Uses of Class

Packages that use OWSExceptionReport

Uses of OWSExceptionReport in org.deegree.protocol.ows.client

Methods in org.deegree.protocol.ows.client that throw OWSExceptionReport
 XMLStreamReader OWSResponse.getAsXMLStream()

Constructors in org.deegree.protocol.ows.client that throw OWSExceptionReport
AbstractOWSClient(URL capaUrl)
          Creates a new AbstractOWSClient instance.

Uses of OWSExceptionReport in org.deegree.protocol.ows.exception

Methods in org.deegree.protocol.ows.exception that return OWSExceptionReport
static OWSExceptionReport OWSExceptionReader.parseExceptionReport(XMLStreamReader reader)
          Parses the service exception report element that the given XMLStreamReader points at.

Methods in org.deegree.protocol.ows.exception that throw OWSExceptionReport
static void OWSExceptionReader.assertNoExceptionReport( element)
          Checks whether the given OMElement is an exception report element and causes an OWSExceptionReport exception (with the content of the element) if this is the case.
static void OWSExceptionReader.assertNoExceptionReport(XMLStreamReader xmlStream)
          Checks whether the given XMLStreamReader points to an exception report and causes an exception (with the content of the element) if this is the case.

Uses of OWSExceptionReport in org.deegree.protocol.wfs.client

Methods in org.deegree.protocol.wfs.client that throw OWSExceptionReport
 GetFeatureResponse<Feature> WFSClient.doGetFeature(GetFeature request)
          Performs the given GetFeature request.
 AppSchema WFSClient.getAppSchema()
          Returns the (GML) AppSchema for all FeatureTypes offered by this server.
 WFSFeatureCollection<T> GetFeatureResponse.getAsWFSFeatureCollection()
          Provides access to the feature objects and WFS provided information in the response.
 GetFeatureResponse<Feature> WFSClient.getFeatures(QName ftName, Filter filter)
          Queries features of the specified feature type and with an optional filter.

Constructors in org.deegree.protocol.wfs.client that throw OWSExceptionReport
WFSClient(URL capaUrl)
          Creates a new WFSClient instance with default behavior.
WFSClient(URL capaUrl, AppSchema schema)
          Creates a new WFSClient instance with options.

Uses of OWSExceptionReport in org.deegree.protocol.wps.client

Constructors in org.deegree.protocol.wps.client that throw OWSExceptionReport
WPSClient(URL capabilitiesURL)
          Creates a new WPSClient instance.

Uses of OWSExceptionReport in org.deegree.protocol.wps.client.process

Methods in org.deegree.protocol.wps.client.process that return OWSExceptionReport
 OWSExceptionReport ProcessExecution.getExceptionReport()
          Returns the exception report.

Methods in org.deegree.protocol.wps.client.process that throw OWSExceptionReport
 ExecutionOutputs ProcessExecution.execute()
          Executes the process and returns the outputs.
 void ProcessExecution.executeAsync()
          Executes the process asynchronously.
 ComplexOutput RawProcessExecution.executeComplexOutput(String id, String idCodeSpace, String mimeType, String encoding, String schema)
          Executes the process and returns the specified complex output.
 InputType[] Process.getInputTypes()
          Returns the descriptions for all input parameters of the process.
 ExecutionOutputs ProcessExecution.getOutputs()
          Returns the outputs of the process execution.
 OutputType[] Process.getOutputTypes()
          Returns the descriptions for all output parameters of the process.
 WPSConstants.ExecutionState ProcessExecution.getState()
          Returns the current state of the execution.
 boolean Process.getStatusSupported()
          Returns whether the process supports polling of status information during asynchronous execution.
 boolean Process.getStoreSupported()
          Returns whether the process supports storing of the response document (=asynchronous execution).

Uses of OWSExceptionReport in org.deegree.protocol.wps.client.process.execute

Methods in org.deegree.protocol.wps.client.process.execute that return OWSExceptionReport
 OWSExceptionReport ExecutionStatus.getExceptionReport()
          Returns the exception report.

Constructors in org.deegree.protocol.wps.client.process.execute with parameters of type OWSExceptionReport
ExecutionStatus(WPSConstants.ExecutionState state, String statusMsg, Integer percent, String creationTime, OWSExceptionReport exceptionReport)

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