
Class Summary
AbstractDataType Base definition for all data sets.
ColormapDatasetConfig An colormap which can be applied to an elevation model and can be requested by a client.
Copyright Java class for anonymous complex type.
Copyright.Image Java class for anonymous complex type.
DatasetDefinitions Java class for anonymous complex type.
DeegreeWPVS Java class for anonymous complex type.
DEMDatasetConfig An elevation model is visible through the capabilities and can be requested by a client.
DEMTextureDatasetConfig A data type defines some properties like name, title and descriptions.
Empty Java class for empty complex type.
ObjectFactory This object contains factory methods for each Java content interface and Java element interface generated in the package.
PublishedInformation Java class for anonymous complex type.
PublishedInformation.AllowedOperations Java class for anonymous complex type.
PublishedInformation.AllowedOperations.GetCapabilities Java class for anonymous complex type.
PublishedInformation.AllowedOperations.GetDescription Java class for anonymous complex type.
PublishedInformation.AllowedOperations.GetLegendGraphic Java class for anonymous complex type.
PublishedInformation.AllowedOperations.GetView Java class for anonymous complex type.
RenderableDatasetConfig Java class for RenderableDataset element declaration.
ServiceConfiguration Java class for anonymous complex type.
SkyImages Java class for anonymous complex type.
SkyImages.SkyImage Java class for anonymous complex type.
StyledGeometryProvider Java class for anonymous complex type.
StyledGeometryProvider.TextureCacheDir Java class for anonymous complex type.
SwitchLevels Java class for anonymous complex type.
SwitchLevels.Level Java class for anonymous complex type.
TranslationToLocalCRS Java class for anonymous complex type.

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