Uses of Interface

Packages that use Points

Uses of Points in org.deegree.geometry

Methods in org.deegree.geometry that return Points
 Points SimpleGeometryFactory.createPoints(List<Point> points)
          Creates a Points object from the given list of Point instances.
 Points GeometryInspector.inspect(Points points)
          Invokes the inspection of the given Points.
protected  Points SimpleGeometryFactory.inspect(Points points)

Methods in org.deegree.geometry with parameters of type Points
 ArcString GeometryFactory.createArcString(Points points)
          Creates an ArcString curve segment.
 ArcStringByBulge GeometryFactory.createArcStringByBulge(Points points, double[] bulges, Points normals)
          Creates an ArcStringByBulge curve segment.
 Bezier GeometryFactory.createBezier(Points points, int degree, Knot knot1, Knot knot2)
          Creates a Bezier curve segment.
 BSpline GeometryFactory.createBSpline(Points points, int degree, List<Knot> knots, boolean isPolynomial)
          Creates a BSpline curve segment.
 CubicSpline GeometryFactory.createCubicSpline(Points points, Point vectorAtStart, Point vectorAtEnd)
          Creates a Clothoid curve segment.
 GeodesicString GeometryFactory.createGeodesicString(Points points)
          Creates a GeodesicString curve segment.
 LinearRing GeometryFactory.createLinearRing(String id, ICRS crs, Points points)
          Creates a simple LinearRing from a list of passed Points.
 LineString SimpleGeometryFactory.createLineString(String id, ICRS crs, Points points)
          Creates a LineString geometry.
 LineStringSegment GeometryFactory.createLineStringSegment(Points points)
          Creates a LineStringSegment curve segment.
 Tin GeometryFactory.createTin(String id, ICRS crs, List<List<LineStringSegment>> stopLines, List<List<LineStringSegment>> breakLines, Length maxLength, Points controlPoints, List<Triangle> patches)
          Creates a Tin.
 Points GeometryInspector.inspect(Points points)
          Invokes the inspection of the given Points.
protected  Points SimpleGeometryFactory.inspect(Points points)

Method parameters in org.deegree.geometry with type arguments of type Points
 Cone GeometryFactory.createCone(List<Points> grid)
          Creates a Cone surface patch.
 Cylinder GeometryFactory.createCylinder(List<Points> grid)
          Creates a Cylinder surface patch.
 GriddedSurfacePatch GeometryFactory.createGriddedSurfacePatch(List<Points> grid)
          Creates a GriddedSurfacePatch from the given list of points, each element denotes a row in the grid.
 Sphere GeometryFactory.createSphere(List<Points> grid)
          Creates a Sphere surface patch.

Uses of Points in org.deegree.geometry.primitive

Methods in org.deegree.geometry.primitive that return Points
 Points Tin.getControlPoints()
          Returns the control points (vertices) of the triangles.
 Points Curve.getControlPoints()
          Convenience method for accessing the control points of linear interpolated curves.
 Points Surface.getExteriorRingCoordinates()
          Convenience method for accessing the control points of the exterior ring of a simple polygon surface.

Methods in org.deegree.geometry.primitive that return types with arguments of type Points
 List<Points> Surface.getInteriorRingsCoordinates()
          Convenience method for accessing the control points of the interior rings of a simple polygon surface.

Uses of Points in org.deegree.geometry.primitive.patches

Methods in org.deegree.geometry.primitive.patches that return Points
 Points GriddedSurfacePatch.getRow(int rownum)
          Returns the specified row of the parameter grid.

Methods in org.deegree.geometry.primitive.patches that return types with arguments of type Points
 List<Points> GriddedSurfacePatch.getRows()
          Returns all rows of the parameter grid.

Uses of Points in org.deegree.geometry.primitive.segments

Methods in org.deegree.geometry.primitive.segments that return Points
 Points GeodesicString.getControlPoints()
          Returns the control points of the string.
 Points BSpline.getControlPoints()
          Returns the control points of the segment.
 Points CubicSpline.getControlPoints()
          Returns the control points of the spline.
 Points ArcStringByBulge.getControlPoints()
          Returns the control points of the segment.
 Points LineStringSegment.getControlPoints()
          Returns the control points of the string.
 Points ArcString.getControlPoints()
          Returns the control points of the interpolation.
 Points ArcStringByBulge.getNormals()
          Returns the normal vectors that define the arc string.

Uses of Points in org.deegree.geometry.refs

Methods in org.deegree.geometry.refs that return Points
 Points CurveReference.getControlPoints()
 Points SurfaceReference.getExteriorRingCoordinates()

Methods in org.deegree.geometry.refs that return types with arguments of type Points
 List<Points> SurfaceReference.getInteriorRingsCoordinates()

Uses of Points in org.deegree.geometry.standard.composite

Methods in org.deegree.geometry.standard.composite that return Points
 Points DefaultCompositeCurve.getControlPoints()
 Points DefaultCompositeSurface.getExteriorRingCoordinates()

Methods in org.deegree.geometry.standard.composite that return types with arguments of type Points
 List<Points> DefaultCompositeSurface.getInteriorRingsCoordinates()

Uses of Points in org.deegree.geometry.standard.curvesegments

Fields in org.deegree.geometry.standard.curvesegments declared as Points
protected  Points DefaultArcString.controlPoints
protected  Points DefaultArc.points

Methods in org.deegree.geometry.standard.curvesegments that return Points
 Points DefaultArcString.getControlPoints()
 Points DefaultArc.getControlPoints()
 Points DefaultGeodesic.getControlPoints()
 Points DefaultArcStringByBulge.getControlPoints()
 Points DefaultCubicSpline.getControlPoints()
 Points DefaultGeodesicString.getControlPoints()
 Points DefaultArcByBulge.getControlPoints()
 Points DefaultLineStringSegment.getControlPoints()
 Points DefaultBezier.getControlPoints()
 Points DefaultBSpline.getControlPoints()
 Points DefaultArcStringByBulge.getNormals()
 Points DefaultArcByBulge.getNormals()
 Points AffinePlacement.getRefDirections()
          Returns the target directions for the coordinate basis vectors of the parameter space.

Constructors in org.deegree.geometry.standard.curvesegments with parameters of type Points
AffinePlacement(Point location, Points refDirections, int inDimension, int outDimension)
          Creates a new AffinePlacement from the given parameters.
DefaultArcString(Points controlPoints)
          Creates a new DefaultArcString instance from the given parameters.
DefaultArcStringByBulge(Points controlPoints, double[] bulges, Points normals)
DefaultBezier(Points controlPoints, int polynomialDegree, Knot knot1, Knot knot2)
          Creates a new DefaultBezier instance from the given parameters.
DefaultBSpline(Points controlPoints, int polynomialDegree, List<Knot> knots, boolean isPolynomial)
          Creates a new DefaultBSpline instance from the given parameters.
DefaultCubicSpline(Points points, Point vectorAtStart, Point vectorAtEnd)
          Creates a new DefaultCubicSpline instance from the given parameters.
DefaultGeodesicString(Points points)
          Creates a new DefaultGeodesicString instance from the given parameters.
DefaultLineStringSegment(Points points)
          Creates a new DefaultLineStringSegment instance from the given parameters.

Uses of Points in org.deegree.geometry.standard.points

Classes in org.deegree.geometry.standard.points that implement Points
 class JTSPoints
          Points implementation based on a JTS coordinate sequence.
 class PackedPoints
          Points implementation based on a coordinate array.
 class PointsArray
          Array-based Points implementation that allows to hold identifiable Point objects (with id or even references to local or remote Point instances}.
 class PointsList
          List-based Points implementation that allows to hold identifiable Point objects (with id or even references to local or remote Point instances}.
 class PointsPoints
          Points implementation that aggregates the members from a sequence of Points objects.
 class PointsSubsequence
          Points implementation that aggregates the members from a sequence of Points objects.

Constructors in org.deegree.geometry.standard.points with parameters of type Points
PointsSubsequence(Points points, int startIdx)
          Creates a new PointsSubsequence instance from the given list of Points.

Constructor parameters in org.deegree.geometry.standard.points with type arguments of type Points
PointsPoints(List<Points> pointsList)
          Creates a new PointsPoints instance from the given list of Points.

Uses of Points in org.deegree.geometry.standard.primitive

Methods in org.deegree.geometry.standard.primitive that return Points
 Points DefaultLineString.getControlPoints()
 Points DefaultOrientableCurve.getControlPoints()
 Points DefaultTin.getControlPoints()
 Points DefaultLinearRing.getControlPoints()
 Points DefaultCurve.getControlPoints()
 Points DefaultRing.getControlPoints()
 Points DefaultOrientableSurface.getExteriorRingCoordinates()
 Points DefaultPolyhedralSurface.getExteriorRingCoordinates()
 Points DefaultTin.getExteriorRingCoordinates()
 Points DefaultSurface.getExteriorRingCoordinates()
 Points DefaultTriangulatedSurface.getExteriorRingCoordinates()

Methods in org.deegree.geometry.standard.primitive that return types with arguments of type Points
 List<Points> DefaultOrientableSurface.getInteriorRingsCoordinates()
 List<Points> DefaultPolyhedralSurface.getInteriorRingsCoordinates()
 List<Points> DefaultTin.getInteriorRingsCoordinates()
 List<Points> DefaultSurface.getInteriorRingsCoordinates()
 List<Points> DefaultTriangulatedSurface.getInteriorRingsCoordinates()

Constructors in org.deegree.geometry.standard.primitive with parameters of type Points
DefaultLinearRing(String id, ICRS crs, PrecisionModel pm, Points controlPoints)
          Creates a new DefaultLinearRing instance from the given parameters.
DefaultLineString(String id, ICRS crs, PrecisionModel pm, Points controlPoints)
DefaultTin(String id, ICRS crs, PrecisionModel pm, List<List<LineStringSegment>> stopLines, List<List<LineStringSegment>> breakLines, Length maxLength, Points controlPoints, List<Triangle> patches)
          Creates a new DefaultTin instance from the given parameters.

Uses of Points in org.deegree.geometry.standard.surfacepatches

Methods in org.deegree.geometry.standard.surfacepatches that return Points
 Points DefaultGriddedSurfacePatch.getRow(int rownum)
 Points DefaultSphere.getRow(int rownum)
 Points DefaultCylinder.getRow(int rownum)
 Points DefaultCone.getRow(int rownum)

Methods in org.deegree.geometry.standard.surfacepatches that return types with arguments of type Points
 List<Points> DefaultGriddedSurfacePatch.getRows()
 List<Points> DefaultSphere.getRows()
 List<Points> DefaultCylinder.getRows()
 List<Points> DefaultCone.getRows()

Constructor parameters in org.deegree.geometry.standard.surfacepatches with type arguments of type Points
DefaultCone(List<Points> grid)
DefaultCone(List<Points> grid, int rows, int columns)
DefaultCylinder(List<Points> grid)
DefaultCylinder(List<Points> grid, int rows, int columns)
DefaultGriddedSurfacePatch(List<Points> grid)
DefaultGriddedSurfacePatch(List<Points> grid, int rows, int columns)
DefaultSphere(List<Points> grid)
DefaultSphere(List<Points> grid, int rows, int columns)

Uses of Points in org.deegree.geometry.validation

Methods in org.deegree.geometry.validation that return Points
 Points CoordinateValidityInspector.inspect(Points points)

Methods in org.deegree.geometry.validation with parameters of type Points
 Points CoordinateValidityInspector.inspect(Points points)

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