The following document contains the results of FindBugs Report
FindBugs Version is 2.0.1
Threshold is medium
Effort is min
Bug | Category | Details | Line | Priority |
Load of known null value in org.deegree.protocol.ows.OWSCommonXMLAdapter.parseBoundingBoxType(OMElement, ICRS) | STYLE | NP_LOAD_OF_KNOWN_NULL_VALUE | 129 | Medium |
Bug | Category | Details | Line | Priority |
Nullcheck of getEls at line 455 of value previously dereferenced in org.deegree.protocol.ows.capabilities.AbstractOWSCommonCapabilitiesAdapter.parseDCP(OMElement) | CORRECTNESS | RCN_REDUNDANT_NULLCHECK_WOULD_HAVE_BEEN_A_NPE | 455 | Medium |
Nullcheck of postEls at line 475 of value previously dereferenced in org.deegree.protocol.ows.capabilities.AbstractOWSCommonCapabilitiesAdapter.parseDCP(OMElement) | CORRECTNESS | RCN_REDUNDANT_NULLCHECK_WOULD_HAVE_BEEN_A_NPE | 475 | Medium |
Bug | Category | Details | Line | Priority |
Nullcheck of constaintEls at line 167 of value previously dereferenced in org.deegree.protocol.ows.capabilities.OWSCommon100CapabilitiesAdapter.parseOperation(OMElement) | CORRECTNESS | RCN_REDUNDANT_NULLCHECK_WOULD_HAVE_BEEN_A_NPE | 167 | Medium |
Nullcheck of dcpEls at line 147 of value previously dereferenced in org.deegree.protocol.ows.capabilities.OWSCommon100CapabilitiesAdapter.parseOperation(OMElement) | CORRECTNESS | RCN_REDUNDANT_NULLCHECK_WOULD_HAVE_BEEN_A_NPE | 147 | Medium |
Nullcheck of paramEls at line 157 of value previously dereferenced in org.deegree.protocol.ows.capabilities.OWSCommon100CapabilitiesAdapter.parseOperation(OMElement) | CORRECTNESS | RCN_REDUNDANT_NULLCHECK_WOULD_HAVE_BEEN_A_NPE | 157 | Medium |
Nullcheck of constaintEls at line 117 of value previously dereferenced in org.deegree.protocol.ows.capabilities.OWSCommon100CapabilitiesAdapter.parseOperationsMetadata() | CORRECTNESS | RCN_REDUNDANT_NULLCHECK_WOULD_HAVE_BEEN_A_NPE | 117 | Medium |
Nullcheck of opEls at line 97 of value previously dereferenced in org.deegree.protocol.ows.capabilities.OWSCommon100CapabilitiesAdapter.parseOperationsMetadata() | CORRECTNESS | RCN_REDUNDANT_NULLCHECK_WOULD_HAVE_BEEN_A_NPE | 97 | Medium |
Nullcheck of paramEls at line 107 of value previously dereferenced in org.deegree.protocol.ows.capabilities.OWSCommon100CapabilitiesAdapter.parseOperationsMetadata() | CORRECTNESS | RCN_REDUNDANT_NULLCHECK_WOULD_HAVE_BEEN_A_NPE | 107 | Medium |
Bug | Category | Details | Line | Priority |
Nullcheck of constaintEls at line 177 of value previously dereferenced in org.deegree.protocol.ows.capabilities.OWSCommon110CapabilitiesAdapter.parseOperation(OMElement) | CORRECTNESS | RCN_REDUNDANT_NULLCHECK_WOULD_HAVE_BEEN_A_NPE | 177 | Medium |
Nullcheck of dcpEls at line 157 of value previously dereferenced in org.deegree.protocol.ows.capabilities.OWSCommon110CapabilitiesAdapter.parseOperation(OMElement) | CORRECTNESS | RCN_REDUNDANT_NULLCHECK_WOULD_HAVE_BEEN_A_NPE | 157 | Medium |
Nullcheck of paramEls at line 167 of value previously dereferenced in org.deegree.protocol.ows.capabilities.OWSCommon110CapabilitiesAdapter.parseOperation(OMElement) | CORRECTNESS | RCN_REDUNDANT_NULLCHECK_WOULD_HAVE_BEEN_A_NPE | 167 | Medium |
Nullcheck of constaintEls at line 127 of value previously dereferenced in org.deegree.protocol.ows.capabilities.OWSCommon110CapabilitiesAdapter.parseOperationsMetadata() | CORRECTNESS | RCN_REDUNDANT_NULLCHECK_WOULD_HAVE_BEEN_A_NPE | 127 | Medium |
Nullcheck of opEls at line 107 of value previously dereferenced in org.deegree.protocol.ows.capabilities.OWSCommon110CapabilitiesAdapter.parseOperationsMetadata() | CORRECTNESS | RCN_REDUNDANT_NULLCHECK_WOULD_HAVE_BEEN_A_NPE | 107 | Medium |
Bug | Category | Details | Line | Priority |
org.deegree.protocol.wps.client.input.BBoxInput.getLower() may expose internal representation by returning BBoxInput.lower | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 87 | Medium |
org.deegree.protocol.wps.client.input.BBoxInput.getUpper() may expose internal representation by returning BBoxInput.upper | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 96 | Medium |
new org.deegree.protocol.wps.client.input.BBoxInput(CodeType, double[], double[], String) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into BBoxInput.lower | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 75 | Medium |
new org.deegree.protocol.wps.client.input.BBoxInput(CodeType, double[], double[], String) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into BBoxInput.upper | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 76 | Medium |
Bug | Category | Details | Line | Priority |
Unread field: org.deegree.protocol.wps.client.input.InputReference.body | PERFORMANCE | URF_UNREAD_FIELD | 64 | Medium |
Unread field: org.deegree.protocol.wps.client.input.InputReference.bodyXlink | PERFORMANCE | URF_UNREAD_FIELD | 65 | Medium |
Unread field: org.deegree.protocol.wps.client.input.InputReference.headers | PERFORMANCE | URF_UNREAD_FIELD | 63 | Medium |
Unread field: org.deegree.protocol.wps.client.input.InputReference.method | PERFORMANCE | URF_UNREAD_FIELD | 67 | Medium |
Bug | Category | Details | Line | Priority |
org.deegree.protocol.wps.client.input.type.BBoxInputType.getSupportedCrs() may expose internal representation by returning BBoxInputType.supportedCrs | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 81 | Medium |
new org.deegree.protocol.wps.client.input.type.BBoxInputType(CodeType, LanguageString, LanguageString, String, String, String, String[]) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into BBoxInputType.supportedCrs | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 60 | Medium |
Bug | Category | Details | Line | Priority |
org.deegree.protocol.wps.client.input.type.ComplexInputType.getSupportedFormats() may expose internal representation by returning ComplexInputType.supportedFormats | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 88 | Medium |
new org.deegree.protocol.wps.client.input.type.ComplexInputType(CodeType, LanguageString, LanguageString, String, String, ComplexFormat, ComplexFormat[]) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into ComplexInputType.supportedFormats | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 63 | Medium |
Bug | Category | Details | Line | Priority |
org.deegree.protocol.wps.client.input.type.LiteralInputType.getAllowedValues() may expose internal representation by returning LiteralInputType.allowedValues | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 114 | Medium |
org.deegree.protocol.wps.client.input.type.LiteralInputType.getRanges() may expose internal representation by returning LiteralInputType.range | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 122 | Medium |
org.deegree.protocol.wps.client.input.type.LiteralInputType.getSupportedUoms() may expose internal representation by returning LiteralInputType.supportedUoms | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 152 | Medium |
new org.deegree.protocol.wps.client.input.type.LiteralInputType(CodeType, LanguageString, LanguageString, String, String, ValueWithRef, ValueWithRef, ValueWithRef[], String[], Range[], boolean, ValueWithRef) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into LiteralInputType.allowedValues | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 98 | Medium |
new org.deegree.protocol.wps.client.input.type.LiteralInputType(CodeType, LanguageString, LanguageString, String, String, ValueWithRef, ValueWithRef, ValueWithRef[], String[], Range[], boolean, ValueWithRef) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into LiteralInputType.range | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 99 | Medium |
new org.deegree.protocol.wps.client.input.type.LiteralInputType(CodeType, LanguageString, LanguageString, String, String, ValueWithRef, ValueWithRef, ValueWithRef[], String[], Range[], boolean, ValueWithRef) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into LiteralInputType.supportedUoms | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 97 | Medium |
Unread field: org.deegree.protocol.wps.client.input.type.LiteralInputType.reference | PERFORMANCE | URF_UNREAD_FIELD | 101 | Medium |
Bug | Category | Details | Line | Priority |
org.deegree.protocol.wps.client.output.BBoxOutput.getLower() may expose internal representation by returning BBoxOutput.lower | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 87 | Medium |
org.deegree.protocol.wps.client.output.BBoxOutput.getUpper() may expose internal representation by returning BBoxOutput.upper | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 96 | Medium |
new org.deegree.protocol.wps.client.output.BBoxOutput(CodeType, double[], double[], String) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into BBoxOutput.lower | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 75 | Medium |
new org.deegree.protocol.wps.client.output.BBoxOutput(CodeType, double[], double[], String) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into BBoxOutput.upper | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 76 | Medium |
Bug | Category | Details | Line | Priority |
org.deegree.protocol.wps.client.output.type.BBoxOutputType.getSupportedCrs() may expose internal representation by returning BBoxOutputType.supportedCrs | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 81 | Medium |
new org.deegree.protocol.wps.client.output.type.BBoxOutputType(CodeType, LanguageString, LanguageString, String, String[]) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into BBoxOutputType.supportedCrs | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 60 | Medium |
Bug | Category | Details | Line | Priority |
org.deegree.protocol.wps.client.output.type.ComplexOutputType.getSupportedFormats() may expose internal representation by returning ComplexOutputType.supportedFormats | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 82 | Medium |
new org.deegree.protocol.wps.client.output.type.ComplexOutputType(CodeType, LanguageString, LanguageString, ComplexFormat, ComplexFormat[]) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into ComplexOutputType.supportedFormats | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 61 | Medium |
Bug | Category | Details | Line | Priority |
org.deegree.protocol.wps.client.output.type.LiteralOutputType.getSupportedUoms() may expose internal representation by returning LiteralOutputType.supportedUoms | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 93 | Medium |
new org.deegree.protocol.wps.client.output.type.LiteralOutputType(CodeType, LanguageString, LanguageString, ValueWithRef, ValueWithRef, ValueWithRef[]) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into LiteralOutputType.supportedUoms | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 64 | Medium |
Bug | Category | Details | Line | Priority |
Class org.deegree.protocol.wps.client.process.Process defines non-transient non-serializable instance field client | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_BAD_FIELD | High | |
Class org.deegree.protocol.wps.client.process.Process defines non-transient non-serializable instance field processDetails | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_BAD_FIELD | High | |
Class org.deegree.protocol.wps.client.process.Process defines non-transient non-serializable instance field processInfo | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_BAD_FIELD | High |
Bug | Category | Details | Line | Priority |
org.deegree.protocol.wps.client.process.ProcessExecution.sendExecute(boolean) may fail to clean up | EXPERIMENTAL | OBL_UNSATISFIED_OBLIGATION | 368 | Medium |
Bug | Category | Details | Line | Priority |
org.deegree.protocol.wps.client.process.RawProcessExecution.sendExecute() may fail to clean up on checked exception | EXPERIMENTAL | OBL_UNSATISFIED_OBLIGATION_EXCEPTION_EDGE | 154 | Medium |
org.deegree.protocol.wps.client.process.RawProcessExecution.sendExecute() may fail to clean up on checked exception | EXPERIMENTAL | OBL_UNSATISFIED_OBLIGATION_EXCEPTION_EDGE | 148 | Medium |
Bug | Category | Details | Line | Priority |
org.deegree.protocol.wps.client.wps100.ExecuteRequest100Writer.writePoint(XMLStreamWriter, double[]) concatenates strings using + in a loop | PERFORMANCE | SBSC_USE_STRINGBUFFER_CONCATENATION | 310 | Medium |