Uses of Interface

Packages that use PolygonPatch

Uses of PolygonPatch in org.deegree.geometry

Methods in org.deegree.geometry that return PolygonPatch
 PolygonPatch GeometryFactory.createPolygonPatch(Ring exteriorRing, List<Ring> interiorRings)
          Creates a PolygonPatch surface patch.

Method parameters in org.deegree.geometry with type arguments of type PolygonPatch
 PolyhedralSurface GeometryFactory.createPolyhedralSurface(String id, ICRS crs, List<PolygonPatch> memberPatches)
          Creates a PolyhedralSurface.

Uses of PolygonPatch in org.deegree.geometry.linearization

Methods in org.deegree.geometry.linearization that return PolygonPatch
 PolygonPatch SurfaceLinearizer.linearize(PolygonPatch patch, LinearizationCriterion crit)
          Returns a linearized version (i.e. a PolygonPatch that only uses LinearRings as boundaries) of the given PolygonPatch.

Methods in org.deegree.geometry.linearization with parameters of type PolygonPatch
 PolygonPatch SurfaceLinearizer.linearize(PolygonPatch patch, LinearizationCriterion crit)
          Returns a linearized version (i.e. a PolygonPatch that only uses LinearRings as boundaries) of the given PolygonPatch.

Uses of PolygonPatch in org.deegree.geometry.primitive

Methods in org.deegree.geometry.primitive that return types with arguments of type PolygonPatch
 List<PolygonPatch> Polygon.getPatches()
          Returns a list that contains the one PolygonPatch that constitutes this polygon.

Uses of PolygonPatch in org.deegree.geometry.primitive.patches

Subinterfaces of PolygonPatch in org.deegree.geometry.primitive.patches
 interface Rectangle
          A Rectangle is a PolygonPatch defined by four planar points.
 interface Triangle
          A Triangle is a SurfacePatch defined by three planar points.

Uses of PolygonPatch in org.deegree.geometry.refs

Methods in org.deegree.geometry.refs that return types with arguments of type PolygonPatch
 List<PolygonPatch> PolygonReference.getPatches()

Uses of PolygonPatch in org.deegree.geometry.standard.primitive

Methods in org.deegree.geometry.standard.primitive that return types with arguments of type PolygonPatch
 List<PolygonPatch> DefaultPolyhedralSurface.getPatches()
 List<PolygonPatch> DefaultPolygon.getPatches()

Constructor parameters in org.deegree.geometry.standard.primitive with type arguments of type PolygonPatch
DefaultPolyhedralSurface(String id, ICRS crs, PrecisionModel pm, List<PolygonPatch> patches)
          Creates a new DefaultPolyhedralSurface instance from the given parameters.

Uses of PolygonPatch in org.deegree.geometry.standard.surfacepatches

Classes in org.deegree.geometry.standard.surfacepatches that implement PolygonPatch
 class DefaultPolygonPatch
          Default implementation of PolygonPatch.
 class DefaultRectangle
          Default implementation of Rectangle.
 class DefaultTriangle
          Default implementation of Triangle.

Uses of PolygonPatch in org.deegree.geometry.validation

Methods in org.deegree.geometry.validation with parameters of type PolygonPatch
 boolean GeometryValidationEventHandler.exteriorRingCW(PolygonPatch patch, List<Object> affectedGeometryParticles)
          Called when a planar surface patch (=PolygonPatch) has an exterior ring with a wrong orientation, i.e.
 boolean GeometryValidationEventHandler.interiorRingCCW(PolygonPatch patch, List<Object> affectedGeometryParticles)
          Called when a planar surface patch (=PolygonPatch) has an interior ring with a wrong orientation, i.e.
 boolean GeometryValidationEventHandler.interiorRingIntersectsExterior(PolygonPatch patch, int ringIdx, List<Object> affectedGeometryParticles)
          Called when a planar surface patch (=PolygonPatch) has a hole (interior ring) that intersects it's shell (exterior ring).
 boolean GeometryValidationEventHandler.interiorRingOutsideExterior(PolygonPatch patch, int ringIdx, List<Object> affectedGeometryParticles)
          Called when a planar surface patch (=PolygonPatch) has a hole (interior ring) that is completely located outside it's shell (exterior ring).
 boolean GeometryValidationEventHandler.interiorRingsIntersect(PolygonPatch patch, int ring1Idx, int ring2Idx, List<Object> affectedGeometryParticles)
          Called when a planar surface patch (=PolygonPatch) has two holes (interior rings) that intersect.
 boolean GeometryValidationEventHandler.interiorRingsTouch(PolygonPatch patch, int ring1Idx, int ring2Idx, List<Object> affectedGeometryParticles)
          Called when a planar surface patch (=PolygonPatch) has two holes (interior rings) that touch.
 boolean GeometryValidationEventHandler.interiorRingsWithin(PolygonPatch patch, int ring1Idx, int ring2Idx, List<Object> affectedGeometryParticles)
          Called when a planar surface patch (=PolygonPatch) has two holes (interior rings) that are nested, i.e.
 boolean GeometryValidationEventHandler.interiorRingTouchesExterior(PolygonPatch patch, int ringIdx, List<Object> affectedGeometryParticles)
          Called when a planar surface patch (=PolygonPatch) has a hole (interior ring) that touches it's shell (exterior ring).

Uses of PolygonPatch in org.deegree.gml.geometry.validation

Methods in org.deegree.gml.geometry.validation with parameters of type PolygonPatch
 boolean GMLValidationEventHandler.exteriorRingCW(PolygonPatch patch, List<Object> affectedGeometryParticles, List<GMLElementIdentifier> affectedElements)
          Called when a planar surface patch (=PolygonPatch) has an exterior ring with a wrong orientation, i.e.
 boolean GMLValidationEventHandler.interiorRingCCW(PolygonPatch patch, List<Object> affectedGeometryParticles, List<GMLElementIdentifier> affectedElements)
          Called when a planar surface patch (=PolygonPatch) has an interior ring with a wrong orientation, i.e.
 boolean GMLValidationEventHandler.interiorRingIntersectsExterior(PolygonPatch patch, int ringIdx, List<Object> affectedGeometryParticles, List<GMLElementIdentifier> affectedElements)
          Called when a planar surface patch (=PolygonPatch) has a hole (interior ring) that intersects it's shell (exterior ring).
 boolean GMLValidationEventHandler.interiorRingOutsideExterior(PolygonPatch patch, int ringIdx, List<Object> affectedGeometryParticles, List<GMLElementIdentifier> affectedElements)
          Called when a planar surface patch (=PolygonPatch) has a hole (interior ring) that is completely located outside it's shell (exterior ring).
 boolean GMLValidationEventHandler.interiorRingsIntersect(PolygonPatch patch, int ring1Idx, int ring2Idx, List<Object> affectedGeometryParticles, List<GMLElementIdentifier> affectedElements)
          Called when a planar surface patch (=PolygonPatch) has two holes (interior rings) that intersect.
 boolean GMLValidationEventHandler.interiorRingsTouch(PolygonPatch patch, int ring1Idx, int ring2Idx, List<Object> affectedGeometryParticles, List<GMLElementIdentifier> affectedElements)
          Called when a planar surface patch (=PolygonPatch) has two holes (interior rings) that touch.
 boolean GMLValidationEventHandler.interiorRingsWithin(PolygonPatch patch, int ring1Idx, int ring2Idx, List<Object> affectedGeometryParticles, List<GMLElementIdentifier> affectedElements)
          Called when a planar surface patch (=PolygonPatch) has two holes (interior rings) that are nested, i.e.
 boolean GMLValidationEventHandler.interiorRingTouchesExterior(PolygonPatch patch, int ringIdx, List<Object> affectedGeometryParticles, List<GMLElementIdentifier> affectedElements)
          Called when a planar surface patch (=PolygonPatch) has a hole (interior ring) that touches it's shell (exterior ring).

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