Checkstyle Results

The following document contains the results of Checkstylerss feed


Files Infos Infos Warnings Warnings Errors Errors
44 0 4 47


Rules Violations Severity
EmptyStatement 0 Warnings Warning
CyclomaticComplexity 21 Errors Error
ClassFanOutComplexity 12 Errors Error
CovariantEquals 0 Errors Error
  • max: "12"
6 Errors Error
NPathComplexity 8 Errors Error
RedundantImport 0 Warnings Warning
UnusedImports 3 Warnings Warning
RedundantModifier 1 Warnings Warning
RedundantThrows 0 Warnings Warning
FileLength 0 Errors Error
NewlineAtEndOfFile 0 Warnings Warning



Violation Message Line
Errors Class Data Abstraction Coupling is 15 (max allowed is 12) classes [ArrayList, DoublePair, EmptyLayer, GenericFeatureCollection, GetLegendHandler, HashMap, LayerQuery, LinkedList, MapOptions, MapOptionsMaps, MapServiceBuilder, OWSException, OldStyleMapService, StyleRegistry, Timer]. 110
Errors Class Fan-Out Complexity is 49 (max allowed is 20). 110


Violation Message Line
Errors Class Fan-Out Complexity is 32 (max allowed is 20). 91
Errors Cyclomatic Complexity is 15 (max allowed is 10). 192
Errors NPath Complexity is 480 (max allowed is 200). 192


Violation Message Line
Errors Class Fan-Out Complexity is 33 (max allowed is 20). 102
Errors Cyclomatic Complexity is 13 (max allowed is 10). 146


Violation Message Line
Errors Class Data Abstraction Coupling is 31 (max allowed is 12) classes [ArrayList, DOMSource, DefaultRenderContext, FeatureInfoManager, FeatureInfoParams, File, GMLAppSchemaWriter, GetCapabilities, GetFeatureInfo, GetFeatureInfoSchema, GetLegendGraphic, GetMap, GetMapLimitChecker, HashMap, IOException, LinkedList, MapService, Mapper, NamespaceBindings, OWSException, Pair, RenderingInfo, ResourceInitException, TreeMap, Version, WMSController111, WMSController130, XMLAdapter, XPath, org.deegree.protocol.wms.ops.GetFeatureInfo, org.deegree.protocol.wms.ops.GetMap]. 154
Errors Class Fan-Out Complexity is 85 (max allowed is 20). 154
Errors Cyclomatic Complexity is 14 (max allowed is 10). 285
Errors NPath Complexity is 324 (max allowed is 200). 285
Errors Cyclomatic Complexity is 15 (max allowed is 10). 438
Errors Cyclomatic Complexity is 11 (max allowed is 10). 661


Violation Message Line
Errors Cyclomatic Complexity is 12 (max allowed is 10). 85


Violation Message Line
Errors Class Fan-Out Complexity is 23 (max allowed is 20). 81


Violation Message Line
Warnings Unused import - org.deegree.commons.xml.CommonNamespaces.WMSNS. 46


Violation Message Line
Warnings Unused import - org.deegree.commons.xml.XMLAdapter.maybeWriteElement. 47


Violation Message Line
Warnings Unused import - org.deegree.theme.Theme. 46


Violation Message Line
Errors Class Data Abstraction Coupling is 15 (max allowed is 12) classes [ANTLRStringStream, And, Color, CommonTokenStream, DimensionsLexer, DimensionsParser, GeometryFactory, HashMap, LinkedList, MapOptionsMaps, OWSException, OperatorFilter, Pair, StringReader, URL]. 126
Errors Class Fan-Out Complexity is 43 (max allowed is 20). 126


Violation Message Line
Errors Cyclomatic Complexity is 23 (max allowed is 10). 174
Errors NPath Complexity is 34,566 (max allowed is 200). 174


Violation Message Line
Errors Cyclomatic Complexity is 15 (max allowed is 10). 81


Violation Message Line
Errors Class Fan-Out Complexity is 37 (max allowed is 20). 89
Errors Cyclomatic Complexity is 18 (max allowed is 10). 160
Errors NPath Complexity is 390 (max allowed is 200). 160


Violation Message Line
Errors Class Data Abstraction Coupling is 24 (max allowed is 12) classes [And, BBOX, Date, GenericFeatureCollection, HashSet, Intersects, InvalidDimensionValue, Java2DRenderer, Java2DTextRenderer, LinkedList, Literal, Mapper, MissingDimensionValue, Operator, OperatorFilter, Or, Pair, PropertyIsBetween, PropertyIsEqualTo, Query, ShapeFeatureStore, ThreadedFeatureInputStream, TypedObjectNodeXPathEvaluator, ValueReference]. 124
Errors Class Fan-Out Complexity is 57 (max allowed is 20). 124
Errors Cyclomatic Complexity is 12 (max allowed is 10). 180
Errors NPath Complexity is 252 (max allowed is 200). 180
Errors Cyclomatic Complexity is 11 (max allowed is 10). 247
Errors Cyclomatic Complexity is 12 (max allowed is 10). 374
Errors Cyclomatic Complexity is 12 (max allowed is 10). 426
Errors Cyclomatic Complexity is 40 (max allowed is 10). 507
Errors NPath Complexity is 3,042,496 (max allowed is 200). 507


Violation Message Line
Errors Class Fan-Out Complexity is 44 (max allowed is 20). 104
Errors Cyclomatic Complexity is 28 (max allowed is 10). 151
Errors NPath Complexity is 7,080 (max allowed is 200). 151
Errors Cyclomatic Complexity is 14 (max allowed is 10). 454


Violation Message Line
Errors Class Data Abstraction Coupling is 19 (max allowed is 12) classes [AxisSubset, BigDecimal, GenericFeature, GenericFeatureCollection, GenericFeatureType, GenericProperty, GeometryTransformer, Interval, InvalidDimensionValue, Java2DRasterRenderer, LinkedList, MissingDimensionValue, Pair, PrimitiveValue, QName, RangeSet, RasterFilter, SimplePropertyType, SingleValue]. 116
Errors Class Fan-Out Complexity is 47 (max allowed is 20). 116
Errors Cyclomatic Complexity is 13 (max allowed is 10). 172
Errors Cyclomatic Complexity is 17 (max allowed is 10). 240
Errors Cyclomatic Complexity is 16 (max allowed is 10). 316
Errors NPath Complexity is 310 (max allowed is 200). 316


Violation Message Line
Errors Class Data Abstraction Coupling is 22 (max allowed is 12) classes [ArrayList, Color, Date, Dimension, DimensionInterval, Fill, GenericFeature, GenericFeatureCollection, GenericFeatureType, GenericProperty, GeometryFactory, GeometryPropertyType, Java2DRenderer, Pair, PolygonStyling, QName, SimpleProperty, SimplePropertyType, Stroke, Style, Symbolizer, TypedObjectNodeXPathEvaluator]. 106
Errors Class Fan-Out Complexity is 40 (max allowed is 20). 106
Errors Cyclomatic Complexity is 11 (max allowed is 10). 202


Violation Message Line
Warnings Redundant 'final' modifier. 93


Violation Message Line
Errors Class Fan-Out Complexity is 23 (max allowed is 20). 85
Errors Cyclomatic Complexity is 16 (max allowed is 10). 207