Uses of Interface

Packages that use GMLObject

Uses of GMLObject in org.deegree.commons.tom.gml

Classes in org.deegree.commons.tom.gml with type parameters of type GMLObject
 class GMLReference<T extends GMLObject>
          A Reference to a GMLObject, corresponds to a GML property with an xlink:href attribute.

Classes in org.deegree.commons.tom.gml that implement GMLObject
 class GMLReference<T extends GMLObject>
          A Reference to a GMLObject, corresponds to a GML property with an xlink:href attribute.

Methods in org.deegree.commons.tom.gml that return GMLObject
 GMLObject GMLReferenceResolver.getObject(String uri, String baseURL)
          Returns the GMLObject that is referenced by the given URI.

Uses of GMLObject in org.deegree.feature

Subinterfaces of GMLObject in org.deegree.feature
 interface Feature
          A feature is a structured object with named properties, an identifier and type information.
 interface FeatureCollection
          A feature collection is a collection of Feature instances.

Classes in org.deegree.feature that implement GMLObject
 class AbstractFeature
          Abstract base class for common Feature implementations.
 class AbstractFeatureCollection
          Abstract base class for common FeatureCollection implementations.
 class GenericFeature
          Allows the representation of arbitrary Features.
 class GenericFeatureCollection
          Allows the representation of arbitrary FeatureCollections, including those that use FeatureCollectionTypes with additional properties.

Uses of GMLObject in org.deegree.feature.persistence

Methods in org.deegree.feature.persistence that return GMLObject
 GMLObject FeatureStoreGMLIdResolver.getObject(String uri, String baseURL)
 GMLObject FeatureStore.getObjectById(String id)
          Retrieves the stored object with a certain id.

Uses of GMLObject in org.deegree.feature.persistence.cache

Methods in org.deegree.feature.persistence.cache that return GMLObject
 GMLObject FeatureStoreCache.get(String id)
          Returns the object with the specified id (if it exists in the cache).
 GMLObject SimpleFeatureStoreCache.get(String id)

Methods in org.deegree.feature.persistence.cache with parameters of type GMLObject
 void FeatureStoreCache.add(GMLObject obj)
          Adds the given object to the cache.
 void SimpleFeatureStoreCache.add(GMLObject obj)

Uses of GMLObject in org.deegree.feature.persistence.geocouch

Methods in org.deegree.feature.persistence.geocouch that return GMLObject
 GMLObject GeoCouchFeatureStore.getObjectById(String id)

Uses of GMLObject in org.deegree.feature.persistence.memory

Methods in org.deegree.feature.persistence.memory that return GMLObject
 GMLObject MemoryFeatureStore.getObjectById(String id)

Uses of GMLObject in org.deegree.feature.persistence.remotewfs

Methods in org.deegree.feature.persistence.remotewfs that return GMLObject
 GMLObject RemoteWFSFeatureStore.getObjectById(String id)

Uses of GMLObject in org.deegree.feature.persistence.shape

Methods in org.deegree.feature.persistence.shape that return GMLObject
 GMLObject ShapeFeatureStore.getObjectById(String id)

Uses of GMLObject in org.deegree.feature.persistence.simplesql

Methods in org.deegree.feature.persistence.simplesql that return GMLObject
 GMLObject SimpleSQLFeatureStore.getObjectById(String id)

Uses of GMLObject in org.deegree.feature.persistence.sql

Methods in org.deegree.feature.persistence.sql that return GMLObject
 GMLObject SQLFeatureStore.getObjectById(String id)

Uses of GMLObject in org.deegree.feature.persistence.sql.blob

Methods in org.deegree.feature.persistence.sql.blob that return GMLObject
 GMLObject BlobCodec.decode(InputStream is, Map<String,String> nsContext, AppSchema schema, ICRS crs, GMLReferenceResolver idResolver)
          Decodes the given GMLObject from the specified input stream.

Methods in org.deegree.feature.persistence.sql.blob with parameters of type GMLObject
 void BlobCodec.encode(GMLObject object, Map<String,String> nsContext, OutputStream os, ICRS crs)
          Encodes the given GMLObject to the specified output stream.

Uses of GMLObject in org.deegree.feature.xpath

Classes in org.deegree.feature.xpath with type parameters of type GMLObject
 class GMLObjectNode<V extends GMLObject,P extends TypedObjectNode>
          ElementNode that wraps a GMLObject.

Uses of GMLObject in org.deegree.geometry

Subinterfaces of GMLObject in org.deegree.geometry
 interface Envelope
          Axis-parallel bounding box.
 interface Geometry
          Base interface for all vector geometry types.

Uses of GMLObject in org.deegree.geometry.composite

Subinterfaces of GMLObject in org.deegree.geometry.composite
 interface CompositeCurve
          A CompositeCurve is a geometry with the same topological properties as a (primitive) Curve.
 interface CompositeGeometry<T extends GeometricPrimitive>
          A CompositeGeometry is a geometric complex with underlying core geometries that are (as a whole) isomorphic to a geometry primitive.
 interface CompositeSolid
          CompositeSolid is a geometry type with the same geometric properties as the (primitive) Solid type.
 interface CompositeSurface
          CompositeSurface is a geometry type with the same geometric properties as the (primitive) Surface type.

Uses of GMLObject in org.deegree.geometry.multi

Subinterfaces of GMLObject in org.deegree.geometry.multi
 interface MultiCurve<T extends Curve>
          Specialised aggregation type for Curve objects.
 interface MultiGeometry<T extends Geometry>
          Basic aggregation type for Geometry objects.
 interface MultiLineString
          Specialised aggregation type for LineString objects.
 interface MultiPoint
          Specialised aggregation type for Point objects.
 interface MultiPolygon
          Specialised aggregation type for Polygon objects.
 interface MultiSolid
          Specialised aggregation type for Solid objects.
 interface MultiSurface<T extends Surface>
          Specialised aggregation type for Surface objects.

Uses of GMLObject in org.deegree.geometry.primitive

Subinterfaces of GMLObject in org.deegree.geometry.primitive
 interface Curve
          Curve instances are 1D-geometries that consist of a number of curve segments.
 interface GeometricPrimitive
          A GeometricPrimitive is a contigous geometry with single dimensionality.
 interface LinearRing
          TODO add documentation here
 interface LineString
          The most common case of a Curve: consist of just one curve segment with linear interpolation between the control points.
 interface OrientableCurve
          An OrientableCurve consists of a wrapped base Curve and an additional orientation.
 interface OrientableSurface
          An OrientableSurface consists of a wrapped base Surface and an additional orientation.
 interface Point
          0-dimensional primitive.
 interface Polygon
          A Surface that consists of one single planar patch (a PolygonPatch).
 interface PolyhedralSurface
          A Surface that consists only of PolygonPatch patches.
 interface Ring
          A Ring is a composition of Curves that forms a closed loop.
 interface Solid
          Solid instances are 3D-geometries that ...
 interface Surface
          Surface instances are 2D-geometries that consist of an arbitrary number of surface patches which are not necessarily planar.
 interface Tin
          A TriangulatedSurface that uses the Delaunay algorithm or a similar algorithm complemented with consideration of breaklines, stoplines, and maximum length of triangle sides.
 interface TriangulatedSurface
          A Surface that consists only of Triangle patches.

Uses of GMLObject in org.deegree.geometry.refs

Classes in org.deegree.geometry.refs that implement GMLObject
 class CurveReference<T extends Curve>
          The class TODO add class documentation here.
 class GeometricPrimitiveReference<T extends GeometricPrimitive>
          The class TODO add class documentation here.
 class GeometryReference<T extends Geometry>
          Represents a reference to the GML representation of a geometry, which is usually expressed using an xlink:href attribute in GML (may be document-local or remote).
 class LineStringReference
          The class TODO add class documentation here.
 class PointReference
          The class TODO add class documentation here.
 class PolygonReference
          The class TODO add class documentation here.
 class SolidReference<T extends Solid>
          The class TODO add class documentation here.
 class SurfaceReference<T extends Surface>
          The class TODO add class documentation here.

Uses of GMLObject in org.deegree.geometry.standard

Classes in org.deegree.geometry.standard that implement GMLObject
 class AbstractDefaultGeometry
          Abstract base class for the default Geometry implementation.
 class DefaultEnvelope
          Default implementation of Envelope.

Uses of GMLObject in org.deegree.geometry.standard.composite

Classes in org.deegree.geometry.standard.composite that implement GMLObject
 class DefaultCompositeCurve
          Default implementation of CompositeCurve.
 class DefaultCompositeGeometry
          Default implementation of CompositeGeometry.
 class DefaultCompositeSolid
          Default implementation of CompositeSolid.
 class DefaultCompositeSurface
          Default implementation of CompositeSurface.

Uses of GMLObject in org.deegree.geometry.standard.multi

Classes in org.deegree.geometry.standard.multi that implement GMLObject
 class DefaultMultiCurve
          Default implementation of MultiCurve.
 class DefaultMultiGeometry<T extends Geometry>
          Default implementation of MultiGeometry.
 class DefaultMultiLineString
          Default implementation of MultiLineString.
 class DefaultMultiPoint
          Default implementation of MultiPoint.
 class DefaultMultiPolygon
          Default implementation of MultiPolygon.
 class DefaultMultiSolid
          Default implementation of MultiSolid.
 class DefaultMultiSurface
          Default implementation of MultiSurface.

Uses of GMLObject in org.deegree.geometry.standard.primitive

Classes in org.deegree.geometry.standard.primitive that implement GMLObject
 class DefaultCurve
          Default implementation of Curve.
 class DefaultLinearRing
          Default implementation of Ring.
 class DefaultLineString
          Default implementation of LineString.
 class DefaultOrientableCurve
          Default implementation of OrientableCurve.
 class DefaultOrientableSurface
          Default implementation of OrientableSurface.
 class DefaultPoint
          Default implementation of Point.
 class DefaultPolygon
          Default implementation of Polygon.
 class DefaultPolyhedralSurface
          Default implementation of PolyhedralSurface.
 class DefaultRing
          Default implementation of Ring.
 class DefaultSolid
          Default implementation of Solid.
 class DefaultSurface
          Default implementation of Surface.
 class DefaultTin
          Default implementation of Tin.
 class DefaultTriangulatedSurface
          Default implementation of TriangulatedSurface.

Uses of GMLObject in org.deegree.gml

Methods in org.deegree.gml that return GMLObject
 GMLObject GMLDocumentIdContext.getObject(String id)
          Returns the GMLObject with the specified id.
 GMLObject GMLDocumentIdContext.getObject(String uri, String baseURL)
          Returns the deegree model representation for the GML object element event that the cursor of the underlying xml stream points to.

Methods in org.deegree.gml that return types with arguments of type GMLObject
 Map<String,GMLObject> GMLDocumentIdContext.getObjects()
          Returns all GMLObject (but no GMLReference instances) that have been added.

Methods in org.deegree.gml with parameters of type GMLObject
 void GMLDocumentIdContext.addObject(GMLObject object)
          Adds a new GMLObject that has been encountered during the parsing of the GML document.
 void GMLStreamWriter.write(GMLObject object)
          Writes a GML representation of the given GMLObject to the stream.

Uses of GMLObject in org.deegree.gml.dictionary

Subinterfaces of GMLObject in org.deegree.gml.dictionary
 interface Definition
          Base interface for all GML definition objects.
 interface Dictionary
          Definition that is a collection of Definition instances.

Classes in org.deegree.gml.dictionary that implement GMLObject
 class GenericDefinition
          Default implementation of Definition.
 class GenericDictionary
          Default implementation of Dictionary.

Uses of GMLObject in org.deegree.gml.feature

Classes in org.deegree.gml.feature that implement GMLObject
 class FeatureReference
          A GMLReference that targets a Feature.

Uses of GMLObject in org.deegree.gml.utils

Methods in org.deegree.gml.utils with parameters of type GMLObject
 void GMLObjectWalker.traverse(GMLObject node)
          Starts the traversal of the GMLObject hierarchy.

Uses of GMLObject in org.deegree.protocol.wfs.client

Methods in org.deegree.protocol.wfs.client that return GMLObject
 GMLObject WFSClient.getGMLObject(GetGmlObject request)

Methods in org.deegree.protocol.wfs.client that return types with arguments of type GMLObject
 Iterator<GMLObject> WFSFeatureCollection.getAdditionalObjects()

Uses of GMLObject in org.deegree.time

Subinterfaces of GMLObject in org.deegree.time
 interface TimeObject
          Base type for all temporal GMLObjects.

Uses of GMLObject in org.deegree.time.complex

Subinterfaces of GMLObject in org.deegree.time.complex
 interface TimeComplex
          TimeObject that is an aggregation of temporal primitives.

Classes in org.deegree.time.complex that implement GMLObject
 class TimeTopologyComplex

Uses of GMLObject in org.deegree.time.primitive

Subinterfaces of GMLObject in org.deegree.time.primitive
 interface TimeGeometricPrimitive
 interface TimePrimitive
          TODO add class documentation here

Classes in org.deegree.time.primitive that implement GMLObject
 class TimeInstant
          Zero-dimensional geometric primitive that represents an identifiable position in time.
 class TimePeriod
          One-dimensional geometric primitive that represents an identifiable extent in time.

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