Uses of Class

Packages that use Identifiable   

Uses of Identifiable in

Subclasses of Identifiable in
 class AbstractCRS
          The base type of all crs's defines an extra element to define the axis-order of the implementing crs.
 class CompoundCRSType
          A compound crs is defined on a crs with a vertical Axis defining the height above or below the ellipsoid.
 class EllipsoidType
          The definition of an ellipsoid in deegree-crs-library.
 class GeocentricCRSType
          A geocentricCRS is a coordinate system which is defined with it's center at the earths mass.
 class GeodeticDatumType
          The definition of a Datum in the deegree-crs-library.
 class GeographicCRSType
          A geographic crs is defined on a datum.
 class HelmertTransformationType
          A Transformation defines the parameters necessary to transform a specific datum into the wgs-84 datum.
 class LambertConformalConicType
          A Lambert Conformal Conic projection needs the supplement information (like all conic projections) of the first and/or second projection parallels, e.g. the parallels which intersect with the datum.
 class LeastSquareTransformationType
          The least square type defines scale x and scale y values.
 class NTv2TransformationType
          A Transformation defines the parameters necessary to transform a specific datum into the wgs-84 datum.
 class PolynomialTransformationBaseType
          The base type of all transformations defines standard elements used in all transformations.
 class PrimeMeridianType
          The definition of a prime meridian, with longitude (in units) from greenwich.
 class ProjectedCRSType
          A projectedCRS is a coordinatesystem which uses a projection as well as a geographicCRS.
 class ProjectionType
          The base type of all projections defines standard elements used in all projection.
 class StereographicAzimuthalType
          A Stereographic Azimuthal projection only needs the supplement information of the true scale latitude, which defines the latitude (in radians) around the projection point for which the projection has a true scale.
 class TransformationType
          Defines a transformation (change of datum) for a given source and a given target crs Java class for _TransformationType complex type.
 class TransverseMercatorType
          A transverse mercator projection only needs the supplement information of the norther/southern hemisphere, if failing northern hemisphere is assumed.

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