Uses of Class

Packages that use Query

Uses of Query in org.deegree.protocol.wfs.getfeature

Methods in org.deegree.protocol.wfs.getfeature that return types with arguments of type Query
 List<Query> GetFeature.getQueries()
          The queries to be performed in the request.

Constructor parameters in org.deegree.protocol.wfs.getfeature with type arguments of type Query
GetFeature(Version version, String handle, StandardPresentationParams presentationParams, ResolveParams resolveParams, List<Query> queries)
          Creates a new GetFeature request.

Uses of Query in org.deegree.protocol.wfs.getfeaturewithlock

Constructor parameters in org.deegree.protocol.wfs.getfeaturewithlock with type arguments of type Query
GetFeatureWithLock(Version version, String handle, StandardPresentationParams presentationParams, ResolveParams resolveParams, List<Query> queries, Integer expiry)
          Creates a new GetFeatureWithLock request.

Uses of Query in org.deegree.protocol.wfs.getpropertyvalue

Methods in org.deegree.protocol.wfs.getpropertyvalue that return Query
 Query GetPropertyValue.getQuery()
          Returns the query to be executed (determines the feature instances for the property value extraction).

Constructors in org.deegree.protocol.wfs.getpropertyvalue with parameters of type Query
GetPropertyValue(Version version, String handle, StandardPresentationParams presentationParams, ResolveParams resolveParams, ValueReference valueReference, ValueReference resolvePath, Query query)
          Creates a new GetPropertyValue instance.

Uses of Query in org.deegree.protocol.wfs.query

Subclasses of Query in org.deegree.protocol.wfs.query
 class AdHocQuery
          A self-contained Query.
 class BBoxQuery
          A AdHocQuery that selects features using an Envelope.
 class FeatureIdQuery
          An AdHocQuery that selects features by id.
 class FilterQuery
          A AdHocQuery that selects features using an optional Filter.
 class StoredQuery
          A Query that provides the id of a StoredQueryDefinition template and parameter values.

Methods in org.deegree.protocol.wfs.query that return Query
 Query QueryXMLAdapter.parseAbstractQuery200( queryEl)
          Parses a fes:AbstractQueryExpression element (in the context of a WFS 2.0.0 XML request).

Methods in org.deegree.protocol.wfs.query that return types with arguments of type Query
protected static List<Query> QueryKVPAdapter.parseQueries200(Map<String,String> kvpUC)

Uses of Query in

Methods in that return Query
 Query QueryAnalyzer.getQuery(Query query)
          Returns the original GetFeature query that the given query was derived from.

Constructor parameters in with type arguments of type Query
QueryAnalyzer(List<Query> wfsQueries, WebFeatureService controller, WFSFeatureStoreManager service, GMLVersion outputFormat, boolean checkInputDomain)
          Creates a new QueryAnalyzer.

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