Uses of Class

Packages that use UnknownCRSException
org.deegree.coverage.raster Provides for simple and complex raster (grid coverages). 
org.deegree.cs The org.deegree.cs package contains all necessities to transform and project coordinates form one coordinates system into another. 

Uses of UnknownCRSException in org.deegree.coverage.raster

Methods in org.deegree.coverage.raster that throw UnknownCRSException
 AbstractRaster RasterTransformer.transform(AbstractRaster sourceRaster, Envelope dstEnvelope, int dstWidth, int dstHeight, InterpolationType interpolationType)
          Creates a transformed raster from a given source raster.
 AbstractRaster RasterTransformer.transform(AbstractRaster sourceRaster, InterpolationType interpolationType)
          Transform a raster to the target coordinate system.

Constructors in org.deegree.coverage.raster that throw UnknownCRSException
RasterTransformer(ICRS targetCRS)
          Creates a new RasterTransformer with the given target CRS.
RasterTransformer(String targetCRS)
          Creates a new RasterTransformer with the given id as the target CRS.

Uses of UnknownCRSException in org.deegree.cs

Methods in org.deegree.cs that throw UnknownCRSException
protected  Transformation Transformer.createCRSTransformation(String sourceCRS)
          Creates a transformation chain, which can be used to transform incoming coordinates (in the given source CRS) into this Transformer's targetCRS.

Constructors in org.deegree.cs that throw UnknownCRSException
CoordinateTransformer(String targetCRS)
          Creates a new CoordinateTransformer object, with the given id as the target CRS.
Transformer(String targetCRS)
          Creates a new Transformer object, with the given id as the target CRS.

Uses of UnknownCRSException in org.deegree.cs.persistence

Methods in org.deegree.cs.persistence that throw UnknownCRSException
static ICRS CRSManager.lookup(CRSCodeType codeType)
          Creates a direct ICRS instance from the given CRSCodeType not just a CRSRef, if no ICRS was found an UnknownCRSException will be thrown.
static ICRS CRSManager.lookup(String name)
          Creates a direct ICRS instance from the given name not just a CRSRef, if no ICRS was found an UnknownCRSException will be thrown.
static ICRS CRSManager.lookup(String name, boolean forceXY)
          Creates a direct ICRS instance from the given name not just a CRSRef, if no ICRS was found an UnknownCRSException will be thrown.
static ICRS CRSManager.lookup(String storeId, CRSCodeType crsCodeType)
          Creates a direct ICRS instance from the given CRSCodeType notjustjust a CRSRef using the given storeId, if no ICRS was found an UnknownCRSException will be thrown.
static ICRS CRSManager.lookup(String storeId, String name)
          Creates a direct ICRS instance from the given name using not just a CRSRef the given storeID, if no ICRS was found in the given store an UnknownCRSException will be thrown.
static ICRS CRSManager.lookup(String storeIdName, String name, boolean forceXY)
          Creates a direct ICRS instance with the given name not just a CRSRef using the given storeId, if no ICRS was found an UnknownCRSException will be thrown.

Uses of UnknownCRSException in org.deegree.feature.persistence.memory

Constructors in org.deegree.feature.persistence.memory that throw UnknownCRSException
MemoryFeatureStore(URL docURL, AppSchema schema)
          Creates a new MemoryFeatureStore that is backed by the given GML file.

Uses of UnknownCRSException in org.deegree.feature.persistence.sql.blob

Methods in org.deegree.feature.persistence.sql.blob that throw UnknownCRSException
 GMLObject BlobCodec.decode(InputStream is, Map<String,String> nsContext, AppSchema schema, ICRS crs, GMLReferenceResolver idResolver)
          Decodes the given GMLObject from the specified input stream.
 void BlobCodec.encode(GMLObject object, Map<String,String> nsContext, OutputStream os, ICRS crs)
          Encodes the given GMLObject to the specified output stream.

Uses of UnknownCRSException in org.deegree.filter.xml

Methods in org.deegree.filter.xml that throw UnknownCRSException
static void Filter110XMLEncoder.export(Filter filter, XMLStreamWriter writer)
          Serializes the given Filter object to XML.

Uses of UnknownCRSException in org.deegree.geometry

Methods in org.deegree.geometry that throw UnknownCRSException
 Geometry GeometryTransformer.transform(Geometry geo, boolean testValidDomain)
          transforms the coordinates of a deegree geometry to the target coordinate reference system.
 Geometry GeometryTransformer.transform(Geometry geo, String sourceCRS)
          transforms the coordinates of a deegree geometry to the target coordinate reference system.
<T extends Geometry>
GeometryTransformer.transform(T geo)
          transforms the coordinates of a deegree geometry to the target coordinate reference system.

Constructors in org.deegree.geometry that throw UnknownCRSException
GeometryTransformer(String targetCRS)
          Creates a new GeometryTransformer object, with the given id as the target CRS.

Uses of UnknownCRSException in org.deegree.gml

Methods in org.deegree.gml that throw UnknownCRSException
          Returns the deegree model representation for the GML object element event that the cursor of the underlying xml stream points to.
 Feature GMLStreamReader.readFeature()
          Returns the deegree model representation for the GML feature element event that the cursor of the underlying xml stream points to.
 FeatureCollection GMLStreamReader.readFeatureCollection()
          Returns the deegree model representation for the GML feature collection element event that the cursor of the underlying xml stream points to.
 StreamFeatureCollection GMLStreamReader.readFeatureCollectionStream()
          Returns a StreamFeatureCollection that allows stream-based access to the members of the feature collection that the cursor of the given XMLStreamReader points at.
 Geometry GMLStreamReader.readGeometry()
          Returns the deegree model representation for the GML geometry element event that the cursor of the underlying xml stream points to.
 Geometry GMLStreamReader.readGeometryOrEnvelope()
          Returns the deegree model representation for the GML geometry element event that the cursor of the underlying xml stream points to.
static void ReadGML.readInspireAddresses()
static void ReadGML.readSimpleFeatureCollection()
          AppSchema is derived automatically
 void XMLTransformer.transform(XMLStreamReader reader, XMLStreamWriter writer, GMLVersion gmlVersion)
          Transforms the given input stream, and streams the input into the output directly.
 void XMLTransformer.transform(XMLStreamReader reader, XMLStreamWriter writer, ICRS sourceCRS, GMLVersion gmlVersion, boolean testValidArea, List<Transformation> requestedTransformation)
          Transforms the given input stream, and streams the input into the output directly.
 void GMLStreamWriter.write(Feature feature)
          Writes a GML representation of the given Feature to the stream.
 void GMLStreamWriter.write(Geometry geometry)
          Writes a GML representation of the given Geometry to the stream.
 void GMLStreamWriter.write(GMLObject object)
          Writes a GML representation of the given GMLObject to the stream.

Constructors in org.deegree.gml that throw UnknownCRSException
XMLTransformer(String targetCRS)

Uses of UnknownCRSException in org.deegree.gml.feature

Methods in org.deegree.gml.feature that throw UnknownCRSException
 void GMLFeatureWriter.export(Feature feature)
          Exports the given Feature (or FeatureCollection).
 void GMLFeatureWriter.export(FeatureCollection fc, String noNamespaceSchemaLocation, Map<String,String> bindings)
          TODO merge with other schema location possibilities
 void GMLFeatureWriter.export(Feature feature, int level)
 void GMLFeatureWriter.export(TypedObjectNode node, int currentLevel, int maxInlineLevels)
 Feature GMLFeatureReader.parseFeature(XMLStreamReaderWrapper xmlStream, ICRS crs)
          Returns the object representation for the feature (or feature collection) element event that the cursor of the given XMLStreamReader points at.
 Property GMLFeatureReader.parseProperty(XMLStreamReaderWrapper xmlStream, PropertyType propDecl, ICRS crs, int occurence)
          Returns the object representation for the given property element.

Uses of UnknownCRSException in org.deegree.gml.geometry

Methods in org.deegree.gml.geometry that throw UnknownCRSException
 void GML2GeometryWriter.export(Geometry geometry)
 void GMLGeometryWriter.export(Geometry geometry)
          Exports a general geometry.
 void GML3GeometryWriter.export(Geometry geometry)
          Exporting a geometry via the XMLStreamWriter given when the class was constructed
 void GMLGeometryWriter.exportCompositeCurve(CompositeCurve compositeCurve)
 void GML3GeometryWriter.exportCompositeCurve(CompositeCurve compositeCurve)
          Exporting a composite curve via the XMLStreamWriter given when the class was constructed
 void GMLGeometryWriter.exportCompositeGeometry(CompositeGeometry<GeometricPrimitive> geometryComplex)
 void GML3GeometryWriter.exportCompositeGeometry(CompositeGeometry<GeometricPrimitive> geometryComplex)
          Exporting a composite geometry via the XMLStreamWriter given when the class was constructed
 void GMLGeometryWriter.exportCompositeSolid(CompositeSolid compositeSolid)
 void GML3GeometryWriter.exportCompositeSolid(CompositeSolid compositeSolid)
          Exporting a composite solid via the XMLStreamWriter given when the class was constructed
 void GMLGeometryWriter.exportCompositeSurface(CompositeSurface compositeSurface)
 void GML3GeometryWriter.exportCompositeSurface(CompositeSurface compositeSurface)
          Exporting a composite surface via the XMLStreamWriter given when the class was constructed
 void GML2GeometryWriter.exportCurve(Curve curve)
 void GMLGeometryWriter.exportCurve(Curve curve)
 void GML3GeometryWriter.exportCurve(Curve curve)
          Exporting a curve via the XMLStreamWriter given when the class was constructed
protected  void GML3GeometryWriter.exportCurveSegment(CurveSegment curveSeg)
          Exporting a curve segment via the XMLStreamWriter given when the class was constructed
 void GML2GeometryWriter.exportEnvelope(Envelope envelope)
 void GMLGeometryWriter.exportEnvelope(Envelope envelope)
 void GML3GeometryWriter.exportEnvelope(Envelope envelope)
          Exporting an Envelope via the XMLStreamWriter given when the class was constructed
 void GML2GeometryWriter.exportLinearRing(Ring linearRing)
 void GML2GeometryWriter.exportLineString(Curve curve)
 void GML2GeometryWriter.exportMultiGeometry(MultiGeometry<? extends Geometry> multiGeometry)
 void GMLGeometryWriter.exportMultiGeometry(MultiGeometry<? extends Geometry> geometry)
 void GML3GeometryWriter.exportMultiGeometry(MultiGeometry<? extends Geometry> geometry)
          Exporting a multi-geometry via the XMLStreamWriter given when the class was constructed
 void GML2GeometryWriter.exportMultiLineString(MultiCurve<Curve> multiCurve)
 void GML2GeometryWriter.exportMultiLineString(MultiLineString multiLineString)
 void GML2GeometryWriter.exportMultiPoint(MultiPoint multiPoint)
 void GML2GeometryWriter.exportMultiPolygon(MultiPolygon multiPolygon)
 void GML2GeometryWriter.exportMultiPolygon(MultiSurface<Surface> multiSurface)
 void GML2GeometryWriter.exportPoint(Point point)
 void GMLGeometryWriter.exportPoint(Point point)
 void GML3GeometryWriter.exportPoint(Point point)
          Exporting a point via the XMLStreamWriter given when the class was constructed
 void GML2GeometryWriter.exportPolygon(Polygon polygon)
 void GMLGeometryWriter.exportReference(GeometryReference<Geometry> geometryRef)
 void GML3GeometryWriter.exportReference(GeometryReference<Geometry> geometryRef)
 void GML2GeometryWriter.exportRing(Ring ring)
 void GMLGeometryWriter.exportRing(Ring ring)
 void GML3GeometryWriter.exportRing(Ring ring)
          Exporting a ring via the XMLStreamWriter given when the class was constructed
 void GMLGeometryWriter.exportSolid(Solid solid)
 void GML3GeometryWriter.exportSolid(Solid solid)
          Exporting a solid via the XMLStreamWriter given when the class was constructed
 void GML2GeometryWriter.exportSurface(Surface surface)
 void GMLGeometryWriter.exportSurface(Surface surface)
 void GML3GeometryWriter.exportSurface(Surface surface)
          Exporting a surface via the XMLStreamWriter given when the class was constructed
protected  void GML3GeometryWriter.exportSurfacePatch(SurfacePatch surfacePatch)
          Exporting a SurfacePatch via the XMLStreamWriter given when the class was constructed
 void GMLGeometryWriter.exportTin(Tin tin)
 void GML3GeometryWriter.exportTin(Tin tin)
          Exporting a tin via the XMLStreamWriter given when the class was constructed
 void GMLGeometryWriter.exportTriangulatedSurface(TriangulatedSurface triangSurface)
 void GML3GeometryWriter.exportTriangulatedSurface(TriangulatedSurface triangSurface)
          Exporting a triangulated surface via the XMLStreamWriter given when the class was constructed
 Geometry GMLGeometryReader.parse(XMLStreamReaderWrapper xmlStream)
 Geometry GML3GeometryReader.parse(XMLStreamReaderWrapper xmlStream)
          Returns the object representation for the given gml:_Geometry element event that the cursor of the associated XMLStreamReader points at.
 Geometry GMLGeometryReader.parse(XMLStreamReaderWrapper xmlStream, ICRS defaultCRS)
 Geometry GML3GeometryReader.parse(XMLStreamReaderWrapper xmlStream, ICRS defaultCRS)
          Returns the object representation for the given gml:_Geometry element event that the cursor of the associated XMLStreamReader points at.
 Curve GML3GeometryReader.parseAbstractCurve(XMLStreamReaderWrapper xmlStream, ICRS defaultCRS)
          Returns the object representation for the given gml:_Curve element event that the cursor of the associated XMLStreamReader points at.
 Geometry GML3GeometryReader.parseAbstractGeometricComplex(XMLStreamReaderWrapper xmlStream, CRS defaultCRS)
          Returns the object representation for the given gml:_Geometry event that represents a geometric complex (either gml:CompositeCurve, gml:CompositeSolid, gml:CompositeSurface or gml:GeometricComplex), that the cursor of the given XMLStreamReader points at.
 Ring GML3GeometryReader.parseAbstractRing(XMLStreamReaderWrapper xmlStream, ICRS defaultCRS)
          Returns the object representation of a (<gml:_Ring>) element.
 Solid GML3GeometryReader.parseAbstractSolid(XMLStreamReaderWrapper xmlStream, ICRS defaultCRS)
          Returns the object representation of a gml:_Solid element.
 Surface GML3GeometryReader.parseAbstractSurface(XMLStreamReaderWrapper xmlStream, ICRS defaultCRS)
          Returns the object representation of a (<gml:_Surface>) element.
 CompositeCurve GML3GeometryReader.parseCompositeCurve(XMLStreamReaderWrapper xmlStream, ICRS defaultCRS)
          Returns the object representation of a gml:CompositeCurve element.
 CompositeSolid GML3GeometryReader.parseCompositeSolid(XMLStreamReaderWrapper xmlStream, ICRS defaultCRS)
          Returns the object representation of a gml:CompositeSolid element.
 CompositeSurface GML3GeometryReader.parseCompositeSurface(XMLStreamReaderWrapper xmlStream, ICRS defaultCRS)
          Returns the object representation of a gml:CompositeSurface element.
 Curve GML3GeometryReader.parseCurve(XMLStreamReaderWrapper xmlStream, ICRS defaultCRS)
          Returns the object representation of a gml:Curve element.
 Curve GML3GeometryReader.parseCurveProperty(XMLStreamReaderWrapper xmlStream, ICRS defaultCRS)
          Returns the object representation of an element with type gml:CurvePropertyType (such as gml:curveProperty).
 MultiGeometry<? extends Geometry> GML3GeometryReader.parseGeometricAggregate(XMLStreamReaderWrapper xmlStream, ICRS defaultCRS)
          Returns the object representation for the given gml:_GeometricAggregate element event that the cursor of the given XMLStreamReader points at.
 CompositeGeometry<GeometricPrimitive> GML3GeometryReader.parseGeometricComplex(XMLStreamReaderWrapper xmlStream, ICRS defaultCRS)
          Returns the object representation of a gml:GeometricComplex element.
 GeometricPrimitive GML3GeometryReader.parseGeometricPrimitive(XMLStreamReaderWrapper xmlStream, ICRS defaultCRS)
          Returns the object representation for the given gml:_GeometricPrimitive element event that the cursor of the associated XMLStreamReader points at.
 GeometricPrimitive GML3GeometryReader.parseGeometricPrimitiveProperty(XMLStreamReaderWrapper xmlStream, ICRS defaultCRS)
          Returns the object representation of an element with type gml:GeometricPrimitivePropertyType (such as gml:element).
 Geometry GML2GeometryReader.parseGeometryOrBox(XMLStreamReaderWrapper xmlStream)
          Parse the current geometry or bbox, the given stream is pointing to.
 Geometry GML2GeometryReader.parseGeometryOrBox(XMLStreamReaderWrapper xmlStream, CRS defaultCRS)
 Geometry GML2GeometryReader.parseGeometryOrEnvelope(XMLStreamReaderWrapper xmlStream)
          Parse the current geometry or bbox, the given stream is pointing to.
 Geometry GML3GeometryReader.parseGeometryOrEnvelope(XMLStreamReaderWrapper xmlStream)
          Returns the object representation for the given gml:_Geometry/gml:Envelope element event that the cursor of the associated XMLStreamReader points at.
 Geometry GML2GeometryReader.parseGeometryOrEnvelope(XMLStreamReaderWrapper xmlStream, ICRS defaultCRS)
 Geometry GMLGeometryReader.parseGeometryOrEnvelope(XMLStreamReaderWrapper xmlStream, ICRS defaultCRS)
          Parse the current geometry or envelope the given stream is pointing to.
 Geometry GML3GeometryReader.parseGeometryOrEnvelope(XMLStreamReaderWrapper xmlStream, ICRS defaultCRS)
          Returns the object representation for the given gml:_Geometry/gml:Envelope element event that the cursor of the associated XMLStreamReader points at.
 Geometry GML3GeometryReader.parseGeometryProperty(XMLStreamReaderWrapper xmlStream, ICRS defaultCRS)
          Returns the object representation of an element with type gml:GeometryPropertyType (such as gml:geometryMember).
 LinearRing GML3GeometryReader.parseLinearRing(XMLStreamReaderWrapper xmlStream, ICRS defaultCRS)
          Returns the object representation of a gml:LinearRing element.
 LineString GML3GeometryReader.parseLineString(XMLStreamReaderWrapper xmlStream, ICRS defaultCRS)
          Returns the object representation of a gml:LineString element.
 LineString GML3GeometryReader.parseLineStringProperty(XMLStreamReaderWrapper xmlStream, ICRS defaultCRS)
          Returns the object representation of an element with type gml:LineStringPropertyType (such as gml:lineStringProperty).
 MultiCurve GML3GeometryReader.parseMultiCurve(XMLStreamReaderWrapper xmlStream, ICRS defaultCRS)
          Returns the object representation of a gml:MultiCurve element.
 MultiGeometry<Geometry> GML3GeometryReader.parseMultiGeometry(XMLStreamReaderWrapper xmlStream, ICRS defaultCRS)
          Returns the object representation of a gml:MultiGeometry element.
 MultiLineString GML3GeometryReader.parseMultiLineString(XMLStreamReaderWrapper xmlStream, ICRS defaultCRS)
          Returns the object representation of a gml:MultiLineString element.
 MultiPoint GML3GeometryReader.parseMultiPoint(XMLStreamReaderWrapper xmlStream, ICRS defaultCRS)
          Returns the object representation of a gml:MultiPoint element.
 MultiPolygon GML3GeometryReader.parseMultiPolygon(XMLStreamReaderWrapper xmlStream, ICRS defaultCRS)
          Returns the object representation of a gml:MultiPolygon element.
 MultiSolid GML3GeometryReader.parseMultiSolid(XMLStreamReaderWrapper xmlStream, ICRS defaultCRS)
          Returns the object representation of a gml:MultiSolid element.
 MultiSurface GML3GeometryReader.parseMultiSurface(XMLStreamReaderWrapper xmlStream, ICRS defaultCRS)
          Returns the object representation of a gml:MultiSurface element.
 OrientableCurve GML3GeometryReader.parseOrientableCurve(XMLStreamReaderWrapper xmlStream, ICRS defaultCRS)
          Returns the object representation of a gml:OrientableCurve element.
 OrientableSurface GML3GeometryReader.parseOrientableSurface(XMLStreamReaderWrapper xmlStream, ICRS defaultCRS)
          Returns the object representation of a gml:OrientableSurface element.
 Point GML3GeometryReader.parsePoint(XMLStreamReaderWrapper xmlStream, ICRS defaultCRS)
          Returns the object representation of a (<gml:Point>) element.
 Point GML3GeometryReader.parsePointProperty(XMLStreamReaderWrapper xmlStream, ICRS defaultCRS)
          Returns the object representation of an element with type gml:PointPropertyType (such as gml:pointProperty).
 Polygon GML3GeometryReader.parsePolygon(XMLStreamReaderWrapper xmlStream, ICRS defaultCRS)
          Returns the object representation of a (<gml:Polygon>) element.
 Polygon GML3GeometryReader.parsePolygonProperty(XMLStreamReaderWrapper xmlStream, ICRS defaultCRS)
          Returns the object representation of an element with type gml:PolygonPropertyType (such as gml:polygonProperty).
 PolyhedralSurface GML3GeometryReader.parsePolyhedralSurface(XMLStreamReaderWrapper xmlStream, ICRS defaultCRS)
          Returns the object representation of a (<gml:PolyhedralSurface>) element.
 Ring GML3GeometryReader.parseRing(XMLStreamReaderWrapper xmlStream, ICRS defaultCRS)
          Returns the object representation of a gml:Ring element.
 Solid GML3GeometryReader.parseSolid(XMLStreamReaderWrapper xmlStream, ICRS defaultCRS)
          Returns the object representation of a (<gml:Solid>) element.
 Solid GML3GeometryReader.parseSolidProperty(XMLStreamReaderWrapper xmlStream, ICRS defaultCRS)
          Returns the object representation of an element with type gml:SolidPropertyType (such as gml:solidProperty).
 Surface GML3GeometryReader.parseSurface(XMLStreamReaderWrapper xmlStream, ICRS defaultCRS)
          Returns the object representation of a (<gml:Surface>) element.
 Surface GML3GeometryReader.parseSurfaceProperty(XMLStreamReaderWrapper xmlStream, ICRS defaultCRS)
          Returns the object representation of an element with type gml:SurfacePropertyType (such as gml:surfaceProperty).
 Tin GML3GeometryReader.parseTin(XMLStreamReaderWrapper xmlStream, ICRS defaultCRS)
          Returns the object representation of a (<gml:Tin>) element.
 TriangulatedSurface GML3GeometryReader.parseTriangulatedSurface(XMLStreamReaderWrapper xmlStream, ICRS defaultCRS)
          Returns the object representation of a (<gml:TriangulatedSurface>) element.

Uses of UnknownCRSException in org.deegree.gml.geometry.validation

Methods in org.deegree.gml.geometry.validation that throw UnknownCRSException
 void GML3GeometryValidator.validateGeometries()

Uses of UnknownCRSException in org.deegree.protocol.wfs.client

Methods in org.deegree.protocol.wfs.client that throw UnknownCRSException
 WFSFeatureCollection<T> GetFeatureResponse.getAsWFSFeatureCollection()
          Provides access to the feature objects and WFS provided information in the response.
 GetFeatureResponse<Feature> WFSClient.getFeatures(QName ftName, Filter filter)
          Queries features of the specified feature type and with an optional filter.

Uses of UnknownCRSException in org.deegree.protocol.wfs.getfeature

Methods in org.deegree.protocol.wfs.getfeature that throw UnknownCRSException
static void GetFeature110XMLEncoder.export(GetFeature getFeature, NamespaceBindings namespaceBindings, XMLStreamWriter writer)
          Serializes a GetFeature-object for WFS 1.1.0 GetFeature-requests

Uses of UnknownCRSException in org.deegree.protocol.wfs.getgmlobject

Methods in org.deegree.protocol.wfs.getgmlobject that throw UnknownCRSException
static void GetGmlObject110XMLEncoder.export(GetGmlObject getGmlObject, XMLStreamWriter writer)
          Serializes a GetGmlObject-object for WFS 1.1.0 GetGmlObject-requests

Uses of UnknownCRSException in

Methods in that throw UnknownCRSException
 ExecuteRequest ExecuteRequestXMLAdapter.parse100()
          Parses the encapsulated WPS 1.0.0 <wps:ExecuteRequest> element.
static ExecuteRequest ExecuteRequestKVPAdapter.parse100(Map<String,String> kvpParams, Map<CodeType,WPSProcess> idToProcess)
          Parses the given WPS 1.0.0 ExecuteRequest KVP request.

Uses of UnknownCRSException in

Methods in that throw UnknownCRSException
 void SextanteFeatureCollectionStreamWriter.writeFeature(Feature f)
          Writes a Feature into a FeatureCollection on stream.

Uses of UnknownCRSException in

Methods in that throw UnknownCRSException
static void RasterConverter.main(String[] args)
          a starter method to transform a given point or a serie of points read from a file.

Uses of UnknownCRSException in

Methods in that throw UnknownCRSException
 void RasterTreeBuilder.buildRasterTree(AbstractRaster srcRaster, int numOfLevels)
          Builds a raster tree for the input files-

Uses of UnknownCRSException in

Methods in that throw UnknownCRSException
 void CoordinateTransform.doTransform(double[] coordinate, boolean withInverse)
          This method transforms the given coordinate (in the sourceCRS) into a coordinate of the targetCRS and back.

Uses of UnknownCRSException in

Methods in that throw UnknownCRSException
 AbstractTransformation ApplicationState.determineTransformationType(AbstractTransformation.TransformationType type)
          Determines the transformationMethod by means of the type.

Uses of UnknownCRSException in

Constructors in that throw UnknownCRSException
AbstractTransformation(List<Triple<Point4Values,Point4Values,PointResidual>> mappedPoints, Footprint footPrint, Scene2DValues sceneValues, ICRS sourceCRS, ICRS targetCRS, int order)
AffineTransformation(List<Triple<Point4Values,Point4Values,PointResidual>> mappedPoints, Footprint footPrint, Scene2DValues sceneValues, ICRS sourceCRS, ICRS targetCRS, int order)
Helmert4Transform(List<Triple<Point4Values,Point4Values,PointResidual>> mappedPoints, Footprint footPrint, Scene2DValues sceneValues, ICRS targetCRS, int order)
Polynomial(List<Triple<Point4Values,Point4Values,PointResidual>> mappedPoints, Footprint footPrint, Scene2DValues sceneValues, ICRS sourceCRS, ICRS targetCRS, int order)

Uses of UnknownCRSException in

Methods in that throw UnknownCRSException
static void FeatureStoreLoader.main(String[] args)

Uses of UnknownCRSException in org.deegree.wps.jts

Methods in org.deegree.wps.jts that throw UnknownCRSException
 void XMLGeometryProcessor.process(GMLStreamReader gmlReader, GMLStreamWriter gmlWriter)
          Reads the input stream and applies the processing operation by writing to the output stream

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