Uses of Class

Packages that use AbstractRaster
org.deegree.coverage.raster Provides for simple and complex raster (grid coverages). 
org.deegree.coverage.raster.interpolation This package contains classes for interpolation of raster data. Defines the io operations for reading and writing rasters (not the data). This package contains ImageIO based raster reader and writer. This package contains JAI based raster reader and writer.   

Uses of AbstractRaster in org.deegree.coverage

Methods in org.deegree.coverage that return AbstractRaster
 AbstractRaster Coverage.getAsRaster(Envelope spatialExtent, SampleResolution resolution, InterpolationType interpolation)
          Get a rasterized extent of this coverage by applying the given sample resolution to the given spatial extent of the coverage and applying the given interpolation if needed.

Uses of AbstractRaster in org.deegree.coverage.filter.raster

Methods in org.deegree.coverage.filter.raster that return AbstractRaster
 AbstractRaster RasterFilter.apply(RangeSet sourceRangeSet, RangeSet targetRangeset)

Constructors in org.deegree.coverage.filter.raster with parameters of type AbstractRaster
RasterFilter(AbstractRaster raster)

Uses of AbstractRaster in org.deegree.coverage.rangeset

Methods in org.deegree.coverage.rangeset with parameters of type AbstractRaster
static RangeSet RangeSetBuilder.createBandRangeSetFromRaster(String name, String label, AbstractRaster raster)
          creates a Rangeset for a given raster by looking at the band info.

Uses of AbstractRaster in org.deegree.coverage.raster

Subclasses of AbstractRaster in org.deegree.coverage.raster
 class MultiRangedRaster
          This class represents an AbstractRaster with multiple ranges.
 class SimpleRaster
          This class represents a single raster with multiple bands.
 class TiledRaster
          This class represents a tiled AbstractRaster.

Methods in org.deegree.coverage.raster that return AbstractRaster
abstract  AbstractRaster AbstractRaster.copy()
          Creates a copy of the raster with all the data.
 AbstractRaster MultiResolutionRaster.getAsRaster(Envelope spatialExtent, SampleResolution resolution, InterpolationType interpolation)
 AbstractRaster AbstractRaster.getAsRaster(Envelope spatialExtent, SampleResolution resolution, InterpolationType interpolation)
 AbstractRaster MultiRangedRaster.getRange(int index)
          Returns a single range with given index
 AbstractRaster MultiResolutionRaster.getRaster(double res)
          Returns the best-fitting raster for a given resolution.
 AbstractRaster AbstractRaster.getSubRaster(double x, double y, double x2, double y2)
          Returns a subset of the raster.
abstract  AbstractRaster AbstractRaster.getSubRaster(Envelope subsetEnv)
          Returns a subset of the raster, note this is a view on the given raster.
abstract  AbstractRaster AbstractRaster.getSubRaster(Envelope subsetEnv, BandType[] bands)
          Returns a subset of the raster, note this is a view on the given raster.
abstract  AbstractRaster AbstractRaster.getSubRaster(Envelope subsetEnv, BandType[] bands, RasterGeoReference.OriginLocation targetOrigin)
          Returns a subset of the raster, note this is a view on the given raster.
 AbstractRaster MultiResolutionRaster.getSubset(Envelope envelope, double resolution)
          Returns a subset of the raster for a given resolution.
 AbstractRaster RasterTransformer.transform(AbstractRaster sourceRaster, Envelope dstEnvelope, int dstWidth, int dstHeight, InterpolationType interpolationType)
          Creates a transformed raster from a given source raster.
 AbstractRaster RasterTransformer.transform(AbstractRaster sourceRaster, InterpolationType interpolationType)
          Transform a raster to the target coordinate system.

Methods in org.deegree.coverage.raster with parameters of type AbstractRaster
 void MultiResolutionRaster.addRaster(AbstractRaster raster)
          Adds a raster to the MultiResolution Pyramid
 void MultiRangedRaster.addRaster(AbstractRaster raster)
          Adds an AbstractRaster to the MultiRangedRaster
abstract  void AbstractRaster.setSubRaster(double x, double y, AbstractRaster source)
          Sets the raster with data from source.
 void TiledRaster.setSubRaster(double x, double y, AbstractRaster source)
 void MultiRangedRaster.setSubRaster(double x, double y, AbstractRaster source)
          Sets the MultiRangedRaster with data from source.
 void SimpleRaster.setSubRaster(double x, double y, AbstractRaster source)
abstract  void AbstractRaster.setSubRaster(double x, double y, int dstBand, AbstractRaster source)
          Sets a single band with data from source.
 void TiledRaster.setSubRaster(double x, double y, int dstBand, AbstractRaster source)
 void MultiRangedRaster.setSubRaster(double x, double y, int index, AbstractRaster source)
          Sets a range with data from source.
 void SimpleRaster.setSubRaster(double x, double y, int dstBand, AbstractRaster source)
abstract  void AbstractRaster.setSubRaster(Envelope env, AbstractRaster source)
          Sets the raster with data from source.
 void TiledRaster.setSubRaster(Envelope envelope, AbstractRaster source)
 void MultiRangedRaster.setSubRaster(Envelope env, AbstractRaster source)
 void SimpleRaster.setSubRaster(Envelope env, AbstractRaster source)
abstract  void AbstractRaster.setSubRaster(Envelope env, int dstBand, AbstractRaster source)
          Sets a single band with data from source.
 void TiledRaster.setSubRaster(Envelope env, int dstBand, AbstractRaster source)
 void MultiRangedRaster.setSubRaster(Envelope env, int dstBand, AbstractRaster source)
 void SimpleRaster.setSubRaster(Envelope env, int dstBand, AbstractRaster source)
 AbstractRaster RasterTransformer.transform(AbstractRaster sourceRaster, Envelope dstEnvelope, int dstWidth, int dstHeight, InterpolationType interpolationType)
          Creates a transformed raster from a given source raster.
 AbstractRaster RasterTransformer.transform(AbstractRaster sourceRaster, InterpolationType interpolationType)
          Transform a raster to the target coordinate system.

Uses of AbstractRaster in org.deegree.coverage.raster.cache

Methods in org.deegree.coverage.raster.cache that return AbstractRaster
 AbstractRaster CacheRasterReader.load(File gridFile, RasterIOOptions options)
 AbstractRaster CacheRasterReader.load(InputStream stream, RasterIOOptions options)

Uses of AbstractRaster in org.deegree.coverage.raster.container

Methods in org.deegree.coverage.raster.container that return AbstractRaster
 AbstractRaster GriddedMemoryTileContainer.getTile(int rowId, int columnId)
abstract  AbstractRaster GriddedTileContainer.getTile(int rowId, int columnId)
          Returns the raster tile at the given grid position.
 AbstractRaster GriddedBlobTileContainer.getTile(int rowId, int columnId)

Methods in org.deegree.coverage.raster.container that return types with arguments of type AbstractRaster
 List<AbstractRaster> GriddedTileContainer.getTiles(Envelope env)
 List<AbstractRaster> DiskBasedTileContainer.getTiles(Envelope env)
 List<AbstractRaster> IndexedMemoryTileContainer.getTiles(Envelope env)
 List<AbstractRaster> TileContainer.getTiles(Envelope env)
          Returns all tiles that intersects the envelope.
 List<AbstractRaster> MemoryTileContainer.getTiles(Envelope env)

Methods in org.deegree.coverage.raster.container with parameters of type AbstractRaster
 void IndexedMemoryTileContainer.addTile(AbstractRaster raster)
          Adds a new tile to the container.
 void MemoryTileContainer.addTile(AbstractRaster raster)
          Adds a new tile to the container.

Method parameters in org.deegree.coverage.raster.container with type arguments of type AbstractRaster
 void IndexedMemoryTileContainer.addRasterTiles(List<AbstractRaster> rasters)

Constructors in org.deegree.coverage.raster.container with parameters of type AbstractRaster
GriddedMemoryTileContainer(RasterGeoReference.OriginLocation location, Envelope envelope, int rows, int columns, int tileSamplesX, int tileSamplesY, AbstractRaster[] cells)
          The memory based gridded tile container.
MemoryTileContainer(AbstractRaster... abstractRasters)
          Creates a MemoryTileContainer with given tiles.

Constructor parameters in org.deegree.coverage.raster.container with type arguments of type AbstractRaster
DiskBasedTileContainer(RasterBuilder.QTreeInfo info, List<File> files, List<AbstractRaster> rasters, RasterIOOptions options)
MemoryTileContainer(List<AbstractRaster> abstractRasters)
          Creates a MemoryTileContainer with given tiles.

Uses of AbstractRaster in org.deegree.coverage.raster.interpolation

Methods in org.deegree.coverage.raster.interpolation that return AbstractRaster
 AbstractRaster RasterInterpolater.interPolate(AbstractRaster sourceRaster, int dstWidth, int dstHeight)
          Interpolates the given raster to retrieve a raster with the given width and height.

Methods in org.deegree.coverage.raster.interpolation with parameters of type AbstractRaster
 AbstractRaster RasterInterpolater.interPolate(AbstractRaster sourceRaster, int dstWidth, int dstHeight)
          Interpolates the given raster to retrieve a raster with the given width and height.

Uses of AbstractRaster in

Methods in that return AbstractRaster
 AbstractRaster RasterReader.load(File filename, RasterIOOptions options)
          Read the given raster file into an abstract raster.
 AbstractRaster RasterReader.load(InputStream stream, RasterIOOptions options)
          Read the given input stream into an abstract raster.

Methods in with parameters of type AbstractRaster
 boolean RasterWriter.canWrite(AbstractRaster raster, RasterIOOptions options)
          Check if the raster writer is able to write the given raster.
 void RasterWriter.write(AbstractRaster raster, File file, RasterIOOptions options)
          Write the raster into file.
 void RasterWriter.write(AbstractRaster raster, OutputStream out, RasterIOOptions options)
          Write the raster into strem.

Uses of AbstractRaster in

Methods in that return AbstractRaster
 AbstractRaster ASCReader.load(File filename, RasterIOOptions options)
 AbstractRaster ASCReader.load(InputStream stream, RasterIOOptions options)

Methods in with parameters of type AbstractRaster
 boolean ASCWriter.canWrite(AbstractRaster raster, RasterIOOptions options)
 void ASCWriter.write(AbstractRaster raster, File file, RasterIOOptions options)
 void ASCWriter.write(AbstractRaster raster, OutputStream out, RasterIOOptions options)

Uses of AbstractRaster in

Methods in that return AbstractRaster
 AbstractRaster GridReader.getTile(int columnId, int rowId)
          Read a raster from the grid file at location (row,column).
 AbstractRaster TileOffsetReader.load(File filename, RasterIOOptions options)
 AbstractRaster GridFileReader.load(File gridFile, RasterIOOptions options)
 AbstractRaster TileOffsetReader.load(InputStream stream, RasterIOOptions options)
 AbstractRaster GridReader.load(InputStream stream, RasterIOOptions options)

Methods in with parameters of type AbstractRaster
 boolean GridWriter.canWrite(AbstractRaster raster, RasterIOOptions options)
 void GridWriter.write(AbstractRaster raster, File gridFile, RasterIOOptions options)
 void GridWriter.write(AbstractRaster raster, OutputStream out, RasterIOOptions options)
 void GridWriter.write(AbstractRaster raster, RasterIOOptions options)
          Write the given raster to the previously defined gridfile.

Uses of AbstractRaster in

Methods in that return AbstractRaster
 AbstractRaster IIORasterReader.load(File file, RasterIOOptions options)
 AbstractRaster IIORasterReader.load(InputStream stream, RasterIOOptions options)

Methods in with parameters of type AbstractRaster
 boolean IIORasterWriter.canWrite(AbstractRaster raster, RasterIOOptions options)
 void IIORasterWriter.write(AbstractRaster raster, File file, RasterIOOptions options)
 void IIORasterWriter.write(AbstractRaster raster, OutputStream out, RasterIOOptions options)

Uses of AbstractRaster in

Methods in with parameters of type AbstractRaster
static void raster, File file)
static void raster, OutputStream out)

Uses of AbstractRaster in

Methods in that return AbstractRaster
 AbstractRaster JAIRasterReader.load(File file, RasterIOOptions options)
 AbstractRaster JAIRasterReader.load(InputStream stream, RasterIOOptions options)

Methods in with parameters of type AbstractRaster
 boolean JAIRasterWriter.canWrite(AbstractRaster raster, RasterIOOptions options)
 void JAIRasterWriter.write(AbstractRaster raster, File file, RasterIOOptions options)
 void JAIRasterWriter.write(AbstractRaster raster, OutputStream out, RasterIOOptions options)

Uses of AbstractRaster in

Methods in that return AbstractRaster
 AbstractRaster XYZReader.load(File filename, RasterIOOptions options)
 AbstractRaster XYZReader.load(InputStream stream, RasterIOOptions options)

Methods in with parameters of type AbstractRaster
 boolean XYZWriter.canWrite(AbstractRaster raster, RasterIOOptions options)
 void XYZWriter.write(AbstractRaster raster, File file, RasterIOOptions options)
 void XYZWriter.write(AbstractRaster raster, OutputStream out, RasterIOOptions options)

Uses of AbstractRaster in org.deegree.coverage.raster.utils

Methods in org.deegree.coverage.raster.utils that return AbstractRaster
static AbstractRaster RasterFactory.createRasterFromImage(RenderedImage image, Envelope envelope, RasterGeoReference.OriginLocation originLocation)
          Creates a simple raster from a given BufferedImage and sets the geo reference to the given envelope.
static AbstractRaster RasterFactory.createRasterFromImage(RenderedImage image, Envelope envelope, RasterGeoReference.OriginLocation originLocation, RasterIOOptions options)
          Creates a simple raster from a given BufferedImage and sets the geo reference to the given envelope.
static AbstractRaster RasterFactory.loadRasterFromFile(File filename)
          Load a raster from a file.
static AbstractRaster RasterFactory.loadRasterFromFile(File filename, RasterIOOptions options)
          Load a raster from a file.
static AbstractRaster RasterFactory.loadRasterFromStream(InputStream in, RasterIOOptions options)
          Load a raster from a stream.
static AbstractRaster CoverageTransform.transform(AbstractRaster raster, Envelope env, Grid grid, String interpolation)
          Returns a subset of the raster, transformed into to SRS of the target envelope.

Methods in org.deegree.coverage.raster.utils with parameters of type AbstractRaster
static BufferedImage RasterFactory.imageFromRaster(AbstractRaster raster)
          Creates a buffered image from a given AbstractRaster, note creating an image might result in a incorrect view of the raster.
static void RasterFactory.saveRasterToFile(AbstractRaster raster, File filename)
          Save a raster to a file.
static void RasterFactory.saveRasterToFile(AbstractRaster raster, File filename, RasterIOOptions options)
          Save a raster to a file.
static void RasterFactory.saveRasterToStream(AbstractRaster raster, OutputStream out, RasterIOOptions options)
          Save a raster to a stream.
static AbstractRaster CoverageTransform.transform(AbstractRaster raster, Envelope env, Grid grid, String interpolation)
          Returns a subset of the raster, transformed into to SRS of the target envelope.

Uses of AbstractRaster in

Methods in with parameters of type AbstractRaster
 BufferedImage Categorize.evaluateRaster(AbstractRaster raster, RasterStyling style)
          Construct an image map, as the result of the Categorize operation
 BufferedImage Interpolate.evaluateRaster(AbstractRaster raster, RasterStyling style)
          Construct an image map, as the result of the Interpolate operation

Uses of AbstractRaster in org.deegree.protocol.wms.raster

Subclasses of AbstractRaster in org.deegree.protocol.wms.raster
 class WMSRaster
          TODO add class documentation here

Methods in org.deegree.protocol.wms.raster that return AbstractRaster
 AbstractRaster WMSReader.load(File filename, RasterIOOptions options)
 AbstractRaster WMSReader.load(InputStream stream, RasterIOOptions options)

Uses of AbstractRaster in org.deegree.rendering.r2d

Methods in org.deegree.rendering.r2d that return AbstractRaster
 AbstractRaster Java2DRasterRenderer.performHillShading(AbstractRaster raster, RasterStyling style)
          Perform the hill-shading algorithm on a DEM raster.

Methods in org.deegree.rendering.r2d with parameters of type AbstractRaster
 AbstractRaster Java2DRasterRenderer.performHillShading(AbstractRaster raster, RasterStyling style)
          Perform the hill-shading algorithm on a DEM raster.
 void RasterRenderer.render(RasterStyling styling, AbstractRaster raster)
 void Java2DRasterRenderer.render(RasterStyling styling, AbstractRaster raster)

Uses of AbstractRaster in org.deegree.rendering.r3d.opengl.rendering.dem.texturing

Constructors in org.deegree.rendering.r3d.opengl.rendering.dem.texturing with parameters of type AbstractRaster
RasterAPITextureTileProvider(AbstractRaster raster)
          Read a texture from a file and load it using the raster api.

Uses of AbstractRaster in

Constructors in with parameters of type AbstractRaster
SimpleCoverage(String name, String label, AbstractRaster raster, CoverageOptions options)
SimpleCoverage(String name, String label, AbstractRaster raster, CoverageOptions options, RangeSet rangeSet)
SimpleRasterResult(AbstractRaster result, String format)

Uses of AbstractRaster in

Methods in with parameters of type AbstractRaster
static Polygon Raster2Feature.createPolygonGeometry(AbstractRaster raster)
          Return the bounding geometry of a raster as a polygon (but is actually a rectangle).

Constructors in with parameters of type AbstractRaster
RasterDataUtility(AbstractRaster raster)
RasterDataUtility(AbstractRaster raster, RasterChannelSelection style)
          Create a RasterDataUtility object, where channels are mapped according to the RasterStyle options

Uses of AbstractRaster in

Methods in that return AbstractRaster
 AbstractRaster TileFile.loadRaster(String tileBaseDir)
          loads the raster

Uses of AbstractRaster in

Methods in with parameters of type AbstractRaster
 void RasterTreeBuilder.buildRasterTree(AbstractRaster srcRaster, int numOfLevels)
          Builds a raster tree for the input files-

Uses of AbstractRaster in

Constructors in with parameters of type AbstractRaster
DEMDatasetGenerator(AbstractRaster raster, RasterIOOptions options, int levels, int rowsPerTile, float maxZ)
          Creates a new PatchGenerator instance.

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