Packages that use GMLElementIdentifier | |
org.deegree.gml.geometry.validation |
Uses of GMLElementIdentifier in org.deegree.gml.geometry.validation |
Methods in org.deegree.gml.geometry.validation with parameters of type GMLElementIdentifier | |
void |
GMLValidationEventHandler.geometryParsingError(GMLElementIdentifier geometryElement,
Exception e)
Method parameters in org.deegree.gml.geometry.validation with type arguments of type GMLElementIdentifier | |
boolean |
GMLValidationEventHandler.curveDiscontinuity(Curve curve,
int segmentIdx,
List<Object> affectedGeometryParticles,
List<GMLElementIdentifier> affectedElements)
Called when a discontinuity in a Curve is detected, i.e. the end point of segment does not coincide with
the start point of the next. |
boolean |
GMLValidationEventHandler.curvePointDuplication(Curve curve,
Point point,
List<Object> affectedGeometryParticles,
List<GMLElementIdentifier> affectedElements)
Called when a sequence of two identical control points in a Curve is detected. |
boolean |
GMLValidationEventHandler.curveSelfIntersection(Curve curve,
Point location,
List<Object> affectedGeometryParticles,
List<GMLElementIdentifier> affectedElements)
Called when a self-intersection of a Curve is detected. |
boolean |
GMLValidationEventHandler.exteriorRingCW(PolygonPatch patch,
List<Object> affectedGeometryParticles,
List<GMLElementIdentifier> affectedElements)
Called when a planar surface patch (= PolygonPatch ) has an exterior ring with a wrong orientation, i.e. |
boolean |
GMLValidationEventHandler.interiorRingCCW(PolygonPatch patch,
List<Object> affectedGeometryParticles,
List<GMLElementIdentifier> affectedElements)
Called when a planar surface patch (= PolygonPatch ) has an interior ring with a wrong orientation, i.e. |
boolean |
GMLValidationEventHandler.interiorRingIntersectsExterior(PolygonPatch patch,
int ringIdx,
List<Object> affectedGeometryParticles,
List<GMLElementIdentifier> affectedElements)
Called when a planar surface patch (= PolygonPatch ) has a hole (interior ring) that intersects it's shell
(exterior ring). |
boolean |
GMLValidationEventHandler.interiorRingOutsideExterior(PolygonPatch patch,
int ringIdx,
List<Object> affectedGeometryParticles,
List<GMLElementIdentifier> affectedElements)
Called when a planar surface patch (= PolygonPatch ) has a hole (interior ring) that is completely located
outside it's shell (exterior ring). |
boolean |
GMLValidationEventHandler.interiorRingsIntersect(PolygonPatch patch,
int ring1Idx,
int ring2Idx,
List<Object> affectedGeometryParticles,
List<GMLElementIdentifier> affectedElements)
Called when a planar surface patch (= PolygonPatch ) has two holes (interior rings) that intersect. |
boolean |
GMLValidationEventHandler.interiorRingsTouch(PolygonPatch patch,
int ring1Idx,
int ring2Idx,
List<Object> affectedGeometryParticles,
List<GMLElementIdentifier> affectedElements)
Called when a planar surface patch (= PolygonPatch ) has two holes (interior rings) that touch. |
boolean |
GMLValidationEventHandler.interiorRingsWithin(PolygonPatch patch,
int ring1Idx,
int ring2Idx,
List<Object> affectedGeometryParticles,
List<GMLElementIdentifier> affectedElements)
Called when a planar surface patch (= PolygonPatch ) has two holes (interior rings) that are nested, i.e. |
boolean |
GMLValidationEventHandler.interiorRingTouchesExterior(PolygonPatch patch,
int ringIdx,
List<Object> affectedGeometryParticles,
List<GMLElementIdentifier> affectedElements)
Called when a planar surface patch (= PolygonPatch ) has a hole (interior ring) that touches it's shell
(exterior ring). |
boolean |
GMLValidationEventHandler.ringNotClosed(Ring ring,
List<Object> affectedGeometryParticles,
List<GMLElementIdentifier> affectedElements)
Called when a Ring is detected that is not closed. |
boolean |
GMLValidationEventHandler.ringSelfIntersection(Ring ring,
Point location,
List<Object> affectedGeometryParticles,
List<GMLElementIdentifier> affectedElements)
Called when a self-intersection of a Ring is detected. |