File | Line |
org/deegree/protocol/ows/capabilities/ | 107 |
org/deegree/protocol/ows/capabilities/ | 117 |
List<Domain> params = new ArrayList<Domain>( paramEls.size() );
if ( paramEls != null ) {
for ( OMElement paramEl : paramEls ) {
Domain parameter = parseDomain( paramEl );
params.add( parameter );
xpath = new XPath( "ows:Constraint", nsContext );
List<OMElement> constaintEls = getElements( opMetadataEl, xpath );
List<Domain> constraints = new ArrayList<Domain>( constaintEls.size() );
if ( constaintEls != null ) {
for ( OMElement constaintEl : constaintEls ) {
Domain constraint = parseDomain( constaintEl );
constraints.add( constraint );
List<OMElement> extendedCaps = new ArrayList<OMElement>();
xpath = new XPath( "ows:ExtendedCapabilities", nsContext );
OMElement extededCapab = getElement( opMetadataEl, xpath );
if ( extededCapab != null ) {
extendedCaps.add( extededCapab );
return new OperationsMetadata( operations, params, constraints, extendedCaps );
* @param opEl
* context {@link OMElement}
* @return an {@link Operation} instance, never <code>null</code>
private Operation parseOperation( OMElement opEl ) {
XPath xpath = new XPath( "@name", nsContext );
String name = getNodeAsString( opEl, xpath, null );
xpath = new XPath( "ows:DCP", nsContext );
List<OMElement> dcpEls = getElements( opEl, xpath );
List<DCP> dcps = new ArrayList<DCP>( dcpEls.size() );
if ( dcpEls != null ) {
for ( OMElement dcpEl : dcpEls ) {
DCP dcp = parseDCP( dcpEl );
dcps.add( dcp );
xpath = new XPath( "ows:Parameter", nsContext );
List<OMElement> paramEls = getElements( opEl, xpath );
List<Domain> params = new ArrayList<Domain>( paramEls.size() );
if ( paramEls != null ) {
for ( OMElement paramEl : paramEls ) {
Domain parameter = parseDomain( paramEl );
params.add( parameter );
xpath = new XPath( "ows:Constraint", nsContext );
List<OMElement> constaintEls = getElements( opEl, xpath );
List<Domain> constraints = new ArrayList<Domain>( constaintEls.size() );
if ( constaintEls != null ) {
for ( OMElement constaintEl : constaintEls ) {
Domain constraint = parseDomain( constaintEl );
constraints.add( constraint );
} |
File | Line |
org/deegree/protocol/wps/client/process/ | 316 |
org/deegree/protocol/wps/client/process/ | 130 |
responseFormat = new ResponseFormat( false, async, false, async, outputDefs );
// TODO what if server only supports Get?
URL url = client.getExecuteURL( true );
URLConnection conn = url.openConnection();
conn.setDoOutput( true );
conn.setUseCaches( false );
// TODO does this need configurability?
conn.setRequestProperty( "Content-Type", "application/xml" );
XMLOutputFactory outFactory = XMLOutputFactory.newInstance();
OutputStream os = conn.getOutputStream();
XMLInputFactory inFactory = XMLInputFactory.newInstance();
if ( LOG.isDebugEnabled() ) {
File logFile = File.createTempFile( "wpsclient", "request.xml" );
XMLStreamWriter logWriter = outFactory.createXMLStreamWriter( new FileOutputStream( logFile ), "UTF-8" );
ExecuteRequest100Writer executer = new ExecuteRequest100Writer( logWriter );
executer.write100( process.getId(), inputs, responseFormat );
LOG.debug( "WPS request can be found at " + logFile );
InputStream is = new FileInputStream( logFile );
byte[] buffer = new byte[1024];
int read = 0;
while ( ( read = buffer ) ) != -1 ) {
os.write( buffer, 0, read );
} else {
XMLStreamWriter writer = outFactory.createXMLStreamWriter( os, "UTF-8" );
ExecuteRequest100Writer executer = new ExecuteRequest100Writer( writer );
executer.write100( process.getId(), inputs, responseFormat );
InputStream responseStream = conn.getInputStream();
if ( LOG.isDebugEnabled() ) {
File logFile = File.createTempFile( "wpsclient", "response" );
OutputStream logStream = new FileOutputStream( logFile );
byte[] buffer = new byte[1024];
int read = 0;
while ( ( read = buffer ) ) != -1 ) {
logStream.write( buffer, 0, read );
responseStream = new FileInputStream( logFile );
LOG.debug( "WPS response can be found at " + logFile );
} |
File | Line |
org/deegree/protocol/ows/ | 135 |
org/deegree/protocol/ows/capabilities/ | 223 |
return geomFac.createEnvelope( lowerCorner, upperCorner, crs );
private double[] parseDoubleList( OMElement positionElement )
throws XMLParsingException {
String s = positionElement.getText();
// don't use String.split(regex) here (speed)
StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer( s );
List<String> tokens = new ArrayList<String>();
while ( st.hasMoreTokens() ) {
tokens.add( st.nextToken() );
double[] doubles = new double[tokens.size()];
for ( int i = 0; i < doubles.length; i++ ) {
try {
doubles[i] = Double.parseDouble( tokens.get( i ) );
} catch ( NumberFormatException e ) {
String msg = "Value '" + tokens.get( i ) + "' cannot be parsed as a double.";
throw new XMLParsingException( this, positionElement, msg );
return doubles;
} |
File | Line |
org/deegree/protocol/ows/capabilities/ | 84 |
org/deegree/protocol/ows/capabilities/ | 94 |
super( OWS_NS );
public OperationsMetadata parseOperationsMetadata() {
OMElement opMetadataEl = getElement( getRootElement(), new XPath( "ows:OperationsMetadata", nsContext ) );
if ( opMetadataEl == null ) {
return null;
XPath xpath = new XPath( "ows:Operation", nsContext );
List<OMElement> opEls = getElements( opMetadataEl, xpath );
List<Operation> operations = new ArrayList<Operation>( opEls.size() );
if ( opEls != null ) {
for ( OMElement opEl : opEls ) {
Operation op = parseOperation( opEl );
operations.add( op );
xpath = new XPath( "ows:Parameter", nsContext );
List<OMElement> paramEls = getElements( opMetadataEl, xpath );
List<Domain> params = new ArrayList<Domain>( paramEls.size() ); |
File | Line |
org/deegree/protocol/ows/getcapabilities/ | 108 |
org/deegree/protocol/ows/getcapabilities/ | 147 |
List<OMElement> formatElements = getElements( rootElement, new XPath( "ows:AcceptFormats/ows:OutputFormat",
nsContext ) );
List<String> formats = new ArrayList<String>( formatElements.size() );
for ( OMElement formatElement : formatElements ) {
formats.add( formatElement.getText() );
// @language (optional)
List<String> languages = null;
String languageString = rootElement.getAttributeValue( new QName( "language" ) );
if ( languageString != null ) {
languages = Arrays.asList( languageString.split( "," ) );
return new GetCapabilities( null, Arrays.asList( versions ), sections, formats, updateSequence, languages );
} |