CPD Results
The following document contains the results of PMD's CPD 4.3.
File |
Line |
org/deegree/coverage/raster/RasterTransformer.java |
238 |
org/deegree/coverage/raster/interpolation/RasterInterpolater.java |
129 |
throws TransformationException {
int k = 0;
// create/calculate reference points
float dx = ( dstWidth - 1 ) / (float) ( refPointsGridSize - 1 );
float dy = ( dstHeight - 1 ) / (float) ( refPointsGridSize - 1 );
float[] srcCoords = new float[refPointsGridSize * refPointsGridSize * 2];
float[] dstCoords = new float[refPointsGridSize * refPointsGridSize * 2];
List<Point3d> points = new ArrayList<Point3d>( refPointsGridSize * refPointsGridSize );
for ( int j = 0; j < refPointsGridSize; j++ ) {
for ( int i = 0; i < refPointsGridSize; i++ ) {
dstCoords[k] = i * dx;
dstCoords[k + 1] = j * dy;
double[] dstWCoords = dstREnv.getWorldCoordinate( (int) dstCoords[k], (int) dstCoords[k + 1] );
points.add( new Point3d( dstWCoords[0], dstWCoords[1], Double.NaN ) );
k += 2;
} |
File |
Line |
org/deegree/coverage/raster/data/TiledRasterData.java |
336 |
org/deegree/coverage/raster/data/TiledRasterData.java |
417 |
org/deegree/coverage/raster/data/TiledRasterData.java |
501 |
org/deegree/coverage/raster/data/TiledRasterData.java |
609 |
double noData = dataInfo.getDoubleNoDataForBand( band );
Arrays.fill( resultValues, noData );
if ( interSectingTiles != null ) {
final RasterRect tileRect = new RasterRect( 0, 0, tileWidth, tileHeight );
for ( int row = interSectingTiles[1]; row < interSectingTiles[3]; ++row ) {
for ( int col = interSectingTiles[0]; col < interSectingTiles[2]; ++col ) {
// rect of tile
tileRect.x = col * tileWidth;
tileRect.y = row * tileHeight;
// intersection of request with given tile
final RasterRect intersectionWithTile = RasterRect.intersection( tileRect, requestedRect );
if ( intersectionWithTile != null ) {
// an intersection, get the raster tile
final RasterData tile = tiles[row * columns + col];
if ( tile != null ) {
final int widthOffset = ( intersectionWithTile.x / tileWidth );
final int heightOffset = ( intersectionWithTile.y / tileHeight );
// map to the given tile coordinate system.
final RasterRect tReq = new RasterRect( ( intersectionWithTile.x - widthOffset ),
( intersectionWithTile.y - heightOffset ),
intersectionWithTile.height ); |
File |
Line |
org/deegree/coverage/raster/data/TiledRasterData.java |
250 |
org/deegree/coverage/raster/data/TiledRasterData.java |
340 |
org/deegree/coverage/raster/data/TiledRasterData.java |
421 |
org/deegree/coverage/raster/data/TiledRasterData.java |
505 |
org/deegree/coverage/raster/data/TiledRasterData.java |
613 |
RasterRect tileRect = new RasterRect( 0, 0, tileWidth, tileHeight );
for ( int row = interSectingTiles[1]; row < interSectingTiles[3]; ++row ) {
for ( int col = interSectingTiles[0]; col < interSectingTiles[2]; ++col ) {
// rect of tile
tileRect.x = col * tileWidth;
tileRect.y = row * tileHeight;
// intersection of request with given tile
final RasterRect intersectionWithTile = RasterRect.intersection( tileRect, requestedRect );
if ( intersectionWithTile != null ) {
// an intersection, get the raster tile
final RasterData tile = tiles[row * columns + col];
if ( tile != null ) {
final int widthOffset = ( intersectionWithTile.x / tileWidth );
final int heightOffset = ( intersectionWithTile.y / tileHeight );
// map to the given tile coordinate system.
final RasterRect tReq = new RasterRect( ( intersectionWithTile.x - widthOffset ),
( intersectionWithTile.y - heightOffset ),
intersectionWithTile.height ); |
File |
Line |
org/deegree/coverage/raster/RasterTransformer.java |
174 |
org/deegree/coverage/raster/interpolation/RasterInterpolater.java |
105 |
* @param warp
* @param interpolation
* @param dstData
private void warpTransform( WarpPolynomial warp, Interpolation interpolation, RasterData dstData ) {
byte[] pixel = new byte[dstData.getBands() * dstData.getDataType().getSize()];
float[] srcCoords = new float[dstData.getColumns() * 2];
for ( int y = 0; y < dstData.getRows(); y++ ) {
// look-up the pixel positions in the source raster for every pixel in this row, the srcCoords will contain
// the x,y ([2n],[2n+1]) values in the source raster (defined in the native CRS) for this row of pixels.
warp.warpRect( 0, y, dstData.getColumns(), 1, srcCoords );
for ( int x = 0; x < dstData.getColumns(); x++ ) {
// get the interpolated pixel and set the value into the result raster
interpolation.getPixel( srcCoords[x * 2], srcCoords[x * 2 + 1], pixel );
dstData.setPixel( x, y, pixel );
* Create a new raster that contains all data we need for the transformation.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException
private AbstractRaster getSubRaster( ICRS srcCRS, AbstractRaster sourceRaster, Envelope dstEnvelope ) |
File |
Line |
org/deegree/coverage/raster/io/asc/ASCWriter.java |
76 |
org/deegree/coverage/raster/io/xyz/XYZWriter.java |
74 |
outputFormat.addAll( ASCRasterIOProvider.FORMATS );
public boolean canWrite( AbstractRaster raster, RasterIOOptions options ) {
// only return true if the raster has one band.
return raster != null && raster.getRasterDataInfo() != null && raster.getRasterDataInfo().bands == 1;
public Set<String> getSupportedFormats() {
return outputFormat;
public void write( AbstractRaster raster, File file, RasterIOOptions options )
throws IOException {
BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter( new FileWriter( file ) );
write( raster, bw, options );
private void write( AbstractRaster raster, BufferedWriter writer, RasterIOOptions options )
throws IOException {
if ( canWrite( raster, options ) ) {
SimpleRaster simpleRaster = raster.getAsSimpleRaster();
// convert to outer, because we iterate of x,y as whole values and not (0.5,0.5);
RasterGeoReference rasterReference = simpleRaster.getRasterReference().createRelocatedReference( OriginLocation.OUTER ); |
File |
Line |
org/deegree/coverage/raster/data/TiledRasterData.java |
679 |
org/deegree/coverage/raster/data/TiledRasterData.java |
745 |
org/deegree/coverage/raster/data/TiledRasterData.java |
813 |
public void setBytes( int x, int y, int width, int height, int band, byte[] values ) {
RasterRect requestedRect = new RasterRect( x, y, width, height );
int[] interSectingTiles = getIntersectingTiles( requestedRect );
if ( interSectingTiles != null ) {
final RasterRect tileRect = new RasterRect( 0, 0, tileWidth, tileHeight );
for ( int row = interSectingTiles[1]; row < interSectingTiles[3]; ++row ) {
for ( int col = interSectingTiles[0]; col < interSectingTiles[2]; ++col ) {
// rect of tile
tileRect.x = col * tileWidth;
tileRect.y = row * tileHeight;
// intersection of request with given tile
final RasterRect intersectionWithTile = RasterRect.intersection( tileRect, requestedRect );
if ( intersectionWithTile != null ) {
// get the raster tile
final RasterData tile = tiles[row * columns + col];
if ( tile != null ) {
// make sure it exists.
// get the result
final byte[] tileValues = new byte[intersectionWithTile.width * intersectionWithTile.height]; |
File |
Line |
org/deegree/coverage/raster/data/TiledRasterData.java |
880 |
org/deegree/coverage/raster/data/TiledRasterData.java |
976 |
public void setInts( int x, int y, int width, int height, int band, int[] values ) {
RasterRect requestedRect = new RasterRect( x, y, width, height );
int[] interSectingTiles = getIntersectingTiles( requestedRect );
if ( interSectingTiles != null ) {
RasterRect tileRect = new RasterRect( 0, 0, tileWidth, tileHeight );
for ( int row = interSectingTiles[1]; row < interSectingTiles[3]; ++row ) {
for ( int col = interSectingTiles[0]; col < interSectingTiles[2]; ++col ) {
// rect of tile
tileRect.x = col * tileWidth;
tileRect.y = row * tileHeight;
// intersection of request with given tile
final RasterRect intersectionWithTile = RasterRect.intersection( tileRect, requestedRect );
if ( intersectionWithTile != null ) {
// get the raster tile
final RasterData tile = tiles[row * columns + col];
if ( tile != null ) {
// make sure it exists.
// get the result
final int[] tileValues = new int[intersectionWithTile.width * intersectionWithTile.height]; |
File |
Line |
org/deegree/coverage/raster/data/TiledRasterData.java |
697 |
org/deegree/coverage/raster/data/TiledRasterData.java |
763 |
org/deegree/coverage/raster/data/TiledRasterData.java |
831 |
org/deegree/coverage/raster/data/TiledRasterData.java |
898 |
org/deegree/coverage/raster/data/TiledRasterData.java |
994 |
final byte[] tileValues = new byte[intersectionWithTile.width * intersectionWithTile.height];
// calculate the offset in the given array.
final int offsetInResult = ( intersectionWithTile.y * requestedRect.width )
+ intersectionWithTile.x;
// copy the result with the data from the tile.
for ( int yResult = 0; yResult < intersectionWithTile.height; ++yResult ) {
// one band, so row copying is available
System.arraycopy( values, ( yResult * requestedRect.width ) + offsetInResult,
tileValues, yResult * intersectionWithTile.width,
intersectionWithTile.width );
final int widthOffset = ( intersectionWithTile.x / tileWidth );
final int heightOffset = ( intersectionWithTile.y / tileHeight );
// map to the given tile coordinate system.
final RasterRect tReq = new RasterRect( ( intersectionWithTile.x - widthOffset ),
( intersectionWithTile.y - heightOffset ),
intersectionWithTile.height );
synchronized ( tiles ) {
tile.setBytes( tReq.x, tReq.y, tileRect.width, tileRect.height, band, tileValues ); |
File |
Line |
org/deegree/coverage/raster/io/xyz/XYZWriter.java |
146 |
org/deegree/coverage/raster/io/xyz/XYZWriter.java |
174 |
private void writeUShorts( RasterData data, BufferedWriter bw, String newLine, RasterGeoReference geoRef,
String separator )
throws IOException {
StringBuilder sb = null;
int height = data.getRows() - 1;
int width = data.getColumns();
for ( int x = 0; x < width; ++x ) {
// 30, assuming the values are 10 characters long
sb = new StringBuilder( ( height + 1 ) * 30 );
for ( int y = height; y >= 0; --y ) {
short sample = data.getShortSample( x, y, 0 );
double[] worldCoords = geoRef.getWorldCoordinate( x + 0.5, y + 0.5 );
sb.append( worldCoords[0] + separator + worldCoords[1] + separator + ( sample & 0xFFFF ) + newLine ); |
File |
Line |
org/deegree/coverage/raster/data/nio/ByteBufferRasterData.java |
499 |
org/deegree/coverage/raster/data/nio/ByteBufferRasterData.java |
539 |
org/deegree/coverage/raster/data/nio/ByteBufferRasterData.java |
581 |
org/deegree/coverage/raster/data/nio/ByteBufferRasterData.java |
669 |
result = new double[width * height];
for ( int h = 0; h < height; h++ ) {
for ( int w = 0; w < width; w++ ) {
int pos = calculatePos( x + w, y + h, band );
int rOffset = ( 2 * h ) + w;
if ( pos == -1 ) {// the position is outside the databuffer.
System.arraycopy( getView().dataInfo.noDataPixel, getView().getBandOffset( band )
* getView().dataInfo.dataSize, result, rOffset,
getView().dataInfo.dataSize );
} else {
result[rOffset] = getByteBuffer().getDouble( pos ); |
File |
Line |
org/deegree/coverage/raster/data/TiledRasterData.java |
337 |
org/deegree/coverage/raster/data/TiledRasterData.java |
418 |
org/deegree/coverage/raster/data/TiledRasterData.java |
502 |
org/deegree/coverage/raster/data/TiledRasterData.java |
610 |
org/deegree/coverage/raster/data/TiledRasterData.java |
681 |
org/deegree/coverage/raster/data/TiledRasterData.java |
747 |
org/deegree/coverage/raster/data/TiledRasterData.java |
815 |
Arrays.fill( resultValues, noData );
if ( interSectingTiles != null ) {
final RasterRect tileRect = new RasterRect( 0, 0, tileWidth, tileHeight );
for ( int row = interSectingTiles[1]; row < interSectingTiles[3]; ++row ) {
for ( int col = interSectingTiles[0]; col < interSectingTiles[2]; ++col ) {
// rect of tile
tileRect.x = col * tileWidth;
tileRect.y = row * tileHeight;
// intersection of request with given tile
final RasterRect intersectionWithTile = RasterRect.intersection( tileRect, requestedRect );
if ( intersectionWithTile != null ) {
// an intersection, get the raster tile
final RasterData tile = tiles[row * columns + col];
if ( tile != null ) {
final int widthOffset = ( intersectionWithTile.x / tileWidth ); |
File |
Line |
org/deegree/coverage/raster/data/TiledRasterData.java |
247 |
org/deegree/coverage/raster/data/TiledRasterData.java |
882 |
Arrays.fill( resultValues, noData );
if ( interSectingTiles != null ) {
RasterRect tileRect = new RasterRect( 0, 0, tileWidth, tileHeight );
for ( int row = interSectingTiles[1]; row < interSectingTiles[3]; ++row ) {
for ( int col = interSectingTiles[0]; col < interSectingTiles[2]; ++col ) {
// rect of tile
tileRect.x = col * tileWidth;
tileRect.y = row * tileHeight;
// intersection of request with given tile
final RasterRect intersectionWithTile = RasterRect.intersection( tileRect, requestedRect );
if ( intersectionWithTile != null ) {
// an intersection, get the raster tile
final RasterData tile = tiles[row * columns + col];
if ( tile != null ) {
final int widthOffset = ( intersectionWithTile.x / tileWidth ); |
File |
Line |
org/deegree/coverage/raster/data/TiledRasterData.java |
247 |
org/deegree/coverage/raster/data/TiledRasterData.java |
978 |
Arrays.fill( resultValues, noData );
if ( interSectingTiles != null ) {
RasterRect tileRect = new RasterRect( 0, 0, tileWidth, tileHeight );
for ( int row = interSectingTiles[1]; row < interSectingTiles[3]; ++row ) {
for ( int col = interSectingTiles[0]; col < interSectingTiles[2]; ++col ) {
// rect of tile
tileRect.x = col * tileWidth;
tileRect.y = row * tileHeight;
// intersection of request with given tile
final RasterRect intersectionWithTile = RasterRect.intersection( tileRect, requestedRect );
if ( intersectionWithTile != null ) {
// an intersection, get the raster tile
final RasterData tile = tiles[row * columns + col];
if ( tile != null ) {
final int widthOffset = ( intersectionWithTile.x / tileWidth ); |
File |
Line |
org/deegree/coverage/raster/data/TiledRasterData.java |
340 |
org/deegree/coverage/raster/data/TiledRasterData.java |
421 |
org/deegree/coverage/raster/data/TiledRasterData.java |
505 |
org/deegree/coverage/raster/data/TiledRasterData.java |
613 |
org/deegree/coverage/raster/data/TiledRasterData.java |
884 |
final RasterRect tileRect = new RasterRect( 0, 0, tileWidth, tileHeight );
for ( int row = interSectingTiles[1]; row < interSectingTiles[3]; ++row ) {
for ( int col = interSectingTiles[0]; col < interSectingTiles[2]; ++col ) {
// rect of tile
tileRect.x = col * tileWidth;
tileRect.y = row * tileHeight;
// intersection of request with given tile
final RasterRect intersectionWithTile = RasterRect.intersection( tileRect, requestedRect );
if ( intersectionWithTile != null ) {
// an intersection, get the raster tile
final RasterData tile = tiles[row * columns + col];
if ( tile != null ) {
final int widthOffset = ( intersectionWithTile.x / tileWidth ); |
File |
Line |
org/deegree/coverage/raster/data/TiledRasterData.java |
250 |
org/deegree/coverage/raster/data/TiledRasterData.java |
683 |
org/deegree/coverage/raster/data/TiledRasterData.java |
749 |
org/deegree/coverage/raster/data/TiledRasterData.java |
817 |
org/deegree/coverage/raster/data/TiledRasterData.java |
884 |
RasterRect tileRect = new RasterRect( 0, 0, tileWidth, tileHeight );
for ( int row = interSectingTiles[1]; row < interSectingTiles[3]; ++row ) {
for ( int col = interSectingTiles[0]; col < interSectingTiles[2]; ++col ) {
// rect of tile
tileRect.x = col * tileWidth;
tileRect.y = row * tileHeight;
// intersection of request with given tile
final RasterRect intersectionWithTile = RasterRect.intersection( tileRect, requestedRect );
if ( intersectionWithTile != null ) {
// an intersection, get the raster tile
final RasterData tile = tiles[row * columns + col];
if ( tile != null ) {
final int widthOffset = ( intersectionWithTile.x / tileWidth ); |
File |
Line |
org/deegree/coverage/raster/data/TiledRasterData.java |
340 |
org/deegree/coverage/raster/data/TiledRasterData.java |
421 |
org/deegree/coverage/raster/data/TiledRasterData.java |
505 |
org/deegree/coverage/raster/data/TiledRasterData.java |
613 |
org/deegree/coverage/raster/data/TiledRasterData.java |
980 |
final RasterRect tileRect = new RasterRect( 0, 0, tileWidth, tileHeight );
for ( int row = interSectingTiles[1]; row < interSectingTiles[3]; ++row ) {
for ( int col = interSectingTiles[0]; col < interSectingTiles[2]; ++col ) {
// rect of tile
tileRect.x = col * tileWidth;
tileRect.y = row * tileHeight;
// intersection of request with given tile
final RasterRect intersectionWithTile = RasterRect.intersection( tileRect, requestedRect );
if ( intersectionWithTile != null ) {
// an intersection, get the raster tile
final RasterData tile = tiles[row * columns + col];
if ( tile != null ) {
final int widthOffset = ( intersectionWithTile.x / tileWidth ); |