Uses of Interface

Packages that use Expression

Uses of Expression in org.deegree.filter

Methods in org.deegree.filter that return Expression
 Expression[] Expression.getParams()
          Returns the expression's paramters.

Uses of Expression in org.deegree.filter.comparison

Fields in org.deegree.filter.comparison declared as Expression
protected  Expression BinaryComparisonOperator.param1
protected  Expression BinaryComparisonOperator.param2

Methods in org.deegree.filter.comparison that return Expression
 Expression PropertyIsBetween.getExpression()
 Expression PropertyIsLike.getExpression()
 Expression PropertyIsBetween.getLowerBoundary()
 Expression BinaryComparisonOperator.getParameter1()
 Expression BinaryComparisonOperator.getParameter2()
 Expression[] PropertyIsNil.getParams()
 Expression[] BinaryComparisonOperator.getParams()
 Expression[] PropertyIsBetween.getParams()
abstract  Expression[] ComparisonOperator.getParams()
 Expression[] PropertyIsNull.getParams()
 Expression[] PropertyIsLike.getParams()
 Expression PropertyIsLike.getPattern()
 Expression PropertyIsNil.getPropertyName()
 Expression PropertyIsNull.getPropertyName()
 Expression PropertyIsBetween.getUpperBoundary()

Constructors in org.deegree.filter.comparison with parameters of type Expression
BinaryComparisonOperator(Expression param1, Expression param2, Boolean matchCase, MatchAction matchAction)
PropertyIsBetween(Expression expression, Expression lowerBoundary, Expression upperBoundary, boolean matchCase, MatchAction matchAction)
PropertyIsEqualTo(Expression param1, Expression param2, Boolean matchCase, MatchAction matchAction)
PropertyIsGreaterThan(Expression param1, Expression param2, Boolean matchCase, MatchAction matchAction)
PropertyIsGreaterThanOrEqualTo(Expression param1, Expression param2, Boolean matchCase, MatchAction matchAction)
PropertyIsLessThan(Expression param1, Expression param2, Boolean matchCase, MatchAction matchAction)
PropertyIsLessThanOrEqualTo(Expression param1, Expression param2, Boolean matchCase, MatchAction matchAction)
PropertyIsLike(Expression testValue, Expression pattern, String wildCard, String singleChar, String escapeChar, Boolean matchCase, MatchAction matchAction)
PropertyIsNil(Expression propName, String nilReason, MatchAction matchAction)
PropertyIsNotEqualTo(Expression param1, Expression param2, Boolean matchCase, MatchAction matchAction)
PropertyIsNull(Expression propName, MatchAction matchAction)

Uses of Expression in org.deegree.filter.expression

Classes in org.deegree.filter.expression that implement Expression
 class Add
          TODO add documentation here
 class Div
          TODO add documentation here
 class Function
          Generic Function implementation that can be used to represent an arbitrary function, but that doesn't offer any evaluation capabilities (this is added by subclassing).
 class Literal<V extends TypedObjectNode>
          Expression that has a constant value.
 class Mul
          TODO add documentation here
 class Sub
          TODO add documentation here
 class ValueReference
          Expression that contains an XPath 1.0 expression, a simple property name or an arbitrary identifier.

Methods in org.deegree.filter.expression that return Expression
 Expression Sub.getParameter1()
 Expression Add.getParameter1()
 Expression Div.getParameter1()
 Expression Mul.getParameter1()
 Expression Sub.getParameter2()
 Expression Add.getParameter2()
 Expression Div.getParameter2()
 Expression Mul.getParameter2()
 Expression[] Literal.getParams()
 Expression[] ValueReference.getParams()
 Expression[] Function.getParams()
 Expression[] Sub.getParams()
 Expression[] Add.getParams()
 Expression[] Div.getParams()
 Expression[] Mul.getParams()

Methods in org.deegree.filter.expression that return types with arguments of type Expression
 List<Expression> Function.getParameters()
          Returns the parameters of the function.

Constructors in org.deegree.filter.expression with parameters of type Expression
Add(Expression param1, Expression param2)
Div(Expression param1, Expression param2)
Mul(Expression param1, Expression param2)
Sub(Expression param1, Expression param2)

Constructor parameters in org.deegree.filter.expression with type arguments of type Expression
Function(String name, List<Expression> params)
          Creates a new Function instance.

Uses of Expression in org.deegree.filter.expression.custom

Subinterfaces of Expression in org.deegree.filter.expression.custom
 interface CustomExpression
          Implementations of this class provide Expressions with custom XML encoding (i.e. they use a non-standard element substitutable for the standard ogc:expression element).

Classes in org.deegree.filter.expression.custom that implement Expression
 class AbstractCustomExpression
          Base class for implementing CustomExpressions.

Methods in org.deegree.filter.expression.custom that return Expression
 Expression[] AbstractCustomExpression.getParams()

Uses of Expression in

Classes in that implement Expression
 class Categorize
 class ChangeCase
 class Concatenate
 class FormatDate
 class FormatNumber
 class Interpolate
 class Recode
 class StringLength
 class StringPosition
 class Substring
 class Trim

Uses of Expression in org.deegree.filter.function

Method parameters in org.deegree.filter.function with type arguments of type Expression
 Function FunctionProvider.create(List<Expression> params)
          Creates a new Function instance.

Uses of Expression in org.deegree.filter.function.geometry

Method parameters in org.deegree.filter.function.geometry with type arguments of type Expression
 Function GeometryFromWKT.create(List<Expression> params)
 Function MoveGeometry.create(List<Expression> params)
 Function InteriorPoint.create(List<Expression> params)
 Function IsSurface.create(List<Expression> params)
 Function Area.create(List<Expression> params)
 Function IsCurve.create(List<Expression> params)
 Function Centroid.create(List<Expression> params)
 Function IsPoint.create(List<Expression> params)
 Function Length.create(List<Expression> params)

Uses of Expression in org.deegree.filter.function.other

Method parameters in org.deegree.filter.function.other with type arguments of type Expression
 Function Upper.create(List<Expression> params)
 Function IDiv.create(List<Expression> params)
 Function IMod.create(List<Expression> params)
 Function Lower.create(List<Expression> params)
 Function ExtraProp.create(List<Expression> params)

Uses of Expression in org.deegree.filter.spatial

Fields in org.deegree.filter.spatial declared as Expression
protected  Expression SpatialOperator.propName

Methods in org.deegree.filter.spatial that return Expression
 Expression SpatialOperator.getParam1()
          Returns the first spatial parameter.

Constructors in org.deegree.filter.spatial with parameters of type Expression
BBOX(Expression param1, Envelope param2)
          Creates a new BBOX instance which uses the specified geometry property and bounding box.
Beyond(Expression propName, Geometry geometry, Measure distance)
Contains(Expression param1, Geometry param2)
Crosses(Expression propName, Geometry geometry)
Disjoint(Expression propName, Geometry geometry)
DWithin(Expression propName, Geometry geometry, Measure distance)
Equals(Expression propName, Geometry geometry)
Intersects(Expression propName, Geometry geometry)
Overlaps(Expression propName, Geometry geometry)
SpatialOperator(Expression param1)
Touches(Expression propName, Geometry geometry)
Within(Expression param1, Geometry param2)

Uses of Expression in org.deegree.filter.temporal

Fields in org.deegree.filter.temporal declared as Expression
protected  Expression TemporalOperator.param1
protected  Expression TemporalOperator.param2

Methods in org.deegree.filter.temporal that return Expression
 Expression TemporalOperator.getParameter1()
 Expression TemporalOperator.getParameter2()

Constructors in org.deegree.filter.temporal with parameters of type Expression
After(Expression param1, Expression param2)
          Creates a new instance of After.
AnyInteracts(Expression param1, Expression param2)
          Creates a new instance of AnyInteracts.
Before(Expression param1, Expression param2)
          Creates a new instance of Before.
Begins(Expression param1, Expression param2)
          Creates a new instance of Begins.
BegunBy(Expression param1, Expression param2)
          Creates a new instance of BegunBy.
During(Expression param1, Expression param2)
          Creates a new instance of During.
EndedBy(Expression param1, Expression param2)
          Creates a new instance of EndedBy.
Meets(Expression param1, Expression param2)
          Creates a new instance of Meets.
MetBy(Expression param1, Expression param2)
          Creates a new instance of MetBy.
OverlappedBy(Expression param1, Expression param2)
          Creates a new instance of OverlappedBy.
TContains(Expression param1, Expression param2)
          Creates a new instance of TContains.
TemporalOperator(Expression param1, Expression param2)
TEquals(Expression param1, Expression param2)
          Creates a new instance of TEquals.
TOverlaps(Expression param1, Expression param2)
          Creates a new instance of TOverlaps.

Uses of Expression in org.deegree.filter.xml

Methods in org.deegree.filter.xml that return Expression
static Expression Filter100XMLDecoder.parseExpression(XMLStreamReader xmlStream)
          Returns the object representation for the given ogc:expression element event that the cursor of the associated XMLStreamReader points at.
static Expression Filter200XMLDecoder.parseExpression(XMLStreamReader xmlStream)
          Returns the object representation for the given fes:expression element event that the cursor of the associated XMLStreamReader points at.
static Expression Filter110XMLDecoder.parseExpression(XMLStreamReader xmlStream)
          Returns the object representation for the given ogc:expression element event that the cursor of the associated XMLStreamReader points at.

Methods in org.deegree.filter.xml with parameters of type Expression
static void Filter110XMLEncoder.export(Expression expression, XMLStreamWriter writer)
          Serializes the given Expression object to XML.

Uses of Expression in org.deegree.sqldialect.filter

Methods in org.deegree.sqldialect.filter with parameters of type Expression
protected  SQLExpression AbstractWhereBuilder.toProtoSQL(Expression expr)
          Translates the given Expression into an SQLExpression.
protected  SQLExpression AbstractWhereBuilder.toProtoSQL(Expression expr, boolean assertNotMultiValued)

Uses of Expression in

Methods in that return Expression
 Expression Symbolizer.getGeometryExpression()

Constructors in with parameters of type Expression
Symbolizer(T base, Continuation<T> next, Expression geometry, String name, String file, int line, int col)
Symbolizer(T evaluated, Expression geometry, String name, String file, int line, int col)

Uses of Expression in

Methods in that return types with arguments of type Expression
static List<Expression> Styles.getGeometryExpressions(Style style)

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