Uses of Class

Packages that use RasterIOOptions
org.deegree.coverage.raster.container This package contains the pixel-level raster parts. Defines the io operations for reading and writing rasters (not the data). This package contains ImageIO based raster reader and writer. This package contains JAI based raster reader and writer.   

Uses of RasterIOOptions in org.deegree.coverage.raster.cache

Methods in org.deegree.coverage.raster.cache with parameters of type RasterIOOptions
static RasterCache RasterCache.getInstance(RasterIOOptions options)
          Gets an instance of a data cache which uses the given options to instantiate a cache.
 AbstractRaster CacheRasterReader.load(File gridFile, RasterIOOptions options)
 AbstractRaster CacheRasterReader.load(InputStream stream, RasterIOOptions options)

Uses of RasterIOOptions in org.deegree.coverage.raster.container

Methods in org.deegree.coverage.raster.container with parameters of type RasterIOOptions
static GriddedBlobTileContainer GriddedBlobTileContainer.create(File dir, RasterIOOptions options)
          Reads the index file, '' from the given directory reads the world file information as well as the number of tiles.

Constructors in org.deegree.coverage.raster.container with parameters of type RasterIOOptions
DiskBasedTileContainer(RasterBuilder.QTreeInfo info, List<File> files, List<AbstractRaster> rasters, RasterIOOptions options)

Uses of RasterIOOptions in

Methods in with parameters of type RasterIOOptions
static ByteBufferRasterData RasterDataFactory.createRasterData(int width, int height, RasterDataInfo rdi, RasterGeoReference geoRef, ByteBuffer byteBuffer, boolean createCacheFile, String cacheId, RasterIOOptions options)
          Creates a RasterData object object with given size, number of bands, data type and interleaving filled with the given ByteArray.
static ByteBufferRasterData RasterDataFactory.createRasterData(RasterRect view, RasterDataInfo rdi, RasterGeoReference geoRef, ByteBuffer byteBuffer, boolean createCacheFile, String cacheId, RasterIOOptions options)
          Creates a RasterData object object with given size, number of bands, data type and interleaving filled with the given ByteArray.
static ByteBufferRasterData RasterDataFactory.createRasterData(RasterRect view, RasterDataInfo dataInfo, RasterReader reader, boolean addToCache, RasterIOOptions options)
          Creates a RasterData object object with given view, number of bands, data type and interleaving.
static TiledRasterData RasterDataFactory.createTiledRasterData(GridReader reader, RasterIOOptions options)
          Encapsulates a Grid of Raster data as a new Raster data object.

Constructors in with parameters of type RasterIOOptions
TiledRasterData(GridReader reader, RasterIOOptions options)

Uses of RasterIOOptions in

Methods in that return RasterIOOptions
 RasterIOOptions RasterIOOptions.copyOf(RasterIOOptions otherOptions)
          Copies the the values from the given options.
static RasterIOOptions RasterIOOptions.forFile(File file)
          Return a RasterIOOption object with the format set according to the given file.
static RasterIOOptions RasterIOOptions.forFile(File file, RasterGeoReference envelope)
          Return a RasterIOOption object with the format set according to the given file with an optional RasterGeoReference.

Methods in with parameters of type RasterIOOptions
 boolean RasterWriter.canWrite(AbstractRaster raster, RasterIOOptions options)
          Check if the raster writer is able to write the given raster.
 RasterIOOptions RasterIOOptions.copyOf(RasterIOOptions otherOptions)
          Copies the the values from the given options.
 AbstractRaster RasterReader.load(File filename, RasterIOOptions options)
          Read the given raster file into an abstract raster.
 AbstractRaster RasterReader.load(InputStream stream, RasterIOOptions options)
          Read the given input stream into an abstract raster.
static RasterGeoReference WorldFileAccess.readWorldFile(File filename, RasterIOOptions options)
static RasterGeoReference WorldFileAccess.readWorldFile(InputStream stream, RasterIOOptions options)
static RasterGeoReference WorldFileAccess.readWorldFile(Reader reader, RasterIOOptions options)
 void RasterWriter.write(AbstractRaster raster, File file, RasterIOOptions options)
          Write the raster into file.
 void RasterWriter.write(AbstractRaster raster, OutputStream out, RasterIOOptions options)
          Write the raster into strem.

Uses of RasterIOOptions in

Methods in with parameters of type RasterIOOptions
 boolean ASCWriter.canWrite(AbstractRaster raster, RasterIOOptions options)
 AbstractRaster ASCReader.load(File filename, RasterIOOptions options)
 AbstractRaster ASCReader.load(InputStream stream, RasterIOOptions options)
 void ASCWriter.write(AbstractRaster raster, File file, RasterIOOptions options)
 void ASCWriter.write(AbstractRaster raster, OutputStream out, RasterIOOptions options)

Uses of RasterIOOptions in

Methods in with parameters of type RasterIOOptions
 boolean GridWriter.canWrite(AbstractRaster raster, RasterIOOptions options)
static File GridMetaInfoFile.fileNameFromOptions(String defaultDir, String filename, RasterIOOptions options)
          find a filename from the given options or create a 'default-file-name' in the given directory.
 AbstractRaster TileOffsetReader.load(File filename, RasterIOOptions options)
 AbstractRaster GridFileReader.load(File gridFile, RasterIOOptions options)
 AbstractRaster TileOffsetReader.load(InputStream stream, RasterIOOptions options)
 AbstractRaster GridReader.load(InputStream stream, RasterIOOptions options)
static GridMetaInfoFile readerOnInfoFile, RasterIOOptions options)
          Read the grid info file which is basically a world file with supplement information.
static GridMetaInfoFile GridMetaInfoFile.readFromFile(File infoFile, RasterIOOptions options)
          Read the grid info file which is basically a world file with supplement information.
 void GridWriter.write(AbstractRaster raster, File gridFile, RasterIOOptions options)
 void GridWriter.write(AbstractRaster raster, OutputStream out, RasterIOOptions options)
 void GridWriter.write(AbstractRaster raster, RasterIOOptions options)
          Write the given raster to the previously defined gridfile.
static void GridMetaInfoFile.write(PrintWriter writer, GridMetaInfoFile metaInfo, RasterIOOptions options)
          Write the grid info file which is basically a world file with supplement information.
 File GridWriter.writeMetadataFile(RasterIOOptions options)
          Writes the metadata file for this grid file.
static void GridMetaInfoFile.writeToFile(File filename, GridMetaInfoFile metaInfo, RasterIOOptions options)
          Write the grid info file which is basically a world file with supplement information.

Constructors in with parameters of type RasterIOOptions
GridFileReader(File gridFile, RasterIOOptions options)

Uses of RasterIOOptions in

Methods in with parameters of type RasterIOOptions
 boolean IIORasterWriter.canWrite(AbstractRaster raster, RasterIOOptions options)
 AbstractRaster IIORasterReader.load(File file, RasterIOOptions options)
 AbstractRaster IIORasterReader.load(InputStream stream, RasterIOOptions options)
 void IIORasterWriter.write(AbstractRaster raster, File file, RasterIOOptions options)
 void IIORasterWriter.write(AbstractRaster raster, OutputStream out, RasterIOOptions options)

Constructors in with parameters of type RasterIOOptions
IIORasterDataReader(File file, RasterIOOptions options, int imageIndex)
          Create a IIORasterDataReader for given file
IIORasterDataReader(InputStream stream, RasterIOOptions options, int imageIndex)
          Create a IIORasterDataReader for given stream

Uses of RasterIOOptions in

Methods in with parameters of type RasterIOOptions
 boolean JAIRasterWriter.canWrite(AbstractRaster raster, RasterIOOptions options)
 AbstractRaster JAIRasterReader.load(File file, RasterIOOptions options)
 AbstractRaster JAIRasterReader.load(InputStream stream, RasterIOOptions options)
 void JAIRasterWriter.write(AbstractRaster raster, File file, RasterIOOptions options)
 void JAIRasterWriter.write(AbstractRaster raster, OutputStream out, RasterIOOptions options)

Constructors in with parameters of type RasterIOOptions
JAIRasterDataReader(File file, RasterIOOptions options)
          Create a JAIRasterReader for given file
JAIRasterDataReader(InputStream stream, RasterIOOptions options)
          Create a JAIRasterReader for given stream

Uses of RasterIOOptions in

Methods in with parameters of type RasterIOOptions
 boolean XYZWriter.canWrite(AbstractRaster raster, RasterIOOptions options)
 AbstractRaster XYZReader.load(File filename, RasterIOOptions options)
 AbstractRaster XYZReader.load(InputStream stream, RasterIOOptions options)
 void XYZWriter.write(AbstractRaster raster, File file, RasterIOOptions options)
 void XYZWriter.write(AbstractRaster raster, OutputStream out, RasterIOOptions options)

Uses of RasterIOOptions in org.deegree.coverage.raster.utils

Methods in org.deegree.coverage.raster.utils with parameters of type RasterIOOptions
 AbstractCoverage RasterBuilder.buildCoverage(File rasterLocation, boolean recursive, RasterIOOptions options)
          Creates a coverage from the given raster location.
 MultiResolutionRaster RasterBuilder.buildMultiResolutionRaster(File resolutionDirectory, boolean recursive, RasterIOOptions options)
          Create a MultiResolutionRaster with the origin or the world coordinate of each raster file, defined by the given RasterGeoReference.OriginLocation
static SimpleRaster RasterFactory.createEmptyRaster(RasterDataInfo rdi, Envelope worldEnvelope, RasterGeoReference rasterGeoReference, RasterReader reader, boolean addToCache, RasterIOOptions options)
          Creates a new Raster data object from the given world envelope, a raster reference and the data info object (holding information about type, size etc...).
static AbstractRaster RasterFactory.createRasterFromImage(RenderedImage image, Envelope envelope, RasterGeoReference.OriginLocation originLocation, RasterIOOptions options)
          Creates a simple raster from a given BufferedImage and sets the geo reference to the given envelope.
static AbstractRaster RasterFactory.loadRasterFromFile(File filename, RasterIOOptions options)
          Load a raster from a file.
static AbstractRaster RasterFactory.loadRasterFromStream(InputStream in, RasterIOOptions options)
          Load a raster from a stream.
static ByteBufferRasterData RasterFactory.rasterDataFromImage(RenderedImage img, RasterIOOptions options)
          Creates Raster data from the given RenderedImage image.
static ByteBufferRasterData RasterFactory.rasterDataFromImage(RenderedImage img, RasterIOOptions options, ByteBuffer byteBuffer)
          Creates Raster data from the given buffered image.
static void RasterFactory.saveRasterToFile(AbstractRaster raster, File filename, RasterIOOptions options)
          Save a raster to a file.
static void RasterFactory.saveRasterToStream(AbstractRaster raster, OutputStream out, RasterIOOptions options)
          Save a raster to a stream.

Uses of RasterIOOptions in

Methods in that return RasterIOOptions
static RasterIOOptions RasterOptionsParser.parseRasterIOOptions(org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLine line)
          Read options from the command line and create a RasterIOOptions from them.

Methods in with parameters of type RasterIOOptions
static AbstractCoverage RasterOptionsParser.loadCoverage(org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLine line, RasterIOOptions options)

Uses of RasterIOOptions in org.deegree.protocol.wms.raster

Methods in org.deegree.protocol.wms.raster with parameters of type RasterIOOptions
 AbstractRaster WMSReader.load(File filename, RasterIOOptions options)
 AbstractRaster WMSReader.load(InputStream stream, RasterIOOptions options)

Uses of RasterIOOptions in

Constructors in with parameters of type RasterIOOptions
MultiResolutionTileGrid(File topLevelResolutionDir, boolean recursive, RasterIOOptions options)

Uses of RasterIOOptions in

Methods in that return RasterIOOptions
 RasterIOOptions RasterTreeBuilder.getIOOptions()

Constructors in with parameters of type RasterIOOptions
RasterTreeBuilder(RasterIOOptions options, ICRS dstSRS, File dstDir, int maxTileSize, InterpolationType interpolation)
          Creates a new RasterTreeBuilder.

Uses of RasterIOOptions in

Constructors in with parameters of type RasterIOOptions
DEMDatasetGenerator(AbstractRaster raster, RasterIOOptions options, int levels, int rowsPerTile, float maxZ)
          Creates a new PatchGenerator instance.

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