Uses of Interface

Packages that use IAxis
org.deegree.cs.components The components package holds the shared components used by coordinatesystems, projections and transformations. 
org.deegree.cs.coordinatesystems The ICoordinateSystems package holds the different ICoordinateSystems used by the org.deegree.cs packages.   
org.deegree.cs.utilities Utilities used for the Coordinate system package internals. 

Uses of IAxis in org.deegree.cs.components

Classes in org.deegree.cs.components that implement IAxis
 class Axis
          The Axis class describe the orientation, unit and the name of a crs-axis.

Uses of IAxis in org.deegree.cs.coordinatesystems

Methods in org.deegree.cs.coordinatesystems that return IAxis
 IAxis[] CRS.getAxis()
 IAxis[] ICompoundCRS.getAxis()
 IAxis[] CompoundCRS.getAxis()
 IAxis[] ICRS.getAxis()
 IAxis ICompoundCRS.getHeightAxis()
 IAxis CompoundCRS.getHeightAxis()
 IAxis IVerticalCRS.getVerticalAxis()
 IAxis VerticalCRS.getVerticalAxis()

Constructors in org.deegree.cs.coordinatesystems with parameters of type IAxis
CompoundCRS(IAxis heightAxis, ICRS underlyingCRS, double defaultHeight, CRSResource identity)
CRS(IDatum datum, IAxis[] axisOrder, CRSCodeType[] codes, String[] names, String[] versions, String[] descriptions, String[] areasOfUse)
CRS(IDatum datum, IAxis[] axisOrder, CRSResource identity)
CRS(List<Transformation> transformations, IDatum datum, IAxis[] axisOrder, CRSResource identity)
GeocentricCRS(IGeodeticDatum datum, IAxis[] axisOrder, CRSCodeType code)
GeocentricCRS(IGeodeticDatum datum, IAxis[] axisOrder, CRSCodeType[] codes, String[] names, String[] versions, String[] descriptions, String[] areasOfUse)
GeocentricCRS(IGeodeticDatum datum, IAxis[] axisOrder, CRSCodeType code, String name, String version, String description, String areaOfUse)
GeocentricCRS(IGeodeticDatum datum, IAxis[] axisOrder, CRSResource identity)
GeocentricCRS(List<Transformation> transformations, IGeodeticDatum usedDatum, IAxis[] axisOrder, CRSResource identity)
GeographicCRS(IGeodeticDatum datum, IAxis[] axisOrder, CRSCodeType code)
GeographicCRS(IGeodeticDatum datum, IAxis[] axisOrder, CRSCodeType[] codes)
GeographicCRS(IGeodeticDatum datum, IAxis[] axisOrder, CRSCodeType[] codes, String[] names, String[] versions, String[] descriptions, String[] areasOfUse)
GeographicCRS(IGeodeticDatum datum, IAxis[] axisOrder, CRSCodeType code, String name)
GeographicCRS(IGeodeticDatum datum, IAxis[] axisOrder, CRSCodeType code, String name, String version, String description, String areaOfUse)
GeographicCRS(IGeodeticDatum datum, IAxis[] axisOrder, CRSResource identity)
GeographicCRS(List<Transformation> transformations, IGeodeticDatum usedDatum, IAxis[] axisOrder, CRSResource id)
ProjectedCRS(IProjection projection, IGeographicCRS geographicCRS, IAxis[] axisOrder, CRSCodeType code)
ProjectedCRS(IProjection projection, IGeographicCRS geographicCRS, IAxis[] axisOrder, CRSCodeType[] codes)
ProjectedCRS(IProjection projection, IGeographicCRS geographicCRS, IAxis[] axisOrder, CRSCodeType[] codes, String[] names, String[] versions, String[] descriptions, String[] areasOfUse)
ProjectedCRS(IProjection projection, IGeographicCRS geographicCRS, IAxis[] axisOrder, CRSCodeType code, String name, String version, String description, String areaOfUse)
ProjectedCRS(IProjection projection, IGeographicCRS geographicCRS, IAxis[] axisOrder, CRSResource identity)
ProjectedCRS(List<Transformation> transformations, IGeographicCRS geographicCRS, IProjection projection, IAxis[] axisOrder, CRSResource identity)
VerticalCRS(IVerticalDatum datum, IAxis[] axisOrder, CRSResource identity)

Uses of IAxis in

Methods in with parameters of type IAxis
protected  void CRSExporterBase.export(IAxis axis, String elName, XMLStreamWriter xmlWriter)
          Export an axis to xml in the crs-definitions schema layout.
protected  void CRSExporter.export(IAxis axis, String elName, XMLStreamWriter xmlWriter)
          Export an axis to xml in the crs-definitions schema layout.

Uses of IAxis in org.deegree.cs.persistence.gml

Methods in org.deegree.cs.persistence.gml that return IAxis
protected  IAxis GMLCRSStore.parseAxis( rootElement)
protected  IAxis[] GMLCRSStore.parseAxisFromCSType( rootElement)
          For the ellipsoidal and cartesian cs Types, this method also checks the consistency of axis (radian, radian, [metre] ) or (metre, metre, [metre] ).

Uses of IAxis in org.deegree.cs.refs.components

Classes in org.deegree.cs.refs.components that implement IAxis
 class AxisRef
          CRSResourceRef ti a IAxis

Uses of IAxis in org.deegree.cs.refs.coordinatesystem

Methods in org.deegree.cs.refs.coordinatesystem that return IAxis
 IAxis[] CRSRef.getAxis()
 IAxis CompoundCRSRef.getHeightAxis()
 IAxis VerticalCRSRef.getVerticalAxis()

Uses of IAxis in org.deegree.cs.utilities

Constructors in org.deegree.cs.utilities with parameters of type IAxis
Matrix(IAxis[] srcAxis, IAxis[] dstAxis)
          Construct an affine transform changing axis order.
Matrix(IAxis[] srcAxis, IAxis[] dstAxis)
          Construct an affine transform changing axis order.

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