticleConverter.toParticle(ResultSet rs, int colIndex)

Methods in org.deegree.feature.persistence.sql.converter with parameters of type Feature
 String FeatureParticleConverter.getSetSnippet(Feature particle)
 void FeatureParticleConverter.setParticle(PreparedStatement stmt, Feature particle, int paramIndex)

Uses of Feature in org.deegree.feature.persistence.sql.insert

Methods in org.deegree.feature.persistence.sql.insert with parameters of type Feature
 InsertFID InsertRowManager.insertFeature(Feature feature, FeatureTypeMapping ftMapping, IDGenMode mode)
          Inserts the specified feature (relational mode).

Uses of Feature in org.deegree.feature.persistence.sql.rules

Methods in org.deegree.feature.persistence.sql.rules that return Feature
 Feature FeatureBuilderRelational.buildFeature(ResultSet rs)

Uses of Feature in

Methods in that return types with arguments of type Feature
 Iterator<Feature> MemoryFeatureInputStream.iterator()
 Iterator<Feature> CombinedFeatureInputStream.iterator()
 Iterator<Feature> FilteredFeatureInputStream.iterator()
 Iterator<Feature> IteratorFeatureInputStream.iterator()
 Iterator<Feature> ThreadedFeatureInputStream.iterator()

Constructor parameters in with type arguments of type Feature
IteratorFeatureInputStream(CloseableIterator<Feature> featureIter)
          Creates a new IteratorFeatureInputStream that is backed by the given FeatureCollection.

Uses of Feature in org.deegree.feature.types

Methods in org.deegree.feature.types that return Feature
 Feature FeatureType.newFeature(String fid, List<Property> props, ExtraProps extraProps, GMLVersion version)
          Creates a new Feature instance (that is of this type).
 Feature DynamicFeatureType.newFeature(String fid, List<Property> props, ExtraProps extraProps, GMLVersion version)
 Feature GenericFeatureType.newFeature(String fid, List<Property> props, ExtraProps extraProps, GMLVersion version)
 Feature GenericFeatureCollectionType.newFeature(String fid, List<Property> props, ExtraProps extraProps, GMLVersion version)

Uses of Feature in org.deegree.feature.utils.templating.lang

Methods in org.deegree.feature.utils.templating.lang with parameters of type Feature
 void GMLId.eval(StringBuilder sb, Object o, Feature parent)

Uses of Feature in org.deegree.feature.xpath

Methods in org.deegree.feature.xpath with parameters of type Feature
 TypedObjectNode[] FeatureXPathEvaluator.eval(Feature context, ValueReference propName)
 String FeatureXPathEvaluator.getId(Feature context)

Constructors in org.deegree.feature.xpath with parameters of type Feature
FeatureXPath(String xpathExpr, Feature rootFeature, GMLVersion version)
          Create a new FeatureXPath from an XPath expression string.

Uses of Feature in org.deegree.gml

Methods in org.deegree.gml that return Feature
 Feature GMLStreamReader.readFeature()
          Returns the deegree model representation for the GML feature element event that the cursor of the underlying xml stream points to.

Methods in org.deegree.gml with parameters of type Feature
 void GMLStreamWriter.write(Feature feature)
          Writes a GML representation of the given Feature to the stream.

Uses of Feature in org.deegree.gml.feature

Classes in org.deegree.gml.feature that implement Feature
 class FeatureReference
          A GMLReference that targets a Feature.

Methods in org.deegree.gml.feature that return Feature
 Feature GMLFeatureReader.parseFeature(XMLStreamReaderWrapper xmlStream, ICRS crs)
          Returns the object representation for the feature (or feature collection) element event that the cursor of the given XMLStreamReader points at.

Methods in org.deegree.gml.feature that return types with arguments of type Feature
 Iterator<Feature> StreamFeatureCollection.iterator()

Methods in org.deegree.gml.feature with parameters of type Feature
 void GMLFeatureWriter.export(Feature feature)
          Exports the given Feature (or FeatureCollection).
 void GMLFeatureWriter.export(Feature feature, int level)

Uses of Feature in org.deegree.gml.utils

Methods in org.deegree.gml.utils with parameters of type Feature
 boolean GMLObjectVisitor.visitFeature(Feature feature)

Uses of Feature in org.deegree.protocol.wfs.client

Methods in org.deegree.protocol.wfs.client that return types with arguments of type Feature
 GetFeatureResponse<Feature> WFSClient.doGetFeature(GetFeature request)
          Performs the given GetFeature request.
 GetFeatureResponse<Feature> WFSClient.getFeatures(QName ftName, Filter filter)
          Queries features of the specified feature type and with an optional filter.

Uses of Feature in

Methods in with parameters of type Feature
static void Layer.render(Feature f, XPathEvaluator<Feature> evaluator, Style style, Renderer renderer, TextRenderer textRenderer, double scale, double resolution)

Method parameters in with type arguments of type Feature
static void Layer.render(Feature f, XPathEvaluator<Feature> evaluator, Style style, Renderer renderer, TextRenderer textRenderer, double scale, double resolution)

Uses of Feature in

Methods in that return Feature
static Feature VectorLayerAdapter.createFeature(es.unex.sextante.dataObjects.IVectorLayer l)
          Creates a Feature from an IVectorLayer.

Methods in with parameters of type Feature
static VectorLayerImpl VectorLayerAdapter.createVectorLayer(Feature f)
          Creates an IVectorLayer from a Feature.
 void SextanteFeatureCollectionStreamWriter.writeFeature(Feature f)
          Writes a Feature into a FeatureCollection on stream.
static void SextanteProcesslet.writeFeatureCollection(ComplexOutput gmlOutput, Feature coll)
          Writes a FeatureCollection.

Uses of Feature in

Methods in with parameters of type Feature
 void SymbologyParser.FilterContinuation.updateStep(LinkedList<Symbolizer<?>> base, Feature f, XPathEvaluator<Feature> evaluator)

Method parameters in with type arguments of type Feature
 void SymbologyParser.FilterContinuation.updateStep(LinkedList<Symbolizer<?>> base, Feature f, XPathEvaluator<Feature> evaluator)

Uses of Feature in

Methods in with parameters of type Feature
 LinkedList<Triple<Styling,LinkedList<Geometry>,String>> Style.evaluate(Feature f, XPathEvaluator<Feature> evaluator)
 Pair<T,LinkedList<Geometry>> Symbolizer.evaluate(Feature f, XPathEvaluator<Feature> evaluator)
 void Continuation.evaluate(T base, Feature obj, XPathEvaluator<Feature> evaluator)
abstract  void Continuation.updateStep(T base, Feature obj, XPathEvaluator<Feature> evaluator)

Method parameters in with type arguments of type Feature
 LinkedList<Triple<Styling,LinkedList<Geometry>,String>> Style.evaluate(Feature f, XPathEvaluator<Feature> evaluator)
 Pair<T,LinkedList<Geometry>> Symbolizer.evaluate(Feature f, XPathEvaluator<Feature> evaluator)
 void Continuation.evaluate(T base, Feature obj, XPathEvaluator<Feature> evaluator)
abstract  void Continuation.updateStep(T base, Feature obj, XPathEvaluator<Feature> evaluator)

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