
Interface Summary
ExceptionAwareProcesslet Processlet that provides customized exception generation.
ExceptionCustomizer The ExceptionCustomizer can be implemented to let a Processlet create an appropriate Exception for an invalid (validation) status.
Processlet Implementations of this interface are (usually GIS-related) processes that can be registered in the deegree WPS, so they can be accessed over the web by the means of the OpenGIS Web Processing Service protocol.
ProcessletExecutionInfo Allows the Processlet to provide execution information, i.e. percentage completed and start/success messages that it wants to make known to clients.
WPSProcess Encapsulates the components that are needed by the ProcessManager to offer a process.

Class Summary
DefaultExceptionCustomizer The ExceptionCustomizerImpl class TODO add class documentation here.
ExecutionManager Responsible for handling Execute requests for the WPService.
GenericWPSProcess Generic WPSProcess implementation.
ProcessExecution Encapsulates the status of a WPSProcess execution.
ProcessletInputs Encapsulates the input parameters for the execution of a Processlet.
ProcessletOutputs Encapsulates the output parameters for the execution of a Processlet.
ProcessManager Manages the available WPSProcess instances and ProcessProviders for the WPService
WPService Implementation of the OpenGIS Web Processing Service server protocol.

Exception Summary
ProcessletException Indicates that the execution of a Processlet failed.

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