Uses of Interface

Packages that use TypedObjectNode
org.deegree.cs The org.deegree.cs package contains all necessities to transform and project coordinates form one coordinates system into another. 
org.deegree.cs.components The components package holds the shared components used by coordinatesystems, projections and transformations. 
org.deegree.cs.coordinatesystems The ICoordinateSystems package holds the different ICoordinateSystems used by the org.deegree.cs packages. 
org.deegree.cs.projections A map projection create a 2D view of the 3D-Object 'earth', by doing so, some information is inevitably lost. 
org.deegree.cs.projections.azimuthal Azimuthal projections use a plane to project the earth onto. 
org.deegree.cs.projections.conic Conic projections use a cone (hence it's name) to project a region of the earth. 
org.deegree.cs.projections.cylindric Cylindrical projections use a cylinder (may it be oblique or not) to create projection of a region of the earth. 
org.deegree.cs.transformations A Transformation can be defined as an mathematical operation which transforms some values into other values using a specified function. 
org.deegree.cs.transformations.coordinate Coordinate Transformations allow the chaining of operations to map coordinates of one coordinate systems onto a coordinate valid in another coordinate system. 
org.deegree.cs.transformations.helmert A Transformation can be defined as an mathematical operation which transforms some values into other values using a specified function. 
org.deegree.cs.transformations.ntv2 A Transformation can be defined as an mathematical operation which transforms some values into other values using a specified function. 
org.deegree.cs.transformations.polynomial A Transformation can be defined as an mathematical operation which transforms some values into other values using a specified function. 

Uses of TypedObjectNode in org.deegree.commons.jdbc

Methods in org.deegree.commons.jdbc with type parameters of type TypedObjectNode
<T extends TypedObjectNode>
TransactionRow.addPreparedArgument(String column, T particle, ParticleConverter<T> converter)

Uses of TypedObjectNode in org.deegree.commons.tom

Subinterfaces of TypedObjectNode in org.deegree.commons.tom
 interface ElementNode
          TypedObjectNode with an (XML) element semantic.
 interface Object
          TypedObjectNode with object semantics, i.e. it can be referenced by its identifier.

Classes in org.deegree.commons.tom that implement TypedObjectNode
 class Reference<T extends Object>
          Represents a lazy reference to an Object.

Methods in org.deegree.commons.tom that return types with arguments of type TypedObjectNode
 List<TypedObjectNode> ElementNode.getChildren()
          Returns the children of the node.

Uses of TypedObjectNode in org.deegree.commons.tom.array

Classes in org.deegree.commons.tom.array with type parameters of type TypedObjectNode
 class TypedObjectNodeArray<T extends TypedObjectNode>
          Represents an array of TypedObjectNode instances, e.g. the value of a "gml:featureMembers" element of a GML feature collection.

Classes in org.deegree.commons.tom.array that implement TypedObjectNode
 class TypedObjectNodeArray<T extends TypedObjectNode>
          Represents an array of TypedObjectNode instances, e.g. the value of a "gml:featureMembers" element of a GML feature collection.

Methods in org.deegree.commons.tom.array that return TypedObjectNode
 T[] TypedObjectNodeArray.getElements()

Constructors in org.deegree.commons.tom.array with parameters of type TypedObjectNode
TypedObjectNodeArray(T[] elements)

Uses of TypedObjectNode in org.deegree.commons.tom.genericxml

Classes in org.deegree.commons.tom.genericxml that implement TypedObjectNode
 class GenericXMLElement
          TypedObjectNode that represents a generic XML element with associated XML schema type information.

Methods in org.deegree.commons.tom.genericxml that return types with arguments of type TypedObjectNode
 List<TypedObjectNode> GenericXMLElement.getChildren()

Methods in org.deegree.commons.tom.genericxml with parameters of type TypedObjectNode
 void GenericXMLElement.addChild(TypedObjectNode node)

Method parameters in org.deegree.commons.tom.genericxml with type arguments of type TypedObjectNode
 void GenericXMLElement.setChildren(List<TypedObjectNode> newChildren)

Constructor parameters in org.deegree.commons.tom.genericxml with type arguments of type TypedObjectNode
GenericXMLElement(QName name, org.apache.xerces.xs.XSElementDeclaration xsType, Map<QName,PrimitiveValue> attrs, List<TypedObjectNode> children)

Uses of TypedObjectNode in org.deegree.commons.tom.gml

Subinterfaces of TypedObjectNode in org.deegree.commons.tom.gml
 interface GMLObject
          Base interface for GML objects.

Classes in org.deegree.commons.tom.gml that implement TypedObjectNode
 class GMLReference<T extends GMLObject>
          A Reference to a GMLObject, corresponds to a GML property with an xlink:href attribute.

Methods in org.deegree.commons.tom.gml that return TypedObjectNode
 TypedObjectNode[] GMLStdProps.getMetadata()
          Returns the metadata values.

Uses of TypedObjectNode in org.deegree.commons.tom.ows

Classes in org.deegree.commons.tom.ows that implement TypedObjectNode
 class CodeType
          Name or code with an (optional) authority.
 class StringOrRef
          A simple text description or a reference to an external description.

Uses of TypedObjectNode in org.deegree.commons.tom.primitive

Classes in org.deegree.commons.tom.primitive that implement TypedObjectNode
 class PrimitiveValue
          TypedObjectNode that represents a typed primitive value, e.g. an XML text node or an XML attribute value with type information.

Uses of TypedObjectNode in org.deegree.commons.tom.sql

Classes in org.deegree.commons.tom.sql with type parameters of type TypedObjectNode
 class ParticleConversion<T extends TypedObjectNode>
          Helper class for delayed calls to ParticleConverter.setParticle(PreparedStatement, TypedObjectNode, int).
 interface ParticleConverter<T extends TypedObjectNode>
          Implementations convert particles between TypedObjectNode instances and SQL argument / parameter objects in PreparedStatement / ResultSet instances.

Uses of TypedObjectNode in org.deegree.commons.uom

Classes in org.deegree.commons.uom that implement TypedObjectNode
 class Angle
 class Length
 class Measure
          Number with a scale.

Uses of TypedObjectNode in org.deegree.cs

Subinterfaces of TypedObjectNode in org.deegree.cs
 interface CRSResource
          Interface describing a CRS or an arbirary component of a CRS.

Classes in org.deegree.cs that implement TypedObjectNode
 class CRSIdentifiable
          The CRSIdentifiable class can be used to identify Coordinate system components.

Uses of TypedObjectNode in org.deegree.cs.components

Subinterfaces of TypedObjectNode in org.deegree.cs.components
 interface IAxis
          Interface describing Axis
 interface IDatum
          Interface describing general Datum
 interface IEllipsoid
          Interface describing a Ellipsoid
 interface IGeodeticDatum
          Interface describing a GeodeticDatum
 interface IPrimeMeridian
          Interface describing a PrimeMeridian
 interface IUnit
          Interface describing a Unit
 interface IVerticalDatum
          Interface describing a VerticalDatum

Classes in org.deegree.cs.components that implement TypedObjectNode
 class Axis
          The Axis class describe the orientation, unit and the name of a crs-axis.
 class Datum
          The Datum is a generic type for all datums.
 class Ellipsoid
          The Ellipsoid class hold all parameters which are necessary to define an Ellipsoid.
 class GeodeticDatum
          A GeodeticDatum (aka.
 class PrimeMeridian
          The PrimeMeridian class saves the longitude to the greenwich meridian.
 class Unit
          The Unit class defines a mechanism to convert between different measurements units, such as british_yard and meter.
 class VerticalDatum
          A VerticalDatum is a datum which only has one axis.

Uses of TypedObjectNode in org.deegree.cs.coordinatesystems

Subinterfaces of TypedObjectNode in org.deegree.cs.coordinatesystems
 interface ICompoundCRS
          Interface describing a CompundCRS
 interface ICRS
          Interface describing a general CoordinateSytem
 interface IGeocentricCRS
          Interface describing a GeocentricCRS
 interface IGeographicCRS
          Interface describing a GeographicCRS
 interface IProjectedCRS
          Interface describing a ProjectedCRS
 interface IVerticalCRS
          Interface describing a VerticalCRS

Classes in org.deegree.cs.coordinatesystems that implement TypedObjectNode
 class CompoundCRS
          A CompoundCRS is a GeographicCRS with a third axis (the height axis) attached.
 class CRS
          Three kinds of CoordinateSystems (in this class abbreviated with CRS) are supported in this lib.
 class GeocentricCRS
          A GeocentricCRS is a ICoordinateSystem having three axis and a mass point defined to be equivalent to earths center.
 class GeographicCRS
          The GeographicCoordinateSystem (in epsg aka Geodetic CRS) is a two dimensional crs with axis of lat-lon.
 class ProjectedCRS
          A ProjectedCRS is a coordinatesystem defined with a projection and a geographic crs.
 class VerticalCRS
          The VerticalCRS represents a crs based on one axis only, typically this crs is used as an extension on an already present crs, and adds a 'heightaxis' to the original crs.

Uses of TypedObjectNode in org.deegree.cs.projections

Subinterfaces of TypedObjectNode in org.deegree.cs.projections
 interface IProjection
          Interface describing a general projection

Classes in org.deegree.cs.projections that implement TypedObjectNode
 class Projection
          Map conversion is the process of changing the map grid coordinates (usually, but not always, Easting & Northing) of a Projected Coordinate Reference System to its corresponding geographical coordinates (Latitude & Longitude) or vice versa.

Uses of TypedObjectNode in org.deegree.cs.projections.azimuthal

Subinterfaces of TypedObjectNode in org.deegree.cs.projections.azimuthal
 interface ILambertAzimuthalEqualArea
          Interface describing a LambertAzimuthalEqualArea Projection
 interface IStereographicAlternative
          Interface describing a StereographicAlternative Projection
 interface IStereographicAzimuthal
          Interface describing a StereographicAzimuthal Projection

Classes in org.deegree.cs.projections.azimuthal that implement TypedObjectNode
 class AzimuthalProjection
          The AzimuthalProjection class functions as a super class to all azimuthal projections.
 class LambertAzimuthalEqualArea
          The LambertAzimuthalEqualArea projection has following properties (From J.S.
 class StereographicAlternative
          StereographicAlternative projection may be imagined to be a projection of the earth's surface onto a plane in contact with the earth at a single tangent point from the opposite end of the diameter through that tangent point.
 class StereographicAzimuthal
          The StereographicAzimuthal class allows for Stereographic Projections of the Poles, equator as well as oblique.

Uses of TypedObjectNode in org.deegree.cs.projections.conic

Subinterfaces of TypedObjectNode in org.deegree.cs.projections.conic
 interface IConicProjection
          Interface describing a ConicProjection
 interface ILambertConformalConic
          Interface describing a LambertConformalConic Projection

Classes in org.deegree.cs.projections.conic that implement TypedObjectNode
 class ConicProjection
          The ConicProjection is a super class for all conic projections.
 class LambertConformalConic
          The LambertConformalConic projection has following properties (Snyder p. 104) Conic Conformal Parallels are unequally spaced arcs of concentric circles, more closely spaced near the center of the map Meridians are equally spaced radii of the same circles, thereby cutting paralles at right angles.

Uses of TypedObjectNode in org.deegree.cs.projections.cylindric

Subinterfaces of TypedObjectNode in org.deegree.cs.projections.cylindric
 interface IMercator
          Interface describing a Mercator Projection
 interface ITransverseMercator
          Interface describing a TransverseMercator Projection

Classes in org.deegree.cs.projections.cylindric that implement TypedObjectNode
 class CylindricalProjection
          The CylindricalProjection is a super class for all cylindrical projections.
 class Mercator
          The Mercator projection has following properties: Cylindircal Conformal Meridians are equally spaced straight lines Parallels are unequally spaced straight lines closest near the equator, cutting meridians at right angles.
 class TransverseMercator
          The TransverseMercator projection has following properties: Cylindrical (transverse) Conformal The central meridian, each meridian 90° from central meridian and the equator are straight lines All other meridians and parallels are complex curves Scale is true along central meridian or along two straight lines equidistant from and parallel to central merdian.

Uses of TypedObjectNode in org.deegree.cs.refs

Classes in org.deegree.cs.refs that implement TypedObjectNode
 class CRSResourceRef<T extends CRSResource>
          Represents a reference to a CRSResource, which is usually expressed using an xlink:href attribute in GML (may be document-local or remote).

Uses of TypedObjectNode in org.deegree.cs.refs.components

Classes in org.deegree.cs.refs.components that implement TypedObjectNode
 class AxisRef
          CRSResourceRef ti a IAxis
 class DatumRef
          General CRSResourceRef to a IDatum
 class EllipsoidRef
          CRSesourceRef to a IEllipsoid
 class GeodeticDatumRef
          DatumRef to a IGeodeticDatum
 class PrimeMeridianRef
          CRSResourceRef to a IPrimeMeridian
 class UnitRef
          CRSResourceRef to a IUnit
 class VerticalDatumRef
          DatumRef to a VerticalDatum

Uses of TypedObjectNode in org.deegree.cs.refs.coordinatesystem

Classes in org.deegree.cs.refs.coordinatesystem that implement TypedObjectNode
 class CompoundCRSRef
          CRSRef to a CompoundCRS
 class CRSRef
          Represents a CRSRef that is not necessarily resolved or resolvable.
 class GeocentricCRSRef
          CRSRef to a GeocentricCRS
 class GeographicCRSRef
          CRSRef to a GeographicCRS
 class ProjectedCRSRef
          CRSRef to a ProjectedCRS
 class VerticalCRSRef
          CRSRef to a VerticalCRS

Uses of TypedObjectNode in org.deegree.cs.refs.projections

Classes in org.deegree.cs.refs.projections that implement TypedObjectNode
 class LambertAzimuthalEqualAreaRef
          ProjectionRef to a LambertAzimuthalEqualArea
 class LambertConformalConicRef
          ProjectionRef to a LambertConformalConic
 class MercatorRef
          ProjectionRef to a Mercator
 class ProjectionRef
          General CRSResourceRef referncing a Projection
 class StereographicAlternativeRef
          ProjectionRef to a StereographicAlternative
 class StereographicAzimuthalRef
          ProjectionRef to a StereographicAzimuthal
 class TransverseMercatorRef
          ProjectionRef to a TransverseMercator

Uses of TypedObjectNode in org.deegree.cs.transformations

Classes in org.deegree.cs.transformations that implement TypedObjectNode
 class AxisFlipTransformation
          Transformation means flipping of the first and second axis!
 class Transformation
          The Transformation class supplies the most basic method interface for any given transformation.

Uses of TypedObjectNode in org.deegree.cs.transformations.coordinate

Classes in org.deegree.cs.transformations.coordinate that implement TypedObjectNode
 class ConcatenatedTransform
          The ConcatenatedTransform class allows the connection of two transformations.
 class DirectTransform
          The DirectTransform class wraps the access to a polynomial transformation, by calling it's applyPolynomial method.
 class GeocentricTransform
          The GeocentricTransform class is used to create a transformation between a geocentric CRS (having lat-lon coordinates) and it's geodetic CRS (having x-y-z) coordinates and vice versa.
 class IdentityTransform
          Denote an identity transform, which does nothing.
 class MatrixTransform
          The MatrixTransform class allows transformations using matrices.
 class NotSupportedTransformation
          The NotSupportedTransformation class simply wraps the source and target crs.
 class ProjectionTransform
          The ProjectionTransform class wraps the access to a projection, by calling it's doProjection.

Uses of TypedObjectNode in org.deegree.cs.transformations.helmert

Classes in org.deegree.cs.transformations.helmert that implement TypedObjectNode
 class Helmert
          Parameters for a geographic transformation into another datum.

Uses of TypedObjectNode in org.deegree.cs.transformations.ntv2

Classes in org.deegree.cs.transformations.ntv2 that implement TypedObjectNode
 class NTv2Transformation
          An NTv2 Transformation uses a GridShift file to transform ordinates defined in a source CRS based on a given ellipsoid to ordinates in a target CRS based on another ellipsoid.

Uses of TypedObjectNode in org.deegree.cs.transformations.polynomial

Classes in org.deegree.cs.transformations.polynomial that implement TypedObjectNode
 class LeastSquareApproximation
          LeastSquareApproximation is a polynomial transformation which uses the least square method to approximate a function given by some measured values.
 class PolynomialTransformation
          PolynomialTransformation is the base class for all polynomial transformations.

Uses of TypedObjectNode in org.deegree.feature

Subinterfaces of TypedObjectNode in org.deegree.feature
 interface Feature
          A feature is a structured object with named properties, an identifier and type information.
 interface FeatureCollection
          A feature collection is a collection of Feature instances.

Classes in org.deegree.feature that implement TypedObjectNode
 class AbstractFeature
          Abstract base class for common Feature implementations.
 class AbstractFeatureCollection
          Abstract base class for common FeatureCollection implementations.
 class GenericFeature
          Allows the representation of arbitrary Features.
 class GenericFeatureCollection
          Allows the representation of arbitrary FeatureCollections, including those that use FeatureCollectionTypes with additional properties.

Methods in org.deegree.feature with parameters of type TypedObjectNode
static void Features.findFeaturesAndGeometries(TypedObjectNode node, Set<Geometry> geometries, Set<Feature> features, Set<String> fids, Set<String> gids)
          Determines all Feature and Geometry objects contained in the given TypedObjectNode and their ids.
 void GenericFeature.setPropertyValue(QName propName, int occurrence, TypedObjectNode value)
 void Feature.setPropertyValue(QName propName, int occurence, TypedObjectNode value)
          Sets the value of a specific occurrence of a property with a given name (or removes the property feature).
 void GenericFeatureCollection.setPropertyValue(QName propName, int occurrence, TypedObjectNode value)
 void AbstractFeature.setPropertyValue(QName propName, int occurence, TypedObjectNode value, GMLVersion version)
 void Feature.setPropertyValue(QName propName, int occurence, TypedObjectNode value, GMLVersion version)
          Sets the value of a specific occurrence of a property with a given name (or removes the property from the feature).

Uses of TypedObjectNode in org.deegree.feature.persistence.sql.converter

Classes in org.deegree.feature.persistence.sql.converter with type parameters of type TypedObjectNode
 interface CustomParticleConverter<T extends TypedObjectNode>
          Implementations are ParticleConverter that can be plugged into the maaping process via configuration.

Uses of TypedObjectNode in org.deegree.feature.persistence.sql.rules

Classes in org.deegree.feature.persistence.sql.rules with type parameters of type TypedObjectNode
 class ConstantMapping<T extends TypedObjectNode>
          Mapping of a particle to a fixed value.

Uses of TypedObjectNode in

Subinterfaces of TypedObjectNode in
 interface Property
          A spatial or non-spatial property of a Feature.

Classes in that implement TypedObjectNode
 class GenericProperty
          Allows the representation of arbitrary Propertys.
 class SimpleProperty
          TODO add documentation here

Methods in that return TypedObjectNode
 TypedObjectNode GenericProperty.getValue()
 TypedObjectNode Property.getValue()
          Returns the value of this property.

Methods in that return types with arguments of type TypedObjectNode
 List<TypedObjectNode> SimpleProperty.getChildren()
 List<TypedObjectNode> GenericProperty.getChildren()

Methods in with parameters of type TypedObjectNode
 void SimpleProperty.setValue(TypedObjectNode value)
 void GenericProperty.setValue(TypedObjectNode value)
 void Property.setValue(TypedObjectNode value)
          Sets the value of this property.

Method parameters in with type arguments of type TypedObjectNode
 void SimpleProperty.setChildren(List<TypedObjectNode> children)
 void GenericProperty.setChildren(List<TypedObjectNode> children)
 void Property.setChildren(List<TypedObjectNode> children)
          Sets the children of this property.

Constructors in with parameters of type TypedObjectNode
GenericProperty(PropertyType declaration, QName name, TypedObjectNode value)
          Creates a new GenericProperty instance.
GenericProperty(PropertyType declaration, QName name, TypedObjectNode value, boolean isNilled)
GenericProperty(PropertyType declaration, QName name, TypedObjectNode value, Map<QName,PrimitiveValue> attrs, List<TypedObjectNode> children)
          Creates a new GenericProperty instance.
GenericProperty(PropertyType declaration, QName name, TypedObjectNode value, Map<QName,PrimitiveValue> attrs, List<TypedObjectNode> children, org.apache.xerces.xs.XSElementDeclaration xsType)
GenericProperty(PropertyType declaration, TypedObjectNode value)
          Creates a new GenericProperty instance.

Constructor parameters in with type arguments of type TypedObjectNode
GenericProperty(PropertyType declaration, QName name, TypedObjectNode value, Map<QName,PrimitiveValue> attrs, List<TypedObjectNode> children)
          Creates a new GenericProperty instance.
GenericProperty(PropertyType declaration, QName name, TypedObjectNode value, Map<QName,PrimitiveValue> attrs, List<TypedObjectNode> children, org.apache.xerces.xs.XSElementDeclaration xsType)

Uses of TypedObjectNode in org.deegree.feature.xpath

Classes in org.deegree.feature.xpath with type parameters of type TypedObjectNode
 class AttributeNode<P extends TypedObjectNode>
          XPathNode that represents an XML attribute node.
 class ElementNode<V extends TypedObjectNode>
          XPathNode that represents an XML element node.
 class GMLObjectNode<V extends GMLObject,P extends TypedObjectNode>
          ElementNode that wraps a GMLObject.
 class TextNode<P extends TypedObjectNode>
          XPathNode that represents an XML text node.
 class XMLElementNode<P extends TypedObjectNode>
          ElementNode that wraps an ElementNode.
 interface XPathNode<V extends TypedObjectNode>
          Base interface for XML nodes that have to be represented during XPath-evaluation.

Methods in org.deegree.feature.xpath that return TypedObjectNode
 TypedObjectNode[] FeatureXPathEvaluator.eval(ElementNode element, ValueReference propName)
 TypedObjectNode[] FeatureXPathEvaluator.eval(Feature context, ValueReference propName)
 TypedObjectNode[] FeatureXPathEvaluator.eval(Property element, ValueReference propName)
 TypedObjectNode[] FeatureXPathEvaluator.eval(TypedObjectNode particle, ValueReference path)

Methods in org.deegree.feature.xpath that return types with arguments of type TypedObjectNode
 GMLObjectNode<? extends TypedObjectNode,? extends TypedObjectNode> PropertyNode.getParent()
 GMLObjectNode<? extends TypedObjectNode,? extends TypedObjectNode> PropertyNode.getParent()
 XPathNode<? extends TypedObjectNode> XPathNode.getParent()
          Returns the parent node.

Methods in org.deegree.feature.xpath with parameters of type TypedObjectNode
 TypedObjectNode[] FeatureXPathEvaluator.eval(TypedObjectNode particle, ValueReference path)

Uses of TypedObjectNode in org.deegree.filter

Methods in org.deegree.filter that return TypedObjectNode
 TypedObjectNode[] XPathEvaluator.eval(T context, ValueReference valueRef)
          Returns the values that are selected by evaluating the given XPath 1.0 expression using the context object.
<T> TypedObjectNode[]
Expression.evaluate(T obj, XPathEvaluator<T> xpathEvaluator)
          Determines the values of the expression for the given context object.

Uses of TypedObjectNode in org.deegree.filter.comparison

Methods in org.deegree.filter.comparison with parameters of type TypedObjectNode
protected  Pair<PrimitiveValue,PrimitiveValue> ComparisonOperator.getPrimitiveValues(TypedObjectNode value1, TypedObjectNode value2)
          Creates a pair of PrimitiveValue instances from the given TypedObjectNode while trying to preserve primitive type information.

Uses of TypedObjectNode in org.deegree.filter.expression

Classes in org.deegree.filter.expression with type parameters of type TypedObjectNode
 class Literal<V extends TypedObjectNode>
          Expression that has a constant value.

Methods in org.deegree.filter.expression that return TypedObjectNode
 TypedObjectNode[] Function.evaluate(List<TypedObjectNode[]> args)
          Evaluates the function for the given arguments (without a context object).
<T> TypedObjectNode[]
Function.evaluate(T obj, List<TypedObjectNode[]> args)
          Evaluates the function for the given arguments and context.
<T> TypedObjectNode[]
Literal.evaluate(T obj, XPathEvaluator<T> xpathEvaluator)
<T> TypedObjectNode[]
ValueReference.evaluate(T obj, XPathEvaluator<T> xpathEvaluator)
<T> TypedObjectNode[]
Function.evaluate(T obj, XPathEvaluator<T> xpathEvaluator)
<T> TypedObjectNode[]
Sub.evaluate(T obj, XPathEvaluator<T> xpathEvaluator)
<T> TypedObjectNode[]
Add.evaluate(T obj, XPathEvaluator<T> xpathEvaluator)
<T> TypedObjectNode[]
Div.evaluate(T obj, XPathEvaluator<T> xpathEvaluator)
<T> TypedObjectNode[]
Mul.evaluate(T obj, XPathEvaluator<T> xpathEvaluator)

Uses of TypedObjectNode in

Methods in that return TypedObjectNode
<T> TypedObjectNode[]
Trim.evaluate(T obj, XPathEvaluator<T> xpathEvaluator)
<T> TypedObjectNode[]
Concatenate.evaluate(T obj, XPathEvaluator<T> xpathEvaluator)
<T> TypedObjectNode[]
ChangeCase.evaluate(T obj, XPathEvaluator<T> xpathEvaluator)
<T> TypedObjectNode[]
StringPosition.evaluate(T obj, XPathEvaluator<T> xpathEvaluator)
<T> TypedObjectNode[]
Recode.evaluate(T obj, XPathEvaluator<T> xpathEvaluator)
<T> TypedObjectNode[]
Categorize.evaluate(T f, XPathEvaluator<T> xpathEvaluator)
<T> TypedObjectNode[]
FormatNumber.evaluate(T obj, XPathEvaluator<T> xpathEvaluator)
<T> TypedObjectNode[]
Substring.evaluate(T obj, XPathEvaluator<T> xpathEvaluator)
<T> TypedObjectNode[]
StringLength.evaluate(T obj, XPathEvaluator<T> xpathEvaluator)
<T> TypedObjectNode[]
FormatDate.evaluate(T obj, XPathEvaluator<T> xpathEvaluator)
<T> TypedObjectNode[]
Interpolate.evaluate(T obj, XPathEvaluator<T> xpathEvaluator)

Uses of TypedObjectNode in org.deegree.filter.spatial

Methods in org.deegree.filter.spatial with parameters of type TypedObjectNode
protected  Geometry SpatialOperator.checkGeometryOrNull(TypedObjectNode value)
          Performs a checked cast to Geometry.

Uses of TypedObjectNode in org.deegree.filter.utils

Methods in org.deegree.filter.utils with parameters of type TypedObjectNode
static Geometry FilterUtils.getGeometryValue(TypedObjectNode node)

Uses of TypedObjectNode in org.deegree.geometry

Subinterfaces of TypedObjectNode in org.deegree.geometry
 interface Envelope
          Axis-parallel bounding box.
 interface Geometry
          Base interface for all vector geometry types.

Uses of TypedObjectNode in org.deegree.geometry.composite

Subinterfaces of TypedObjectNode in org.deegree.geometry.composite
 interface CompositeCurve
          A CompositeCurve is a geometry with the same topological properties as a (primitive) Curve.
 interface CompositeGeometry<T extends GeometricPrimitive>
          A CompositeGeometry is a geometric complex with underlying core geometries that are (as a whole) isomorphic to a geometry primitive.
 interface CompositeSolid
          CompositeSolid is a geometry type with the same geometric properties as the (primitive) Solid type.
 interface CompositeSurface
          CompositeSurface is a geometry type with the same geometric properties as the (primitive) Surface type.

Uses of TypedObjectNode in org.deegree.geometry.multi

Subinterfaces of TypedObjectNode in org.deegree.geometry.multi
 interface MultiCurve<T extends Curve>
          Specialised aggregation type for Curve objects.
 interface MultiGeometry<T extends Geometry>
          Basic aggregation type for Geometry objects.
 interface MultiLineString
          Specialised aggregation type for LineString objects.
 interface MultiPoint
          Specialised aggregation type for Point objects.
 interface MultiPolygon
          Specialised aggregation type for Polygon objects.
 interface MultiSolid
          Specialised aggregation type for Solid objects.
 interface MultiSurface<T extends Surface>
          Specialised aggregation type for Surface objects.

Uses of TypedObjectNode in org.deegree.geometry.primitive

Subinterfaces of TypedObjectNode in org.deegree.geometry.primitive
 interface Curve
          Curve instances are 1D-geometries that consist of a number of curve segments.
 interface GeometricPrimitive
          A GeometricPrimitive is a contigous geometry with single dimensionality.
 interface LinearRing
          TODO add documentation here
 interface LineString
          The most common case of a Curve: consist of just one curve segment with linear interpolation between the control points.
 interface OrientableCurve
          An OrientableCurve consists of a wrapped base Curve and an additional orientation.
 interface OrientableSurface
          An OrientableSurface consists of a wrapped base Surface and an additional orientation.
 interface Point
          0-dimensional primitive.
 interface Polygon
          A Surface that consists of one single planar patch (a PolygonPatch).
 interface PolyhedralSurface
          A Surface that consists only of PolygonPatch patches.
 interface Ring
          A Ring is a composition of Curves that forms a closed loop.
 interface Solid
          Solid instances are 3D-geometries that ...
 interface Surface
          Surface instances are 2D-geometries that consist of an arbitrary number of surface patches which are not necessarily planar.
 interface Tin
          A TriangulatedSurface that uses the Delaunay algorithm or a similar algorithm complemented with consideration of breaklines, stoplines, and maximum length of triangle sides.
 interface TriangulatedSurface
          A Surface that consists only of Triangle patches.

Uses of TypedObjectNode in org.deegree.geometry.refs

Classes in org.deegree.geometry.refs that implement TypedObjectNode
 class CurveReference<T extends Curve>
          The class TODO add class documentation here.
 class GeometricPrimitiveReference<T extends GeometricPrimitive>
          The class TODO add class documentation here.
 class GeometryReference<T extends Geometry>
          Represents a reference to the GML representation of a geometry, which is usually expressed using an xlink:href attribute in GML (may be document-local or remote).
 class LineStringReference
          The class TODO add class documentation here.
 class PointReference
          The class TODO add class documentation here.
 class PolygonReference
          The class TODO add class documentation here.
 class SolidReference<T extends Solid>
          The class TODO add class documentation here.
 class SurfaceReference<T extends Surface>
          The class TODO add class documentation here.

Uses of TypedObjectNode in org.deegree.geometry.standard

Classes in org.deegree.geometry.standard that implement TypedObjectNode
 class AbstractDefaultGeometry
          Abstract base class for the default Geometry implementation.
 class DefaultEnvelope
          Default implementation of Envelope.

Uses of TypedObjectNode in org.deegree.geometry.standard.composite

Classes in org.deegree.geometry.standard.composite that implement TypedObjectNode
 class DefaultCompositeCurve
          Default implementation of CompositeCurve.
 class DefaultCompositeGeometry
          Default implementation of CompositeGeometry.
 class DefaultCompositeSolid
          Default implementation of CompositeSolid.
 class DefaultCompositeSurface
          Default implementation of CompositeSurface.

Uses of TypedObjectNode in org.deegree.geometry.standard.multi

Classes in org.deegree.geometry.standard.multi that implement TypedObjectNode
 class DefaultMultiCurve
          Default implementation of MultiCurve.
 class DefaultMultiGeometry<T extends Geometry>
          Default implementation of MultiGeometry.
 class DefaultMultiLineString
          Default implementation of MultiLineString.
 class DefaultMultiPoint
          Default implementation of MultiPoint.
 class DefaultMultiPolygon
          Default implementation of MultiPolygon.
 class DefaultMultiSolid
          Default implementation of MultiSolid.
 class DefaultMultiSurface
          Default implementation of MultiSurface.

Uses of TypedObjectNode in org.deegree.geometry.standard.primitive

Classes in org.deegree.geometry.standard.primitive that implement TypedObjectNode
 class DefaultCurve
          Default implementation of Curve.
 class DefaultLinearRing
          Default implementation of Ring.
 class DefaultLineString
          Default implementation of LineString.
 class DefaultOrientableCurve
          Default implementation of OrientableCurve.
 class DefaultOrientableSurface
          Default implementation of OrientableSurface.
 class DefaultPoint
          Default implementation of Point.
 class DefaultPolygon
          Default implementation of Polygon.
 class DefaultPolyhedralSurface
          Default implementation of PolyhedralSurface.
 class DefaultRing
          Default implementation of Ring.
 class DefaultSolid
          Default implementation of Solid.
 class DefaultSurface
          Default implementation of Surface.
 class DefaultTin
          Default implementation of Tin.
 class DefaultTriangulatedSurface
          Default implementation of TriangulatedSurface.

Uses of TypedObjectNode in org.deegree.gml.dictionary

Subinterfaces of TypedObjectNode in org.deegree.gml.dictionary
 interface Definition
          Base interface for all GML definition objects.
 interface Dictionary
          Definition that is a collection of Definition instances.

Classes in org.deegree.gml.dictionary that implement TypedObjectNode
 class GenericDefinition
          Default implementation of Definition.
 class GenericDictionary
          Default implementation of Dictionary.

Uses of TypedObjectNode in org.deegree.gml.feature

Classes in org.deegree.gml.feature that implement TypedObjectNode
 class FeatureReference
          A GMLReference that targets a Feature.

Methods in org.deegree.gml.feature with parameters of type TypedObjectNode
 void GMLFeatureWriter.export(TypedObjectNode node, int currentLevel, int maxInlineLevels)
 void FeatureReference.setPropertyValue(QName propName, int occurence, TypedObjectNode value)
 boolean StandardGMLFeatureProps.setPropertyValue(QName propName, int occurence, TypedObjectNode value, GMLVersion version)
 void FeatureReference.setPropertyValue(QName propName, int occurence, TypedObjectNode value, GMLVersion version)

Constructors in org.deegree.gml.feature with parameters of type TypedObjectNode
StandardGMLFeatureProps(TypedObjectNode[] metadata, StringOrRef description, CodeType identifier, CodeType[] names, Envelope boundedBy)
          Creates a new StandardGMLFeatureProps instance.

Uses of TypedObjectNode in org.deegree.gml.props

Fields in org.deegree.gml.props declared as TypedObjectNode
protected  TypedObjectNode[] GMLStdPropsImpl.metadata

Methods in org.deegree.gml.props that return TypedObjectNode
 TypedObjectNode[] GMLStdPropsImpl.getMetadata()
          Returns the metadata values.

Constructors in org.deegree.gml.props with parameters of type TypedObjectNode
GMLStdPropsImpl(TypedObjectNode[] metadata, StringOrRef description, CodeType identifier, CodeType[] names)
          Creates a new GMLStdPropsImpl instance.

Uses of TypedObjectNode in org.deegree.sqldialect.filter

Methods in org.deegree.sqldialect.filter that return TypedObjectNode
 TypedObjectNode ConstantPropertyNameMapping.getValue()

Constructors in org.deegree.sqldialect.filter with parameters of type TypedObjectNode
ConstantPropertyNameMapping(TypedObjectNode value)

Uses of TypedObjectNode in org.deegree.sqldialect.filter.expression

Methods in org.deegree.sqldialect.filter.expression that return TypedObjectNode
 TypedObjectNode SQLArgument.getValue()

Methods in org.deegree.sqldialect.filter.expression that return types with arguments of type TypedObjectNode
 ParticleConverter<? extends TypedObjectNode> SQLArgument.getConverter()

Uses of TypedObjectNode in org.deegree.time

Subinterfaces of TypedObjectNode in org.deegree.time
 interface TimeObject
          Base type for all temporal GMLObjects.

Uses of TypedObjectNode in org.deegree.time.complex

Subinterfaces of TypedObjectNode in org.deegree.time.complex
 interface TimeComplex
          TimeObject that is an aggregation of temporal primitives.

Classes in org.deegree.time.complex that implement TypedObjectNode
 class TimeTopologyComplex

Uses of TypedObjectNode in org.deegree.time.primitive

Subinterfaces of TypedObjectNode in org.deegree.time.primitive
 interface TimeGeometricPrimitive
 interface TimePrimitive
          TODO add class documentation here

Classes in org.deegree.time.primitive that implement TypedObjectNode
 class TimeInstant
          Zero-dimensional geometric primitive that represents an identifiable position in time.
 class TimePeriod
          One-dimensional geometric primitive that represents an identifiable extent in time.

Uses of TypedObjectNode in

Classes in that implement TypedObjectNode
 class AbstractTransformation
          Abstract base class for all transformation methods.
 class AffineTransformation
          Implementation of the affine transformation with 6 parameters.
 class Helmert4Transform
          Implementation of the helmert transformation with 4 parameters.
 class Polynomial
          Implementation of the Polynomial transformation.

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