Packages that use IAxis | |
org.deegree.cs.components | The components package holds the shared components used by coordinatesystems, projections and transformations. |
org.deegree.cs.coordinatesystems | The ICoordinateSystems package holds the different ICoordinateSystems used by the org.deegree.cs packages. |
org.deegree.cs.io.deegree | |
org.deegree.cs.persistence.gml | |
org.deegree.cs.refs.components | |
org.deegree.cs.refs.coordinatesystem | |
org.deegree.cs.utilities | Utilities used for the Coordinate system package internals. |
Uses of IAxis in org.deegree.cs.components |
Classes in org.deegree.cs.components that implement IAxis | |
class |
The Axis class describe the orientation, unit and the name of a crs-axis. |
Uses of IAxis in org.deegree.cs.coordinatesystems |
Methods in org.deegree.cs.coordinatesystems that return IAxis | |
IAxis[] |
IAxis[] |
IAxis[] |
IAxis[] |
IAxis |
IAxis |
IAxis |
IAxis |
Constructors in org.deegree.cs.coordinatesystems with parameters of type IAxis | |
CompoundCRS(IAxis heightAxis,
ICRS underlyingCRS,
double defaultHeight,
CRSResource identity)
CRS(IDatum datum,
IAxis[] axisOrder,
CRSCodeType[] codes,
String[] names,
String[] versions,
String[] descriptions,
String[] areasOfUse)
CRS(IDatum datum,
IAxis[] axisOrder,
CRSResource identity)
CRS(List<Transformation> transformations,
IDatum datum,
IAxis[] axisOrder,
CRSResource identity)
GeocentricCRS(IGeodeticDatum datum,
IAxis[] axisOrder,
CRSCodeType code)
GeocentricCRS(IGeodeticDatum datum,
IAxis[] axisOrder,
CRSCodeType[] codes,
String[] names,
String[] versions,
String[] descriptions,
String[] areasOfUse)
GeocentricCRS(IGeodeticDatum datum,
IAxis[] axisOrder,
CRSCodeType code,
String name,
String version,
String description,
String areaOfUse)
GeocentricCRS(IGeodeticDatum datum,
IAxis[] axisOrder,
CRSResource identity)
GeocentricCRS(List<Transformation> transformations,
IGeodeticDatum usedDatum,
IAxis[] axisOrder,
CRSResource identity)
GeographicCRS(IGeodeticDatum datum,
IAxis[] axisOrder,
CRSCodeType code)
GeographicCRS(IGeodeticDatum datum,
IAxis[] axisOrder,
CRSCodeType[] codes)
GeographicCRS(IGeodeticDatum datum,
IAxis[] axisOrder,
CRSCodeType[] codes,
String[] names,
String[] versions,
String[] descriptions,
String[] areasOfUse)
GeographicCRS(IGeodeticDatum datum,
IAxis[] axisOrder,
CRSCodeType code,
String name)
GeographicCRS(IGeodeticDatum datum,
IAxis[] axisOrder,
CRSCodeType code,
String name,
String version,
String description,
String areaOfUse)
GeographicCRS(IGeodeticDatum datum,
IAxis[] axisOrder,
CRSResource identity)
GeographicCRS(List<Transformation> transformations,
IGeodeticDatum usedDatum,
IAxis[] axisOrder,
CRSResource id)
ProjectedCRS(IProjection projection,
IGeographicCRS geographicCRS,
IAxis[] axisOrder,
CRSCodeType code)
ProjectedCRS(IProjection projection,
IGeographicCRS geographicCRS,
IAxis[] axisOrder,
CRSCodeType[] codes)
ProjectedCRS(IProjection projection,
IGeographicCRS geographicCRS,
IAxis[] axisOrder,
CRSCodeType[] codes,
String[] names,
String[] versions,
String[] descriptions,
String[] areasOfUse)
ProjectedCRS(IProjection projection,
IGeographicCRS geographicCRS,
IAxis[] axisOrder,
CRSCodeType code,
String name,
String version,
String description,
String areaOfUse)
ProjectedCRS(IProjection projection,
IGeographicCRS geographicCRS,
IAxis[] axisOrder,
CRSResource identity)
ProjectedCRS(List<Transformation> transformations,
IGeographicCRS geographicCRS,
IProjection projection,
IAxis[] axisOrder,
CRSResource identity)
VerticalCRS(IVerticalDatum datum,
IAxis[] axisOrder,
CRSResource identity)
Uses of IAxis in org.deegree.cs.io.deegree |
Methods in org.deegree.cs.io.deegree with parameters of type IAxis | |
protected void |
CRSExporterBase.export(IAxis axis,
String elName,
XMLStreamWriter xmlWriter)
Export an axis to xml in the crs-definitions schema layout. |
protected void |
CRSExporter.export(IAxis axis,
String elName,
XMLStreamWriter xmlWriter)
Export an axis to xml in the crs-definitions schema layout. |
Uses of IAxis in org.deegree.cs.persistence.gml |
Methods in org.deegree.cs.persistence.gml that return IAxis | |
protected IAxis |
GMLCRSStore.parseAxis(org.apache.axiom.om.OMElement rootElement)
protected IAxis[] |
GMLCRSStore.parseAxisFromCSType(org.apache.axiom.om.OMElement rootElement)
For the ellipsoidal and cartesian cs Types, this method also checks the consistency of axis (radian, radian, [metre] ) or (metre, metre, [metre] ). |
Uses of IAxis in org.deegree.cs.refs.components |
Classes in org.deegree.cs.refs.components that implement IAxis | |
class |
CRSResourceRef ti a IAxis |
Uses of IAxis in org.deegree.cs.refs.coordinatesystem |
Methods in org.deegree.cs.refs.coordinatesystem that return IAxis | |
IAxis[] |
IAxis |
IAxis |
Uses of IAxis in org.deegree.cs.utilities |
Constructors in org.deegree.cs.utilities with parameters of type IAxis | |
Matrix(IAxis[] srcAxis,
IAxis[] dstAxis)
Construct an affine transform changing axis order. |
Matrix(IAxis[] srcAxis,
IAxis[] dstAxis)
Construct an affine transform changing axis order. |