Uses of Interface

Packages that use Triangle

Uses of Triangle in org.deegree.geometry

Methods in org.deegree.geometry that return Triangle
 Triangle GeometryFactory.createTriangle(LinearRing exterior)
          Creates a Triangle surface patch.

Method parameters in org.deegree.geometry with type arguments of type Triangle
 Tin GeometryFactory.createTin(String id, ICRS crs, List<List<LineStringSegment>> stopLines, List<List<LineStringSegment>> breakLines, Length maxLength, Points controlPoints, List<Triangle> patches)
          Creates a Tin.
 TriangulatedSurface GeometryFactory.createTriangulatedSurface(String id, ICRS crs, List<Triangle> memberPatches)
          Creates a TriangulatedSurface.

Uses of Triangle in org.deegree.geometry.primitive

Methods in org.deegree.geometry.primitive that return types with arguments of type Triangle
 List<Triangle> TriangulatedSurface.getPatches()
          Returns the patches that constitute this surface.

Uses of Triangle in org.deegree.geometry.standard.primitive

Methods in org.deegree.geometry.standard.primitive that return types with arguments of type Triangle
 List<Triangle> DefaultTin.getPatches()
 List<Triangle> DefaultTriangulatedSurface.getPatches()

Constructor parameters in org.deegree.geometry.standard.primitive with type arguments of type Triangle
DefaultTin(String id, ICRS crs, PrecisionModel pm, List<List<LineStringSegment>> stopLines, List<List<LineStringSegment>> breakLines, Length maxLength, Points controlPoints, List<Triangle> patches)
          Creates a new DefaultTin instance from the given parameters.
DefaultTin(String id, ICRS crs, PrecisionModel pm, List<Triangle> patches)
          Creates a new DefaultTin instance from the given parameters.
DefaultTriangulatedSurface(String id, ICRS crs, PrecisionModel pm, List<Triangle> patches)
          Creates a new DefaultTriangulatedSurface instance from the given parameters.

Uses of Triangle in org.deegree.geometry.standard.surfacepatches

Classes in org.deegree.geometry.standard.surfacepatches that implement Triangle
 class DefaultTriangle
          Default implementation of Triangle.

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