Uses of Interface

Packages that use Ring

Uses of Ring in org.deegree.geometry

Methods in org.deegree.geometry that return Ring
 Ring GeometryFactory.createRing(String id, ICRS crs, List<Curve> members)
          Creates a Ring from a list of passed Curves.

Methods in org.deegree.geometry with parameters of type Ring
 Polygon SimpleGeometryFactory.createPolygon(String id, ICRS crs, Ring exteriorRing, List<Ring> interiorRings)
          Creates a Polygon surface.
 PolygonPatch GeometryFactory.createPolygonPatch(Ring exteriorRing, List<Ring> interiorRings)
          Creates a PolygonPatch surface patch.

Method parameters in org.deegree.geometry with type arguments of type Ring
 Polygon SimpleGeometryFactory.createPolygon(String id, ICRS crs, Ring exteriorRing, List<Ring> interiorRings)
          Creates a Polygon surface.
 PolygonPatch GeometryFactory.createPolygonPatch(Ring exteriorRing, List<Ring> interiorRings)
          Creates a PolygonPatch surface patch.

Uses of Ring in

Methods in with parameters of type Ring
 void WKTWriter.writeRing(Ring geometry, Writer writer)
          Writes a ring.

Uses of Ring in org.deegree.geometry.primitive

Subinterfaces of Ring in org.deegree.geometry.primitive
 interface LinearRing
          TODO add documentation here

Methods in org.deegree.geometry.primitive that return Ring
 Ring Polygon.getExteriorRing()
          Returns the exterior ring of the polygon.

Methods in org.deegree.geometry.primitive that return types with arguments of type Ring
 List<Ring> Polygon.getInteriorRings()
          Returns the interior rings (holes) of the polygon.

Uses of Ring in org.deegree.geometry.primitive.patches

Methods in org.deegree.geometry.primitive.patches that return Ring
 Ring PolygonPatch.getExteriorRing()
          Returns the exterior ring of the patch.

Methods in org.deegree.geometry.primitive.patches that return types with arguments of type Ring
 List<? extends Ring> PolygonPatch.getBoundaryRings()
          Returns the boundary rings (interior + exteriors)
 List<Ring> PolygonPatch.getInteriorRings()
          Returns the interior rings (holes) of the patch.

Uses of Ring in org.deegree.geometry.refs

Methods in org.deegree.geometry.refs that return Ring
 Ring PolygonReference.getExteriorRing()

Methods in org.deegree.geometry.refs that return types with arguments of type Ring
 List<Ring> PolygonReference.getInteriorRings()

Uses of Ring in org.deegree.geometry.standard.primitive

Classes in org.deegree.geometry.standard.primitive that implement Ring
 class DefaultLinearRing
          Default implementation of Ring.
 class DefaultRing
          Default implementation of Ring.

Methods in org.deegree.geometry.standard.primitive that return Ring
 Ring DefaultPolygon.getExteriorRing()

Methods in org.deegree.geometry.standard.primitive that return types with arguments of type Ring
 List<Ring> DefaultPolygon.getInteriorRings()

Constructors in org.deegree.geometry.standard.primitive with parameters of type Ring
DefaultPolygon(String id, ICRS crs, PrecisionModel pm, Ring exteriorRing, List<Ring> interiorRings)
          Creates a new DefaultPolygon instance from the given parameters.

Constructor parameters in org.deegree.geometry.standard.primitive with type arguments of type Ring
DefaultPolygon(String id, ICRS crs, PrecisionModel pm, Ring exteriorRing, List<Ring> interiorRings)
          Creates a new DefaultPolygon instance from the given parameters.

Uses of Ring in org.deegree.geometry.standard.surfacepatches

Methods in org.deegree.geometry.standard.surfacepatches that return Ring
 Ring DefaultPolygonPatch.getExteriorRing()

Methods in org.deegree.geometry.standard.surfacepatches that return types with arguments of type Ring
 List<Ring> DefaultPolygonPatch.getBoundaryRings()
 List<Ring> DefaultRectangle.getInteriorRings()
 List<Ring> DefaultPolygonPatch.getInteriorRings()
 List<Ring> DefaultTriangle.getInteriorRings()

Constructors in org.deegree.geometry.standard.surfacepatches with parameters of type Ring
DefaultPolygonPatch(Ring exteriorRing, List<Ring> interiorRings)
          Creates a new DefaultPolygonPatch instance from the given parameters.

Constructor parameters in org.deegree.geometry.standard.surfacepatches with type arguments of type Ring
DefaultPolygonPatch(Ring exteriorRing, List<Ring> interiorRings)
          Creates a new DefaultPolygonPatch instance from the given parameters.

Uses of Ring in org.deegree.geometry.validation

Methods in org.deegree.geometry.validation that return Ring
static Ring GeometryFixer.fixUnclosedRing(Ring ring)
          Returns a fixed version of the given Ring object.
static Ring GeometryFixer.invertOrientation(Ring ring)

Methods in org.deegree.geometry.validation with parameters of type Ring
static Ring GeometryFixer.fixUnclosedRing(Ring ring)
          Returns a fixed version of the given Ring object.
static Ring GeometryFixer.invertOrientation(Ring ring)
 boolean GeometryValidationEventHandler.ringNotClosed(Ring ring, List<Object> affectedGeometryParticles)
          Called when a Ring is detected that is not closed.
 boolean GeometryValidationEventHandler.ringSelfIntersection(Ring ring, Point location, List<Object> affectedGeometryParticles)
          Called when a self-intersection of a Ring is detected.

Uses of Ring in org.deegree.gml.geometry

Methods in org.deegree.gml.geometry that return Ring
 Ring GML3GeometryReader.parseAbstractRing(XMLStreamReaderWrapper xmlStream, ICRS defaultCRS)
          Returns the object representation of a (<gml:_Ring>) element.
 Ring GML2GeometryReader.parseLinearRing(XMLStreamReaderWrapper xmlStream)
 Ring GML2GeometryReader.parseLinearRing(XMLStreamReaderWrapper xmlStream, ICRS defaultCRS)
 Ring GML3GeometryReader.parseRing(XMLStreamReaderWrapper xmlStream, ICRS defaultCRS)
          Returns the object representation of a gml:Ring element.

Methods in org.deegree.gml.geometry with parameters of type Ring
 void GML2GeometryWriter.exportLinearRing(Ring linearRing)
 void GML2GeometryWriter.exportRing(Ring ring)
 void GMLGeometryWriter.exportRing(Ring ring)
 void GML3GeometryWriter.exportRing(Ring ring)
          Exporting a ring via the XMLStreamWriter given when the class was constructed

Uses of Ring in org.deegree.gml.geometry.validation

Methods in org.deegree.gml.geometry.validation with parameters of type Ring
 boolean GMLValidationEventHandler.ringNotClosed(Ring ring, List<Object> affectedGeometryParticles, List<GMLElementIdentifier> affectedElements)
          Called when a Ring is detected that is not closed.
 boolean GMLValidationEventHandler.ringSelfIntersection(Ring ring, Point location, List<Object> affectedGeometryParticles, List<GMLElementIdentifier> affectedElements)
          Called when a self-intersection of a Ring is detected.

Uses of Ring in

Methods in that return types with arguments of type Ring
 List<Ring> AffineTransformation.computeRingList()
abstract  List<Ring> AbstractTransformation.computeRingList()
          Calculates the Polygons for the transformation.
 List<Ring> Polynomial.computeRingList()
 List<Ring> Helmert4Transform.computeRingList()

Uses of Ring in

Methods in that return types with arguments of type Ring
 List<Ring> Scene2DPanel.getWorldPolygonList()

Method parameters in with type arguments of type Ring
abstract  void AbstractPanel2D.setPolygonList(List<Ring> polygonRing, Scene2DValues sceneValues)
 void BuildingFootprintPanel.setPolygonList(List<Ring> polygonRing, Scene2DValues sceneValues)
 void Scene2DPanel.setPolygonList(List<Ring> polygonRing, Scene2DValues sceneValues)

Uses of Ring in

Methods in that return types with arguments of type Ring
 List<Ring> Footprint.getWorldCoordinateRingList()

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