CPD Results

The following document contains the results of PMD's CPD 4.3.


File Line
org/deegree/layer/Utils.java 254
org/deegree/layer/Utils.java 308
        } else {

            if ( !crs.equals( WGS84 ) ) {
                // transform the bounding box of the request to EPSG:4326
                GeometryTransformer trans = new GeometryTransformer( WGS84 );
                try {
                    bbox = trans.transform( bbox, crs );
                } catch ( IllegalArgumentException e ) {
                    LOG.error( "Unknown error", e );
                } catch ( TransformationException e ) {
                    LOG.error( "Unknown error", e );
            double dx = bbox.getSpan0() / mapWidth;
            double dy = bbox.getSpan1() / mapHeight;
            double minx = bbox.getMin().get0() + dx * ( mapWidth / 2d - 1 );
            double miny = bbox.getMin().get1() + dy * ( mapHeight / 2d - 1 );
            double maxx = bbox.getMin().get0() + dx * ( mapWidth / 2d );
            double maxy = bbox.getMin().get1() + dy * ( mapHeight / 2d );