File | Line |
org/deegree/protocol/wfs/query/xml/ | 213 |
org/deegree/protocol/wfs/query/xml/ | 306 |
private Query parseAdHocQuery200( OMElement queryEl )
throws OWSException {
// <xsd:attribute name="handle" type="xsd:string"/>
String handle = getNodeAsString( queryEl, new XPath( "@handle", nsContext ), null );
// <xsd:attribute name="aliases" type="fes:AliasesType"/>
String[] aliases = null;
String aliasesStr = getNodeAsString( queryEl, new XPath( "@aliases", nsContext ), null );
if ( aliasesStr != null ) {
aliases = StringUtils.split( aliasesStr, " " );
// <xsd:attribute name="typeNames" type="fes:TypeNamesListType" use="required"/>
String typeNameStr = getRequiredNodeAsString( queryEl, new XPath( "@typeNames", nsContext ) );
String[] tokens = StringUtils.split( typeNameStr, " " );
if ( aliases != null && aliases.length != tokens.length ) {
String msg = "Number of entries in 'aliases' and 'typeNames' attributes does not match.";
throw new OWSException( msg, INVALID_PARAMETER_VALUE, "aliases" );
TypeName[] typeNames = new TypeName[tokens.length];
for ( int i = 0; i < tokens.length; i++ ) {
String alias = aliases != null ? aliases[i] : null;
String token = tokens[i];
if ( token.startsWith( "schema-element(" ) && token.endsWith( ")" ) ) {
String prefixedName = token.substring( 15, token.length() - 1 );
QName qName = resolveQName( queryEl, prefixedName );
typeNames[i] = new TypeName( qName, alias, true );
} else {
QName qName = resolveQName( queryEl, token );
typeNames[i] = new TypeName( qName, alias, false );
// <xsd:attribute name="srsName" type="xsd:anyURI"/>
ICRS crs = null;
String srsName = getNodeAsString( queryEl, new XPath( "@srsName", nsContext ), null );
if ( srsName != null ) {
crs = CRSManager.getCRSRef( srsName );
// <xsd:attribute name="featureVersion" type="xsd:string"/>
String featureVersion = getNodeAsString( queryEl, new XPath( "@featureVersion", nsContext ), null );
// <xsd:element ref="fes:AbstractProjectionClause" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
List<OMElement> propertyNameEls = getElements( queryEl, new XPath( "wfs200:PropertyName", nsContext ) ); |
File | Line |
org/deegree/protocol/wfs/query/xml/ | 262 |
org/deegree/protocol/wfs/query/xml/ | 361 |
projectionClauses.add( propName );
// <xsd:element ref="fes:AbstractSelectionClause" minOccurs="0"/>
Filter filter = null;
OMElement filterEl = queryEl.getFirstChildWithName( new QName( FES_20_NS, "Filter" ) );
if ( filterEl != null ) {
filter = parseFilter200( filterEl );
// <xsd:element ref="fes:AbstractSortingClause" minOccurs="0"/>
List<SortProperty> sortProps = new ArrayList<SortProperty>();
// <xsd:element name="SortBy" type="fes:SortByType" substitutionGroup="fes:AbstractSortingClause"/>
OMElement sortByEl = getElement( queryEl, new XPath( "fes:SortBy", nsContext ) );
if ( sortByEl != null ) {
List<OMElement> sortPropertyEls = getRequiredElements( sortByEl, new XPath( "fes:SortProperty", nsContext ) );
for ( OMElement sortPropertyEl : sortPropertyEls ) {
OMElement propNameEl = getRequiredElement( sortPropertyEl, new XPath( "fes:ValueReference", nsContext ) );
ValueReference valRef = new ValueReference( propNameEl.getText(), getNamespaceContext( propNameEl ) );
String sortOrder = getNodeAsString( sortPropertyEl, new XPath( "fes:SortOrder", nsContext ), "ASC" );
SortProperty sortProp = new SortProperty( valRef, sortOrder.equals( "ASC" ) );
sortProps.add( sortProp );
} |
File | Line |
org/deegree/protocol/wfs/getfeature/kvp/ | 195 |
org/deegree/protocol/wfs/getfeature/kvp/ | 354 |
queries.add( new FeatureIdQuery( null, typeName, featureVersion, srs, projectionClauses, null, fids ) );
} else if ( bboxStr != null ) {
if ( typeNames == null ) {
// TODO make new exception
throw new Exception( "The TYPENAME keyword is mandatory if BBOX is present!" );
String[] coordList = bboxStr.split( "," );
ICRS bboxCrs = null;
if ( coordList.length % 2 == 1 ) {
bboxCrs = CRSManager.getCRSRef( coordList[coordList.length - 1] );
Envelope bbox = createEnvelope( bboxStr, bboxCrs );
for ( int i = 0; i < typeNames.length; i++ ) {
TypeName typeName = typeNames[i];
PropertyName[] projectionClauses = null;
if ( propertyNames != null ) {
projectionClauses = propertyNames[i];
queries.add( new BBoxQuery( null, new TypeName[] { typeName }, featureVersion, srs, projectionClauses, |
File | Line |
org/deegree/protocol/wfs/transaction/xml/ | 112 |
org/deegree/protocol/wfs/transaction/xml/ | 117 |
throw new XMLParsingException( xmlStream, msg );
TransactionAction operation = null;
String localName = xmlStream.getLocalName();
if ( "Delete".equals( localName ) ) {
operation = readDelete( xmlStream );
} else if ( "Insert".equals( localName ) ) {
operation = readInsert( xmlStream );
} else if ( "Native".equals( localName ) ) {
operation = readNative( xmlStream );
} else if ( "Update".equals( localName ) ) {
operation = readUpdate( xmlStream );
} else {
throw new XMLParsingException( xmlStream, "Unexpected operation element " + localName + "." );
return operation;
* Returns the object representation of a <code>wfs:Delete</code> element. Consumes all corresponding events from
* the given <code>XMLStream</code>.
* @param xmlStream
* cursor must point at the <code>START_ELEMENT</code> event (<wfs:Delete>), points at the
* corresponding <code>END_ELEMENT</code> event (</wfs:Delete>) afterwards
* @return corresponding {@link Delete} object
* @throws XMLStreamException
* @throws XMLParsingException
Delete readDelete( XMLStreamReader xmlStream )
throws XMLStreamException {
// optional: '@handle'
String handle = xmlStream.getAttributeValue( null, "handle" );
// required: '@typeName'
QName ftName = getRequiredAttributeValueAsQName( xmlStream, null, "typeName" ); |
File | Line |
org/deegree/protocol/wfs/describefeaturetype/xml/ | 124 |
org/deegree/protocol/wfs/describefeaturetype/xml/ | 171 |
String outputFormat = rootElement.getAttributeValue( new QName( "outputFormat" ) );
// 'wfs:TypeName' elements (minOccurs=0, maxOccurs=unbounded)
QName[] typeNames = getNodesAsQNames( rootElement, new XPath( "wfs:TypeName", nsContext ) );
String[] typeNames2 = getNodesAsStrings( rootElement, new XPath( "wfs:TypeName", nsContext ) );
// TODO remove null namespace hack
for ( int i = 0; i < typeNames.length; i++ ) {
if ( typeNames[i] == null ) {
typeNames[i] = mangleTypeName( typeNames2[i] );
} else if ( WFSConstants.WFS_NS.equals( typeNames[i].getNamespaceURI() ) ) {
typeNames[i] = new QName( typeNames[i].getLocalPart() );
return new DescribeFeatureType( VERSION_100, null, outputFormat, typeNames, null ); |
File | Line |
org/deegree/protocol/wfs/capabilities/ | 108 |
org/deegree/protocol/wfs/capabilities/ | 33 |
public List<WFSFeatureType> parseFeatureTypeList() {
List<OMElement> ftEls = getElements( rootElement, new XPath( "wfs:FeatureTypeList/wfs:FeatureType", nsContext ) );
List<WFSFeatureType> fts = new ArrayList<WFSFeatureType>( ftEls.size() );
for ( OMElement ftEl : ftEls ) {
fts.add( parseFeatureType( ftEl ) );
return fts;
private WFSFeatureType parseFeatureType( OMElement ftEl ) {
// <xsd:element name="Name" type="xsd:QName"/>
OMElement nameEl = getRequiredElement( ftEl, new XPath( "wfs:Name", nsContext ) );
String prefixedName = nameEl.getText().trim();
QName ftName = parseQName( prefixedName, nameEl );
// <xsd:element ref="wfs:Title" minOccurs="0"/>
List<LanguageString> titles = Collections.emptyList();
String title = getNodeAsString( ftEl, new XPath( "wfs:Title", nsContext ), null ); |
File | Line |
org/deegree/protocol/wfs/transaction/xml/ | 228 |
org/deegree/protocol/wfs/transaction/xml/ | 276 |
public PropertyReplacement readProperty( XMLStreamReader xmlStream )
throws XMLStreamException {
xmlStream.require( START_ELEMENT, WFS_NS, "Property" );
xmlStream.require( START_ELEMENT, WFS_NS, "Name" );
QName propName = getElementTextAsQName( xmlStream );
PropertyReplacement replacement = null;
if ( new QName( WFS_NS, "Value" ).equals( xmlStream.getName() ) ) {
replacement = new PropertyReplacement( new ValueReference( propName ), xmlStream, null );
} else {
xmlStream.require( END_ELEMENT, WFS_NS, "Property" );
replacement = new PropertyReplacement( new ValueReference( propName ), null, null );
return replacement;
} |
File | Line |
org/deegree/protocol/wfs/getfeature/xml/ | 145 |
org/deegree/protocol/wfs/getfeature/xml/ | 217 |
StandardPresentationParams presentationParams = parseStandardPresentationParameters100( rootElement );
List<OMElement> queryElements = getRequiredElements( rootElement, new XPath( "*", nsContext ) );
// check if all child elements are 'wfs:Query' elements (required for CITE)
for ( OMElement omElement : queryElements ) {
if ( !new QName( WFSConstants.WFS_NS, "Query" ).equals( omElement.getQName() ) ) {
String msg = "Child element '" + omElement.getQName() + "' is not allowed.";
throw new XMLParsingException( this, omElement, msg );
List<Query> queries = new ArrayList<Query>();
for ( OMElement queryEl : queryElements ) {
List<PropertyName> propNames = new ArrayList<PropertyName>();
List<OMElement> propertyNameElements = getElements( queryEl, new XPath( "ogc:PropertyName", nsContext ) ); |
File | Line |
org/deegree/protocol/wfs/getfeature/kvp/ | 218 |
org/deegree/protocol/wfs/getfeature/kvp/ | 382 |
null, bbox ) );
} else if ( filterStr != null || typeNames != null ) {
if ( typeNames == null ) {
// TODO make new exception
throw new Exception( "The FILTER element requires the TYPENAME element" );
int length = typeNames.length;
String[] filters = getFilters( filterStr );
for ( int i = 0; i < length; i++ ) {
Filter filter = null;
if ( filters != null ) {
StringReader sr = new StringReader( filters[i] );
XMLAdapter adapter = new XMLAdapter( sr );
XMLStreamReaderWrapper streamWrapper = new XMLStreamReaderWrapper(
adapter.getSystemId() );
try {
filter = Filter100XMLDecoder.parse( streamWrapper ); |
File | Line |
org/deegree/protocol/wfs/lockfeature/xml/ | 127 |
org/deegree/protocol/wfs/lockfeature/xml/ | 177 |
public LockFeature parse100() {
String handle = getNodeAsString( rootElement, new XPath( "@handle", nsContext ), null );
BigInteger expiryInMinutes = getNodeAsBigInt( rootElement, new XPath( "@expiry", nsContext ), null );
BigInteger expiryInSeconds = convertToSeconds( expiryInMinutes );
String lockActionStr = rootElement.getAttributeValue( new QName( "lockAction" ) );
Boolean lockAll = parseLockAction( lockActionStr );
List<OMElement> lockElements = getRequiredElements( rootElement, new XPath( "wfs:Lock", nsContext ) );
List<Query> queries = new ArrayList<Query>( lockElements.size() );
for ( OMElement lockElement : lockElements ) {
queries.add( parseLock100( lockElement ) ); |
File | Line |
org/deegree/protocol/wfs/transaction/xml/ | 80 |
org/deegree/protocol/wfs/transaction/xml/ | 84 |
class TransactionXmlReader100 extends AbstractTransactionXmlReader {
public Transaction read( XMLStreamReader xmlStream )
throws XMLStreamException {
xmlStream.require( START_ELEMENT, WFS_NS, "Transaction" );
// optional: '@handle'
String handle = getAttributeValue( xmlStream, "handle" );
// optional: '@releaseAction'
String releaseActionString = getAttributeValue( xmlStream, "releaseAction" );
ReleaseAction releaseAction = parseReleaseAction( releaseActionString );
// optional: 'wfs:LockId'
String lockId = null;
requireNextTag( xmlStream, START_ELEMENT );
if ( xmlStream.getName().equals( new QName( WFS_NS, "LockId" ) ) ) {
lockId = xmlStream.getElementText().trim();
requireNextTag( xmlStream, START_ELEMENT );
LazyTransactionActionsReader iterable = new LazyTransactionActionsReader( xmlStream, this );
return new Transaction( VERSION_100, handle, lockId, releaseAction, iterable, null ); |
File | Line |
org/deegree/protocol/wfs/getfeature/kvp/ | 392 |
org/deegree/protocol/wfs/lockfeature/kvp/ | 201 |
String[] filters = getFilters( filterStr );
for ( int i = 0; i < length; i++ ) {
Filter filter = null;
if ( filters != null ) {
StringReader sr = new StringReader( filters[i] );
XMLAdapter adapter = new XMLAdapter( sr );
XMLStreamReaderWrapper streamWrapper = new XMLStreamReaderWrapper(
adapter.getSystemId() );
try {
filter = Filter110XMLDecoder.parse( streamWrapper );
} catch ( XMLParsingException e ) {
// TODO raise exception
} catch ( XMLStreamException e ) {
// TODO raise exception
} |
File | Line |
org/deegree/protocol/wfs/getfeaturewithlock/kvp/ | 149 |
org/deegree/protocol/wfs/lockfeature/kvp/ | 250 |
lockAll );
private static BigInteger convertToSeconds( BigInteger expiryInMinutes ) {
if ( expiryInMinutes == null ) {
return null;
return expiryInMinutes.multiply( BigInteger.valueOf( 60 ) );
private static Boolean parseLockAction( String lockActionString ) {
Boolean lockAll = null;
if ( lockActionString != null ) {
if ( "SOME".equals( lockActionString ) ) {
lockAll = false;
} else if ( "ALL".equals( lockActionString ) ) {
lockAll = true;
} else {
String msg = "Invalid value (=" + lockActionString
+ ") for lock action parameter. Valid values are 'ALL' or 'SOME'.";
throw new InvalidParameterValueException( msg, "lockAction" );
return lockAll;
} |
File | Line |
org/deegree/protocol/wfs/query/kvp/ | 393 |
org/deegree/protocol/wfs/query/kvp/ | 414 |
org/deegree/protocol/wfs/query/kvp/ | 438 |
TypeName[] typeNames = new TypeName[0];
if ( !typeNamesList.isEmpty() ) {
typeNames = typeNamesList.get( i );
ICRS srsName = null;
if ( !srsNames.isEmpty() ) {
srsName = srsNames.get( i );
PropertyName[] projectionClauses = null;
if ( !projectionClausesList.isEmpty() ) {
projectionClauses = projectionClausesList.get( i );
SortProperty[] sortBy = null;
if ( !sortByList.isEmpty() ) {
sortBy = sortByList.get( i );
queries.add( new FeatureIdQuery( null, typeNames, null, srsName, projectionClauses, sortBy, resourceIds ) ); |